
Chapter 20: That Lingering Feeling

Roadside Motel, Unknown City, Unknown State...

The cool chill of the night did little to affect the profusely sweating sixteen-year-old lad, Lex as he tossed and turned in the center of the single bed he slept in at yet another roadside motel in the last place he'd been with his lover. He nearly screamed out loud as he saw the shooting replay over and over in his weary young mind. The blood and the gunshots haunted him most of all with him dreaming of being covered in Lonnie's blood for yet another night and awakening in a cold sweat. Not knowing for sure whether his lover was alive or dead as a result of him turning the tale and running when everything happened was also eating away at the exhausted blond. He bolted from the bed and into the bathroom where he proceeded to vomit the contents of his stomach unable to sit well with the trauma of the event.

He was down to a pair of tight-fitting white boxer shorts, but he seemed to still sweat like he'd been wearing a full-on winter ensemble. His hair was sticking to his forehead and neck respectively due to all the sweat that had the added effect of making his milky white flesh glisten as he vomited once more before flushing the toilet and washing up before venturing back to the main room.

Lonnie's suit jacket had been in one of the armchairs as well as the packet of cigarettes he left inside them. Unable to get his nerves under control, Lex ventured over toward the jacket and dug out the cigarettes. He pulled one out of the pack and put it to his lips as it reminded him immediately of the scent that lingered from Lonnie after he smoked. The ashy aftertaste from his kiss was also a well-noted side effect of his rather nasty habit.

Lex did some further digging into the pockets and was astonished to find a used box of condoms and a silver lighter. He rolled his eyes at the pack of condoms knowing all too well what Lonnie had used them for. Whenever they were together he never liked using them complaining about them dulling the sensation and how they never quite fit him. His recent courting of drunken women at the bars along their route seemed to change his tune to some degree of course.

The weary teen sparked the lighter and lit the end of the cigarette thinking back to all of the things Lonnie use to pull whenever they were together. He wasn't oblivious to the fact that his lover was what most people would refer to as a jerk or for lack of a better term a jackass, but the grief-stricken kid was very much in love with the older bastard, flaws and all.

Lex took a drag from the cigarette and nearly choked on a cloud of smoke but it seemed to calm him and the telltale scent of one of Lonnie's "cancer sticks" was all he needed to make himself feel at home if only for a few moments.

As he sat on the edge of the bed, Lex could have sworn he saw Lonnie amid the smoke sitting in the dark nursing his usual favorite dark liquor with some old-school pop ballad playing in the distance.

"You know you owe me another pack of cancer sticks right Lex?" he asked.

Lex felt tears stream down his pale cheeks as Lonnie's all too familiar baritone drawl filled his ears. The younger man recalled the sway-like dance he'd do whenever an old song he liked came on the radio. It made the dark and smoky room come to life as he went on his trip down memory lane.

The last time Lonnie was compelled to sing was when they shared that final meal at the diner.

{"If I could fly I'd pick you up...."} sang Lonnie as he sat in the darkness swaying to the music in his drunken half-rhythm kind of way. {"I'd take you into the night...and show you a love as you've never seen...ever seen..."}

More tears flowed down Lex's pale cheeks and he put out the cigarette finding himself alone once more once the smoke began to settle and fade away like the ending of the song he heard playing on the little radio he left on during the night in an attempt to not feel so alone.

The memories of his time with Lonnie continued to haunt him well into the night as he lied back in bed and the tears continued to fall. He supposed it was his way of achieving some measure of comfort as he tightly gripped the shirt Lonnie had changed out of before they headed to the diner. It still smelled heavily of cigarette smoke, and sweat from his driving around,, and the cologne he had on still lingered all over it.

The haunting memories began to have their way again as Lex found himself unable to resist them in his weary state.


Chaotic dark eyes seemed to have an intenseness to them that could hardly be described as Lonnie made his way across the darkened bedroom as the lingering smoke from his barely put-out cigarette filled their surroundings. His usual brand of cigarettes, "the dirty camels", he called them was left on the far end of the small round table that came with the place. He had been playing the radio while nursing a glass of smooth dark brown liquor that he reeked heavily of when anyone got too close to him.

The music seemed to set the mood as it was some smooth dark pulsing rhythm from a bygone era.

Lex was crumpled into a ball in the center of the bed, his shirt off and his body covered via the sheet. He had been crying and didn't want Lonnie to touch him. His rage had been building the entire night as he watched his lover shamelessly flirt with every young woman that walked into the smoke-filled bar. Both of them had been drinking and Lonnie didn't even register the fact that his behavior was causing him to become upset.

Lonnie slowly pulled down the crisp white sheet causing it to become even more wrinkled than it already was in the process. Lex refused to look at him at the time, but he knew from past experiences that Lonnie was getting undressed. He could hear him shuffling out of his fancy dress shoes and tossing them to the side of the room.

He slowly unbuttoned his long sleeve white shirt, tossed it into the nearby chair,, and set to work on removing his trousers. Lex could tell they hit the floor as he heard the belt which had been left inside them click against the floor making something of a loud thud when they landed.

Lonnie didn't say a word as he took off his white tank top shirt and tossed it into the chair with his over shirt. His bare chest was exposed and he didn't seem to mind the midnight chill that came with it, he pulled down his pair of white boxer shorts and climbed onto the bed after tossing them to the floor.

Lex barely had time to protest before he felt the telltale heaviness of Lonnie's body crushing against his own and adding weight to the center of the bed. The creaking of the bed springs in the wake of the weight got his attention and he attempted to crawl away before Lonnie wrapped an arm around his slender waist and pulled him toward his chest.

Unable to help himself, Lex let out a whimper as his body was pressed against the body of the older and much stronger man. The lad could smell the liquor on Lonnie's breath and it seemed to be coming out of his pores as he wrestled the still very upset Lex's underwear off his body. The younger man attempted to protest only to freeze up when the cool air hit his exposed body giving Lonnie the leverage to maneuver him onto the bed with his back pressed against the mattress.

Another whimper escaped the pursed lips of the still protesting Lex, but it only seemed to encourage Lonnie's movements all the more. The older man pinned him to the bed parting his thighs in one swift motion as he fit his body against any attempt at getting up. Lex felt small being this close to his lover as his smaller body was much inferior when all things were considered.

Tears continued to stream down the pale cheeks of the sixteen-year-old as he found his way to looking up into the eyes of his lover who had captured his lips in a brutally passionate kiss. Lex had not wanted to yield to Lonnie's silent demands, but his body was like putty in the arrogant jerks hands and he knew it all too well.

Lonnie saw the opening when it came to Lex's softening resolve and pounced immediately kissing his neck and lips in rapid succession.

"Let me in," growled Lonnie still pinning Lex to the bed while swiftly handling his appendage which mirrored the excitement he still held behind his eyes.

Lex could do little to protest at this point feeling Lonnie seconds from an unofficial intrusion as he slightly spread his legs to allow entry into the innermost part of himself.

"FFUUUCCCKKK." hissed Lonnie as he sank deeper into a long-awaited bliss. "Always so fucking tight."

Lex couldn't help, but moan as he felt as close to Lonnie as he could get with the familiar pulsing of his enormous cock being fitted inside him as deep as it could reach.

From what could be recalled, they had spent that night with the headboard beating against the wall and the bed springs creaking repeatedly for a good number of hours until just before daybreak.

Lex recalled all too well when Lonnie reached his end filling him to the hilt as he panted in his ear, their bodies covered in a thick sheen of sweat and chilled by the morning air.

"Like it or not." taunted Lonnie in his usual arrogant fashion. "You belong to me now."

He succumbed to the ingesting of booze and the relative exhaustion from all of their activity and passed out on his side of the bed after that. Lex had drifted off to sleep as well but remained angry at his lover for his treatment of him and blatant disregard for his feelings. Just before losing consciousness, he vowed to get back at him one way or another.

Lex had gotten his revenge on the arrogant bastard he swiped some money from his wallet and took off after getting dressed before Lonnie had awakened. For extra measure,, he decided he was going to look as appealing as all of the women Lonnie had been chasing after the night before to stick it to him.

Had he known what would eventually happen to the arrogant asshole following that little round of petty vengeance, he might have stayed and just enjoyed having him make it up to him the next morning.

The music faded into the distance as Lex finally cried himself to sleep for the second time that night with memories of Lonnie continuing to plague his dreams.