
Chapter 46 : Imaginary Friends Are The Worst

Springville Elementary School, Frankford, Montana (1965)....

The ringing of the school bell had signaled the beginning of class as a rather nervous young lad with a semi-darkened complexion and black hair found himself terrified at the prospect of being separated from his dear sweet mother. He saw her long blonde locks waving as she left him behind well on her way back toward their family home. His father had elected to miss the day, citing that he had work to catch up on and so he was left to his own devices when the parents had gone away. The lad was very anxious as a result of the newfound stimuli and being separated from everything that had been familiar.

His teacher was a woman, a kind woman who had worn a yellow dress with white lace and red flowers imprinted upon it. He had not thought the classroom was a bad place, as it was filled with all sorts of colors and wondrous things to explore, but he had missed his mother, and being away from her made him feel sick and terrified.

Even worse, he had felt more lonely than he had ever been in his young lifetime despite being in a room filled with other boys and girls and a lovely teacher who had been kind to him. After working on several assignments, the lad and the other children were allowed to play freely as time passed.

The lad made his way toward the corner of the room where the door could be seen as the image of his mother parting ways with him returned causing him to tear up in the wake of it. One of the older boys, a portly lad of average looks with a dark green t-shirt and gray trousers began to tease him about his tears and forcefully took the set of blue-colored building blocks from his hand that he'd been holding as he continued to berate and belittle him for showing his feelings about missing his mother.

For the first time in his life, rage had begun to build in the confines of the young lad's chest as he balled his fists in reaction to having his toys taken and being teased over and over again by the bullying plump kid who seemed to delight in his misery.

{"Are you going to let that fat bastard get away with this?"} asked a voice from the deepest recesses of the young lad's mind.

The young lad was confused at first about the direction of where the voice had come from only to find that it was in the form of a similar-looking boy in the long mirror that lined the back wall. They were dressed the same and appeared to have been identical from the looks of him, but the boy's eyes were darker and he was furious.

{"Go get our toys back."} growled the angry boy in the mirror. {"He stole them and we didn't allow him to take them."}

"But he's bigger...what if..." began the lad nervously.

{"If you won't go get them then I will."} growled the angry boy.

Before the lad knew it, he'd marched over toward the larger boy and promptly asked for his blocks back.

The plump kid laughed in his face and waved the blocks in a teasing manner before launching them across the room. The teacher was busy speaking with another adult at the door and they didn't witness the incident.

"You gonna cry to mommy again?" taunted the plump boy laughing in his face once more and getting the other children to do the same.

Without a word, the lad balled his fists and punched the plump kid square in the jaw causing him to tear up and fall backwards. The rush of release and rage propelled the lad as he launched himself at the now downed bigger boy and began beating him mercilessly in the face and head.

When the lad saw blood he kept going much to the horror of the voice inside his head.

{"LONNIE STOP!"} it shouted upset. {"LONNIE STOP HE'S DYING!"}

"So." growled the voice of the enraged lad. "HE GETS WHAT HE DESERVES!"

The other children were horrified at the scene and they immediately got the attention of the teacher who had elected to break up the fight, which was one-sided as "Lonnie" had begun beating the senseless and made him gush blood.

The teacher seemed to have expected the smaller boy who had been crying to have been the injured party and was shocked to find he was the aggressor in the altercation. He huffed and puffed with fury unnatural as she pulled him toward the principal's office.

"LET ME GO WHORE BEFORE I MAKE YOU BLEED TOO!" he growled as he attempted to get away from her.

The shock of such a sweet boy becoming so vile was something she couldn't understand. Later when the other children explained that the larger boy had been bullying the lad she got a much clearer picture.


The lad stopped upon hearing this becoming suddenly docile and silent as a result of it registering that his mother would be called to come get him. He knew that she wouldn't be happy that she had to drive over, she had told him as much if he ever caused any trouble at school.

Mrs. Rawsone was quite furious when she arrived to find her only son in the principal's office for fighting another student no less. The lad looked quite terrified as she approached reeking of cigarette smoke and teeming with rage. He knew he'd been in for it when they got home. He had made her look bad in public and she didn't take too kindly to that poor image.

He tried to explain that it wasn't him that fought the boy, he had been good like she told him to be, but the boy that looked like him named "Lonnie" had other ideas.


The Master Bedroom, The Rawsone Residence, Denver, Colorado...

Dr. Hadrian Rawsone awakened in a cold sweat following the dream that took him down memory lane. The fury of his mother at his bad actions was enough to send chills down his spine even as a full-grown adult with a family of his own. He found himself alone and still halfway dressed in a suit that had not been to his taste amid messy bedding and the stench of sex, sweat, and alcohol that seemed to be coming from his very pores. His head ached something fierce and he wasn't in the best mood. He could see that Julia had been missing from her side of the bed, but there was evidence that she'd been there.

Groggy from his abrupt awakening, Hadrian found himself adhering to the call of nature as his bladder reminded him that he'd gotten carried away with the liquids the previous day and needed to go at once. Upon slow movement, he winced at the pain in his head as he climbed out of bed and gingerly made his way toward the bathroom. He felt the wave of nausea hit him, but ignored it in favor of trying to keep his bladder at bay.

This was the worst he'd ever felt upon awakening and wondered if it was yet again due to his tendency to sleepwalk as he had recalled leaving the session with Maureen the day prior and taking a shower only to have passed out without taking his medication which was always a bad thing when it came to his current condition.

Slowly he noted the heaviness of his body and the soreness of his cock as he headed toward the bathroom door which was locked for some reason. He knocked inadvertently awakening a formerly passed-out Julia who had ventured there to escape him following their latest act as she had been disgusted with him in more than one fashion.

"J-Jules...you in there?" asked Hadrian leaning against the door as the nausea and need to urinate began to increase. "L-Let me in...I have to use it."

Julia groaned as she awoke and found herself on the bathroom floor.

She took a few moments to collect herself before getting to her feet and opening the door. The sight of her had been worse for wear but she was on her feet and moved out of the way to allow him inside. She could tell from the concerned look in his eyes that her Hadrian had been the one to awaken that morning and possibly didn't recall the events of the previous night.

She kept what happened to herself and proceeded to get ready for the day.

Hadrian entered the bathroom and stepped up to the toilet bowl as she closed the door behind him.

After some time, Julia heard him vomiting which had not surprised her, Hadrian wasn't much of a drinker and possibly had more than he could stand the previous night. He shuffled back into the bedroom after a bit of clean up which no doubt consisted of his brushing his teeth, and crashed back down onto the bed.

Julia sighed at the pitiful sight that had been her husband.

It was all too clear that he did not know what was happening to him nor did he recall the events of the previous night as he lay on his back in agony from his hangover and marathon sex romps.

"You should rest until you are well enough," she said moving about the room with relative ease.

Hadrian sat up with his head on a nearby pillow as she moved toward him with a glass of fresh cold water in one hand and multiple pills in her other hand.

The good doctor sighed and took the pills one by one.

He recognized one as being aspirin for his headache, and the others were from his prescription bottle sent to him via Maureen.

She watched him take the pills after concluding that his episodes only happened when he neglected to take his medication and rest. Wanting no part of another day like the previous two, she decided to see to it herself that he took his meds every morning.

Hadrian finished off the pills and closed his eyes as Julia planted a kiss on his cheek and turned her attention toward cleaning up and then running her errands while her husband recovered.

As he drifted back off into a contented slumber, he had not heard her leave when her car finally pulled out of the driveway.