
Chapter 68 : A Plea In The Dark

The Study, The Rawsone Residence, Denver Colorado.....

Heavy rain seemed to be the only weather that came about as Hadrian Rawsone sat at his home office desk staring down at the blank sheet of paper before him. Aside from the pounding against the rooftop and the respective windows, there wasn't a sound to be had as the good doctor continued to stare at the blank sheet before him. He had done quite a good job of putting on a show about keeping everyone else from worrying about him. He managed to keep his in-laws from worrying too much, his daughters were preoccupied with schooling, and Julia and Julia had not left their bed since she'd gotten back from the hospital. One by one, wet drops began to soak up the blank sheet of paper that had been in the center of Hadrian Rawsone's desk as he recalled the conversation he had at the hospital with one of the onsite doctors.

The younger lad was quite kind offering his condolences and asking if there was anything he could do. Hadrian had waved him off, knowing all too well that the only thing that would make him and Julia feel better was to know that their son had survived the premature labor. The attending physician for Julia had done his best to get them to understand clinically what had occurred with Julia's pregnancy and informed them that she suffered an incompetent cervix. Hadrian was devastated to know that his child, a son that he always wanted was now lost to them. Still, he kept his pain to himself, pouring into work and making time to be strong for Julia who had needed him now more than ever.

Hadrian took a few moments before wiping his face and drying his eyes. He sat back in his office chair and took a deep breath as he listened to the rain continue to beat against the rooftop. He gathered himself and quelled his dark thoughts and swirling emotions by shifting his focus toward his wife and her well-being. She had taken the death of their child much harder than he had he was sure as she had not moved from the bed since she'd been released from the hospital and spoke to him less and less with each passing day.

Hadrian got to his feet and made his way back toward the master bedroom. He took off his dress shoes, his tie, and his jacket tossing them all to the floor as he unbuttoned his shirt and tossed it onto the floor as well along with his belt and suit slacks. He stood in a white men's tank top shirt and a pair of solid-colored dark blue boxer shorts. He eased his way into bed beside his wife who had made it a habit of turning her back to him as she curled up in a fetal position on her side doing her best to ignore his existence as she often had every night since she'd been home.

She'd been cold to him ever since the news as well. Hadrian had done his best to make her feel comfortable, even going so far as to sleep in his study while she kept the bed. He had been quite lonely in the recent weeks since his son had died and her ignoring him only made his pain seem more brutal. He longed to hold her in his arms as he had before all this began, but she refused to allow him to touch her.

It always came back to sex, which was the last thing on his mind. He simply wished for intimacy of some sort and she continued to deny him of it.

"Jules please," he said sensing her tense up as he leaned near her. "It's been two months...I can't..I need you to talk to me...look at me...something."

Julia seemed embittered by his words as she took them to mean that he had only cared about himself and his feelings despite her being the one to lose their baby two months prior.

"It's always about you, and what you need," she growled. "Typical man."

Hadrian felt lower than dirt at the venom of her words as they'd been the first she said to him in months.

"It wasn't my intention to upset you." he attempted to reason with her. "I just...I miss you...I miss us...we can't keep going on like this."

"I'm doing just fine." she snarled. "You're the one who's whining and complaining....are you that selfish of a man that you can't just leave me alone...why does it always have to be about you?"

Hadrian was speechless as he felt the wave of coldness wash over him and numbness set in.

He didn't know how to get them back to the way things used to be. The poor man had lacked the fortitude for confrontation and much preferred a peaceful route to a solution, but here he couldn't find one and opted to bow out gracefully so as not to further upset his already ailing wife.

"You're right," he said stifling his sadness in the wake of her fury. "I apologize...I should never have disturbed you."

Julia ignored him as he slowly climbed out of bed and made his way back to his study.

"Good riddance." he heard her say as he walked out the door.

She didn't see the tears that streamed down his cheeks as he entered the room where he built a home office. It hurt something awful as he stepped inside feeling his legs grow weak in the wake of his stomach contracting due to the long strangled sob that came from him. He felt helpless for the first time in years as he curled up onto the floor and simply cried himself to sleep in the darkness of his office longing to reconnect with a woman who had made it clear that she wanted nothing to do with him.

"I-I love you, Jules," he said before the emotional strain had gotten the better of him and he found everything had faded into darkness and his body grew lax.


The Study, The Rawsone Residence, Denver Colorado.....

In the present, Julia Rawsone found herself awakening in the center of the floor of her ailing husband's study. He had spent many a night in this room following the death of their only son as she had been quite cold to him. Now she was in the very same room unsure of what to make of the turn of events that led to him or rather the altered version of him bedding the young blond teen in their bedroom. She could still hear their incessant howling from the bedroom as their twisted sex act continued causing her stomach to churn and the need to vomit moved to the forefront of her mind.

"What's happened to you, Hadrian?" she asked amid the darkness unsure if she wanted to know the answer to that question herself.