
Chapter 72:  Old Habits Die Hard

The Master Bedroom, The Rawsone Residence, Denver, Colorado....

Lonnie awoke to find himself in bed with Julia whom had crept into the bedroom while Lex was in the shower. She straddled his waist and slipped him inside her as she pressed her lips to his. He wasn't of the mind to object, as he'd been down this road before. She continued to kiss him as she began sliding her body up and down his appendage while Lex showered. She made up her mind not to be intimidated by Alexei or his mental condition as she knew the only way to keep Hadrian from the insane lad's clutches was to give him what he desired most. Lonnie had been none the wiser as Julia used him to keep her husband as she found out she'd been ovulating ever since she and Lonnie slept together. The strategy was simple, if she got pregnant then Alexei would have no standing and Hadrian would have no choice, but to face her with their baby being on the way.

Lonnie groaned as he gripped Julia via his hands on her waist and backside as she continued to ride him in the center of the bed they had long shared before the likes of Alexei Bortnik had ever come into their lives. Julia's exposed breasts bounced amid her movements as she found herself impaled to the hilt via her husband's enormous appendage. Despite the fact that he'd mentally been another man, she had known Hadrian Rawsone's body quite well being his wife and Lonnie could do little in the way of her efforts as he slowly gave in to the unspoken demand from her to give her what both of them seemed to have craved the most.

Alexei Bortnik continued his shower, blissfully unaware of what was taking place within the confines of the bedroom between his lover and the woman whom had been the wife of the man whose life he had stolen.

Try as he might, Lonnie was significantly drawn to Julia Rawsone as much as he'd been to the blond lad and it was something that immensely bothered Lex as he lathered up in the bath and pondered what their next move was to be.

Julia had betrayed her husband quite frequently and it was only a matter of time before he caught on to it and wanted nothing more to do with her for the remainder of their lives.

At the moment, Julia was doing her best to keep her voice down as she continued to ride her husband's enormous cock as the shower kept running in the bathroom adjacent to the bedroom. She had not known what it was about Alexei that had been a source of pleasure for her husband aside from him being a blonde teenage boy, but she knew all too well what made Hadrian Rawsone tick in terms of anything remotely sexual. She wagered that Lonnie had not been much different when it came to her charms as they had shared the same body of sorts, but similar tastes.

In the past, Julia had been reluctant to have sex with Hadrian due to his size and the agony that came after the fact. She would relegate their love-making to special occasions or on nights when she'd had far too much to drink and couldn't feel the unwanted stretching in the first place. At the moment, she simply chose to ignore it all in favor of salvaging their marriage if only to put Alexei in his place.

Getting pregnant via her husband was only part of her plan, which the unsuspecting Lad, would soon learn following her initial efforts to be rid of him. The needy little freak had come between her and her husband for the last time as far as she'd been concerned and this time she'd be rid of him once and for all. Of course she had no doubt that the damage to her and Hadrian's marriage had been done, which is why she elected to plan ahead, the prospect of being the father to another of their children would possibly stay his hand when he came to the conclusion of divorce and they could possibly have a chance to find their way back to each other.

It was a delusional gambit at best, but it was all Julia had aside from allowing the blond haired imp to have his way and get Hadrian to leave her in the process. Not when he had been the bastard that caused a good deal of their problems to begin with.

Lonnie gripped Julia harder pumping his hips to meet her as she rode him for several minutes before he eventually couldn't hold back after having been at it for so long between her and Lex respectively. He was feeling the effects of his nonstop sexual romps and it had only taken a few minutes to send him over the edge and bring Julia right along with him.

Completely spent at this point, Lonnie closed his eyes and drifted off as Julia climbed off him and ventured back down the stairs as Lex emerged from the shower. He had been none the wiser as to what Lonnie and Julia had been up to due to the room already smelling of sex prior to the lad coming to the conclusion that he needed to freshen up.

Still dripping wet from the shower, Lex climbed into bed with the slumbering Lonnie none the wiser of Julia's recent visit as she managed to make it back down stairs before she'd been caught outright. She gasped for breath as she attempted to get her bearings. It was an odd thing to be a stranger in her own home, but she opted not to take any unnecessary chances with Alexei capable of almost anything.

She had come to the conclusion that once she could reach Hadrian again, that she could possibly get him to see to putting an end to the insane young man's infatuation with him by having the police finally arrest him for kidnaping and possible attempted murder since Hadrian had been shot and nearly killed due to the actions of the deranged lad.

Julia opted to be careful in her ploy as she had not wanted to lose Hadrian in the process with the revelation of her affair before she even had time to discuss it with himself. She had no doubt that Alexei, as deranged as he was would use it against her when he got the chance. No. Biding her time was exactly how she was willing to play this little game and protect her family from the sadistic little monster once and for all.