Equip Starforce Armor

"System fuse all the Kree Armours together."

[Fusion in progress....]

[Fusion Complete]

[Starforce Armor] -- All the capabilities of the armor

[Helmet Generation] [Communication System] [Universal Translator] [Color Shifting] [Stealth Mode] [Specimen Analyzer] [Threat Detector] [Tracker]Oh, Dmann. Sh*t Bro. This f*king armor is so freaking powerful. It can literally make any normal human into a superhuman without any accident, experiment, or some other weird Marvel thing that gives power.

It's really a powerful armor, and since Tony Stark is not even born yet, I can surely say that it is one of the most OP technological armors in the world.

Okay, let's calm down for a second.

"System can you now fuse the Pistol + Sniper Rifle + Twin Daggers + Twin Energy Swords + Starforce Armor ?" Magnus asked expectantly.


"Then what are we waiting for? Just freaking fuse them together." Magnus said all fired up.

[Fusion in progress....]

[Fusion Complete]

[Starforce Armor (Fused)]

[Starforce Armor is a technologically advanced nano-battlesuit. Due to the fusion of many different energy weapons, this armor has not only successfully and completely fused them but also gained the abilities of the weapons, which can be used together to unleash more power than what they could release individually.]

[The energy contained within the suit is equivalent to 10 arc reactors. The suit can charge itself from any form of energy, such as solar, wind, electric, etc...]

[It is a suit of armor resistant to impact because of its vibratory absorption lining, coupled with a refractory coating that can stave off laser fire. The armor also serves to increase resilience to damage, particularly against piercing weaponry like bullets and blades, to a very high level where ordinary bullets and blades cannot leave even a scratch on the suit.]

[Helmet Generation: The Starforce uniform can create a collapsible helmet that is generated around the user's head and if the user wants it can leave a part of the hair exposed in a mohawk. The user had the option to extend a blue visor over their mouth to allow them to breathe in the vacuum of space or underwater. It also gives additional protection to the skull in case of powerful impacts or attacks.]

[Communication System: The suits had a localized communication system integrated into the armor.]

[Holograph Projection: The suit can also project holographs via retractable blue fiber optical probes lining the uniform's fingers that would extend to project a holographic image of the person the user is communicating with.]

[Universal Translator: The uniform has a built-in universal translator that allows its wearer to understand the language of anyone they interact with and speak their language back to them.]

[Color Shifting: While the default color scheme for Starforce Amror is black with red linings, it is possible for the wearer to shift colors to suit their preference.]

[Stealth Mode: During covert operations, the suit can automatically switch to a predefined preset making it all black without the user needing to manually change the colors, allowing for a seamless transition into stealthy situations.]

[Specimen Analyzer: The uniform's sleeve contains a device that can analyze anything placed within it and provide the user information and feedback on the object.]

[Threat Detector: The Threat Detector can be used to identify the species and threat level of an organism.]

[Tracker: The sleeve also contained a screen that could holographically display the wearer's position relative to his or her current objective.]

[HUD: The holographic sight, capable of zooming in with enough clarity to view the details of an individual's face in low light is already fused with the HUD of the suit. The Friend or Foe identification system which shows friendly forces as green, neutral as yellow and enemies as red in its sights has also been fused with the HUD of the suit]

[Weapons: The hands of the suit can transform into various weapons such as Pistol, Sniper Rifle, Twin Battle Axe, Twin Daggers, and Twin Energy Swords. Because of this, the blades will always be sharp until and unless the nanobots are destroyed. The pistol and sniper have unlimited ammo as the bullets are unlimited as they are made up of energy, so with enough energy, the pistol and sniper can fire continuously.]

As I had thought, now that the amount of the items is not so much and they can be fused together, they now have a way with which they can be fused together. And now this OP suit has become more overpowered. I mean, it has literally all the things that I currently need.

It has weapons, each powerful in its own right. It has a threat detection system with a species analyzer as well. And with its convenient color shifting, I can already fantasize about the assassin-like look I will have, and not only will I look good, but I can also become one with the stealth mode and the tracker. And it also has a universal translator, which I urgently needed. I had thought that I would need to steal it, but now there is no need for that.

And with the communication system, I can easily communicate with any device I want without having to change my communication device on every other planet. With holographic projection, I can now act like Tony St- *cough* I mean, make projects and become a genius—yes, that's what I meant. It can also help to scare some people with low IQs, such as normal low-level villains. Oh, sorry, that's overpraising them. They are just street thugs.

"Well, enough monologuing, I guess. Now that I have the suit and a spaceship, it's time to start my space exploration journey. But first."

"System unequip the Grasshopper suit from the System's Equipment Function and Equip the Starforce Armor."

[Unequipping Grasshoper.... Unequipped]

[Equipping Starforce Armor... Equipped]

"How convenient."

"With the equipment function of the system, which is similar to Minecraft, I don't need to actually wear the suit to receive the buff provided by the suit. The suit will be in the system until and unless I really want to wear it to hide my identity or maybe use the weapons. Otherwise, I can use all the other functions of the system without having to take them out of the system. Such as using the tracker, species analyzer, threat detector, HUD, etc... "


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