
A ( 4 )

C I T Y J A I L, M A N I L A P H I L I P P I N E S.


Mike examined the pictures attached to the white board.

The killings are in order, from the first crime that happened in 2006 and until the murder continued. This is the hot case he handled.

Every murder victim's death is so gruesome that it leads to the question of why this murderer wants to target married men and elderly ladies in their forties and fifties. If his conclusion is accurate, it has something to do with the murderer's background or there is another reason why she/he kills, because all victims have family issues, such as physical abuse of children, and males have issues such as abandoning the wife or cheating.

So he really wants to handle the case because he feels emotional outburst and he wants to be the one to catch this murderer himself. The deaths of the victims were very suspicious and it looks like there was a big man behind whoever was killing.

There is also no trace or even code left that will allow this murderer to be caught.

On the year of 2006, after the birthday party of the convicted, Aleja Montevallo; according to his statement, he received an important call from his father and he rushed to go home to meet him. Afterwards, they argued about adopting a child then left; he was burning with anger while driving his car to go to a certain place to unwind, he received a call from someone saying that his father was already dead. He didn't tell who called him and his statement ended there.

He is also handling the case of Aleja Montevallo whom he also met in City Jail. He once talked to him and asked a few questions. He strongly felt it had nothing to do with his father’s death, but it didn’t matter, perhaps the case he's handling about the serial killer was connected to him.

"You haven't given up with that case yet until now?" asked the lady in a white long-sleeved polo and trousers that perfectly fits to the curve of her body and black boots. Her long hair was in a ponytail while holding a coffee with the case of a caliber gun hanging from her waist.

"No one is holding this case out of fear—and one more thing, if I catch this serial killer, there will be a chance that my father will look up at me," he said bitterly, still not taking his eyes off the whiteboard.

The father is a Chief Minister here in the City Jails. He is known for solving big—serious or impossible cases that his father can easily solve. That's his father and he undervalues his son because for him, Mike is just some weak, pushover detective.

But his father was proud of his older brother holding the district of the City Jails. His older brother is known for being an animal when it comes to solving crimes. He also has many connections with the government and other politicians.

Mike is different, he has nothing to be proud of. Not even a single case has been resolved. He is not successful. Not one suspect of the cases he handles has ever been caught. He is being insulted in their office because he's not even close to how good his father and brother are. Her mother is a great doctor who didn't pay him much attention because she was more focused on his older brother. She works at a renowned hospital, so people are envious of their family.

Casya Castillo, her friend when he only needed something, was silenced. She secretly admires him, but it seems impossible for him to notice that because he is too ambitious and determined to reach his goals. "What if you fail to catch the culprit?" she asked while fixing her gaze upon him.

Mike turned to her, the corner of his lips lifted. "Then I'd rather kill myself than face huge humiliation." He tightened his jaw and returned his gaze to the whiteboard.

Casya sighed and lowered the mug of coffee she was holding. “I got a lead about the killer you’re investigating, but—" he was surprised when Mike looked at her suddenly. His face was so close, his smile widen, and he was holding both of her shoulders.

"You already know what's the gender of the killer and you already have leads about that killer?" Mike asked with an excitement in his voice. He can't hide the fact that all his effort won't go in vain.

Casya nodded, a little lost in mind, but she quickly shook her head which made Mike's forehead furrowed. "I mean, we have a lead case that isn't very clear. And we're not yet sure if the killer is a woman or a man. But according to the mark killer left on the crime scene, it's definitely a woman," he stopped and took a deep breath, reassuringly. Her heart was beating fast as the man approached her closer.

"I knew it!" He flipped and walked away from Casya. Casya quickly held her chest because it's beating fast.

"I know she's a girl because according to her victims, it's about families with problems involved. And if I'm not mistaken, she's just a kid," he concluded that makes Casya's forehead frown.

‘‘What do you mean?’’ Casya asked as her eyebrows met.

Mike ignored her and pasted something on the whiteboard. A piece of paper with a picture of a girl. "Black knife with a snake design and letter A," Mike exclaimed with a horrible grin on his lips.

Casya became nervous because of it, she thinks that he would be involved and that something bad might happen due to Mike's eagerness to find the killer.

"Dark Snake, wherever you are I will surely find you," Mike whispered underneath his breath, as a grin flashed on his lips.


Noisy, lights on and off, and a foul smell of cigarettes and alcohol welcomed Misty's nose as she entered the Paradise Club.

People there seemed to be settled free in their respective cages. The women wore tiny and short clothes that their groin and buttocks could be seen already when they bent backwards.

Everyone, male or female, danced on the wide stage where the DJ was also present and played a party song to distract everyone in the bar.

It's crowded on the second floor of the bar, people are exchanging kisses with their partners or with the men they just met here.

“This is what I like! This is what we call happiness!” Misty shouted and raised her hands, in unison with the loud music.

The boys that were there approached and glanced at her and the funny thing was that they left their girl companions just to go to her. The girls looked at her sharply. Misty laughed softly and shook slightly.

‘Oh C’mon! Don’t look at me like that! I know I’m a goddess and it’s not my fault that you’re not. I look like a queen and you all are my slaves, bitch!’ she shouted in her mind and raised an eyebrow at the girls who looked angrily at her, at the same time parting her hair and grinding even harder.

The men around him clung even more and others even stole holds of her waist. She ignored that and danced flirty.

They danced for a long time but she did not let them touch her and if anyone tried, she would immediately pull them away or she would make an excuse and switch to the man that is her type.

It's annoying when men are the same over and over again, the dish should be inconsistent!

“One glass of margarita please, handsome!” She told the bartender her order. The redness on the man's cheek could not escape her sight, it was obvious that he liked her especially since Misty was always here. She's probably a consistent client here.

Misty likes him, too, ‘cause everytime she teases him like that, he always blushes and seems shy. So cute.

Her smooth, white thighs were clearly seen as she sat in a high chair with one thigh elevated above the other. Her chest is clearly visible; it is neither large nor little, and it is only modestly convex, making it more appealing to men.

“Ms. Misty, this is your order Margarita,” shyness was obvious in the bartender's voice. It was still bent over and didn't seem to want to meet Misty's sharp gaze.

Macon Payabyab was a shy-type person who works as a bartender at the bar where Misty was a regular for a long time. He has a good appearance, but he's a poor man in Misty's eyes. She doesn't like this type of guy, who is poor and doesn't have enough money just like her, tsk!

“Thanks,” Misty smiled seductively as she handed over the margarita and deliberately slid her hand slightly at the bartender. She saw the man goosebumps and she laughed in her mind.

“Where is your boss? Looks like I didn't see her,” she said without noticing Samara Evangeline, the person who knew her illness.

Samara found out her secret as she was probably here almost every week. Sometimes it was Alex, Ivy, Rain, and of course Ameira. Except for her two siblings, Aimee and Eries because they are too busy with their lives.

But do you know who is the worst?

Alex, his older brother. God! He almost kissed Samara’s foot because he does and gets what he wants. Then she found out that her older brother Alex—damn! He flirts too much with Samara, she once told her that Alex kissed her which is very very disgusting, yikes!

That man! He’s definitely a womanizer! He flirts with anyone, but good thing Ameira didn’t know about that because for sure he will kill Alex. Though, he’s Alex too. Damn!

"She was on the second floor, her guests came, two men," he announced.

Misty’s brows furrowed. “Guests? Two men? Oh, that’s odd. I’ve never seen her entertain men,” she said.

“I don't know, it looks like she knows the two men. What I heard in their conversation earlier was that the two were just released from prison and it was also the birthday of one of them,” he added.

Misty smirked. Came out from jail? Wow! For the first time, she wanted to cheer Samara, she had no idea that her friend had this side because she had never seen her flirt with boys. She was sober and it was the boys who always approached her but she's really distant with them, which she could not understand with her friend.

Forasmuch she’s beautiful and duh! She and Misty are also different. Misty just wants to flirt and have no label, of course. They’re just good for fun and nothing more!

"Okay, I got it!" She jumped into the high chair she was sitting on and arranged her long pitch black hair up to her waist. Her real hair is really short, maybe just up to her shoulders which is a bit curly maybe because it’s always tied up. But now she is wearing a wig to be different and not to be recognized.

Maybe Ameira won’t let her go out next time, it’s difficult . Her life would be so boring and her beauty will be wasted!

So, it’s a no!

“Wait, the—’’

She waved back at Macon once and said, "As usual, Samara will pay!" then walked towards the second floor.

As she passes by, men are all smiling at her, those rich, handsome men, who want to dance and even hook up with her. She refused them even though they are boricans. Not now, she’s not in the mood to play with them. She’s more interested with the fact that Samara has visitors and take note, those are boys!

So, she won’t miss this chance. She badly wanted to know what they look like, maybe one of them is hot, right? Knowing Samara, she has a good eye when it comes to men.

She saw her friend laughing with the two men she was talking to, not far from the railing of the second floor that could see the bottom where people were dancing too wild.

Everything that happens downstairs can be seen in their place since her table is placed there.

A jumpsuit that is quite shiny because of the diamond-like black color it wears, the armpits and beautiful chest are revealed, as well as her collarbone. Because of her height and beauty, she may be a model, just like Ms. Universe.

Okay, her friend followed her beauty, she won't let herself down, right!

She grabbed a cocktail drink from the waiter who just passed next to her, then drank it and went to her friend.

Oh, that's why Samara smiles too much because she’s not mistaken, the man who's wearing a white shirt is hot and he was smiling while listening to them, maybe her crazy friend was making jokes because she knew how skilled at flirting her buddy was, even if she doesn't like them.

Her friend was such an expert, damn! Will she lose?

Nah. Nah. Nah. She wants that man wearing a white shirt. She wants to take him home! Damn! 'He’s fucking hot and I think his down there is huge too. Based on his figure, he looks half. '

He looks so simple yet captivating. She wants him, really.