Cp 7

A green-eyed black cat looks at her closely; it has short hair and looks gaunt. Ashley knelt and put the broom next to her and called the cat. The little black cat hesitated to approach Ashley but eventually did.

"Hi, who are you? Why are you in my yard?" She sniffed the cat.

"Ashley, are you finished?" Lana came through the door.

"Mom, can we keep him?" Ashley got up and turned to face Lana with a cat on her back.

Lana's brow furrowed. "Where did you find that cat?"

"In the cellie, mom. Poor thing, this cat looks hungry."

"You may. But you have to take care of him."

A bright smile flashed across her face. "Thank you."

Ashley sped up her work, and she couldn't wait to bring the cat into her room. Several times she turned to see if the cat was still at the door. He's still enjoying some of those sausages that Ashley picked up earlier. Finishing her work quickly, Ashley brought the cat to her room.

"Well, now I must call you by what name." Ashley sat cross-legged on the bed, and on her feet, the black cat shrank.

Ashley's brain worked hard to find a good name for it, and she froze for a long time and finally decided to name the cat El. The girl fell asleep with El.

"Mom, today I'm going out. Went to get some stuff for el." Ashley said when she got to the dinner table.

"Shall I accompany you? It's my day off."

"No, mom. I can manage."

"El?" Alice furrowed her forehead, asking her brother for an explanation.

"Cat, I have a cat. His name is El."

"Where's the cat?"

"In my room."

"I'll see it later."

Unexpectedly, he climbed down the stairs, and his instincts carried him to the kitchen because of the smell of food. Ashley's room door wasn't closed, so El could quickly get out of the room. Ashley flinched as something touched her leg. She looked down at the table and smiled.

"This." She gave his toasted sausage to el.

Judging by Ashley's appearance, Alice looked under the table, watching Ashley pet's black cat. After the sausage ran out, El looked up and looked at Alice. Alice remains silent, and she continues to look beyond the description at El.

"He is El?" Alice asked in a position, still looking at the cat under the table.

"Yes. Cute, isn't it."

"Not bad." She replied. "You gotta teach him not to shit all over the place." Alice is enjoying her breakfast again.

"Don't worry." Ashley replied. "Where's dad?"

"Left early this morning."


Ashley goes around looking for anything she needs for El and her straightforward food, of course. When Ashley finished her shopping, she returned home. The city has begun to be adorned with ornaments, small lights installed between the shops in the shopping area, tied to the top of the store.

Soon Tervord will have a birthday and a tradition that every day the city will be celebrated. In the middle of the town park was a big, enormous tree that was said to be hundreds of years old, and it had been there since before the city began. The tree, too, was symbolic of the city of Tervord by the mayor some time ago, long before Ashley was born.

"I should've brought Alice earlier; she would've loved it."

Busy watching people do their work up to the side of the road, her eyes catching something interesting; there was a busy ice cream parlor. Ashley squints, and she sees a sign with a discount on it. So the ice cream parlor was giving a discount, and not wasting an opportunity, she hurried there.

"What kind do you want?" asked a man.

"Chocolate vanilla." She answered. Ashley was so busy with the ice of the flavors in front of her that she didn't even notice who was picking up the orders for her.

"What size would you like?"

"Medium." She said again. Ashley looked up. "You... you work here?" Ashley was surprised.

Galan smiled. "No. You're so focused on the ice you didn't even notice me. He laughed.

"I'm sorry, the ice is too interesting." She retorted.

After getting the ice, Ashley sat down in the chair provided by the ice cream parlor. Because of his many buyers, Galan was unable to accompany herself. The ice cream shop belonged to Galan's cousin and was asked to replace one of his sick employees. Ashley smiled with satisfaction; the ice was delicious.

This morning the school is abuzz with news of the town's birthday coming up next week. It's always been the urban buzz.

"You guys leave next week?" Said Vina.

"I think I'm going. I am bored at home, and anyway, where I practice my day off." Said Ferra.


"Of course, I'll go." Ashley doesn't get out of the house much, but this one always shows up.

"Also, I had to help mom at the store in the morning." Vina continued.

"Your mom must be in a bustling shop." Ashley said.

"That's just it."

Dale, who had just come straight to the meeting with his two friends, Galan would come if Louise needed some extra way to bring him. Unable to bear Dale's noise, Louise finally decided to go to the show.


It has been a few days since he and some of his men were commanded to come into this world, a world inhabited by mortal beings, human beings. Humans are weak creatures, very distinct from those living in deuglasia. But he had heard that someone had crossed over into the human world and stayed here.

"We've been here for a few days but have found no sign of him."

"I read once that the human world is much bigger than where we live like it would take us much longer."

"What can make, since it's the first time we've ever set foot in here."

These two Farand henchmen are discussing in the middle of the forest where they will start looking for the prince while waiting for their other colleagues. They're confused because they don't have enough information about the human world. Only one of them knew about this place, but they weren't sure if he would volunteer to tell it, let alone them; Farand just hesitated.

Eventually, they split up to search faster. After searching in one place, they will gather at the starting point and continue searching elsewhere.


As agreed, Ashley and her two friends are going to Tervord's birthday tonight. She would wait for Ferra and Vina in the city park. Lana told her to wear a jacket on the way out, but Ashley wouldn't say no.

When she got to the park, it was swarming with townsfolk who wanted to see the mayor's speech. She is waiting at the back, away from the stage where the mayor will be using his following speech. She avoided crowding with crowds, was claustrophobic, and made moving difficult.

At precisely seven o 'clock, the program began after the mayor gave the talk. Ashley, Ferra, and Vina go around, not much different from the previous year, only a show like this only twice a year, another one in the middle of winter, usually Ashley wouldn't go out because of the weather.

"There's a dance show; let's go." Vina drew Ashley and Ferra's arms closer to the crowd.

Satisfied that they were looking for a cafe to eat, Ashley complained that she was hungry because she didn't eat dinner on purpose.

"Aren't you tired?" Ferra asked.

"No, I'm fine." Vina says cheese.

"Your mother's shop must be crowded." Ashley explained. "But does it ever get lonely?"

"Never have," said Ferra.

"After graduation, will you continue your mom's shop?" Ashley's quite curious about this.

Vina shrugged. "Don't know yet."

"But it would be a shame not to continue," said Ferra. Ashley nodded in agreement.

"You'll see."

The three of them had been friends for a long time; Ashley knew Vina because Lana had been visiting Ms. Cashel's bakery, and they became close. When Ashley went to elementary school, she was introduced to Vina, and they became friends. But the Ferra they both knew last year at the entrance ceremony.

They don't get along, so they're tight because of one frequency, they're friends. Ashley and Vina know that Ferra can't be close to a man because of the trauma she used to have, but she understands that not all men are evil.

The more lively the evening went with the musical stage, dancing, and so forth, the scene was no longer unusual because it was indeed a Trevord tradition.

"Thanks for helping out, and sorry for making things difficult for both of you." Galan said.

"No problem, I'm happy to help." Dale had a big smile on his teeth. "Right?"

He brushed Louise with his elbow. Louise, cleaning the ice trays, turned and nodded and then returned to focus on his work. Galan's cousin's ice shop has been busy all afternoon, his cousin panicked because of his shortage, and he took the initiative to ask his two friends for help. Dale would love to, but Louise -- he was skeptical, but Galan still sends him messages, and he's surprisingly willing to help. After Galan told his friend he was helping, his cousin's face sighed with relief.

"Let's go for a walk." Galan took after they finished the job and said goodbye to his cousin.

"I can't wait." Dale said excitedly. "It was the same yearly, but somehow it was a constant welcome."

"It's a festival that gets busy even when it's random." Galan answered. "Are you sure you're coming with us?" Galan glanced at Louise.


"All right, let's go."

Bringing Louise to an event like this would be a rare event where he would not go. Louise would rather be in his apartment; he was reluctant to be in the company of so many, except at the cafe they visited, where it was quiet and quiet, and Louise liked quiet. He did not want to see the customers just then, so he was busy helping out in the kitchen.

Galan and Dale had no idea sometimes Louise would go to these events alone, just alone. Louise wasn't always in a quiet place; he sometimes went to a crowded place. The festival here or back home is always the same, full of laughter. Sometimes Louise comes back to the story; he used to go to the festival with someone, someone who made him very, very sick to this day.

"He is unconscious. His face feels familiar," says a man who looks at a person who feels familiar.