Alaska POV
I am cold, so very freezing cold. I feel something damp beneath. Is it water or what? I cannot tell. The room is dark, and I can hear something that sounds like drip drip drip, definitely water. I hear footsteps coming my way and talking. The voice, it is familiar. It is Alpha Larringer, maybe.
The dark creeks and then opens. A small light comes into the room, and I see him. It is Alpha Larringer. "Hello, Alaska," Alpha Larringer says. He is smiling and looking more devious than usual.
I have dealt with Alpha Larringer more over the years than I ever wanted, and now I am his captive. I know Alpha Kai is about to lose his mind, and I know he is blaming Finn for this, but it is neither of their faults. I am not sure if I should take the blame or not! No, this is my family's fault. None of this is my fault or Finn's.