Ch 05.2

Hey, ghost girl.

“What is it, human?”

Wasn’t Lilia acting a little strange?

"You think so?"

Yeah, not only did she avoid eye contact, she barely said anything when I spoke to her as well.

"Maybe sleeping with you wasn't so comfortable after all."


Following Lilia’s order I quickly left the bath. The moment I stepped out she handed me her book and went in to get her morning shower. The book had an ongoing call with Blitz Firestone, commander of the Zesionien Space Fleet Center of Operations 0303, which was the military base closest to both Gorgola and Rooster.

The old man began by apologizing for the sudden call then repeated the explanation he gave to Lilia. Apparently he wants her to supervise a small operations performed by the security companies responsible for keeping order in Gram city.