Ch 06.2

The ship took off and I soon learned that space travel could get even less interesting. The magic of the new ship faded after the first day and before I knew it there was nothing for me to do.

Lilia spent most of her time reading books with Blue and of course I wasn’t welcomed to join them as the little one still hates me. Lisa locked herself in her room and only came out in time for dinner, or for a quick training session.

As she was in a sensitive stage of her pregnancy, Erika had to stay in bed for the majority of the trip. Obviously Brayan remained by her side and bothering them wasn’t something I was keen on doing. I still didn’t trust Aley that much on top of his handsome face pissing me off, and Logan liked to take very long naps while leaving the ship on autopilot which made me wonder why we bothered to hire him.