Ch 10.2

Sector twenty one, Gorgola's orbit, the Verta clan’s mothership.

"Hmm…" Stroking his nonexistent beard, Seven thought to himself.

Public speech huh, I don't think I have considered this seriously…

"You can spit energy blasts from your mouth yet you can't say a few words in front of people?" Iris being Iris, she started making fun of him the moment he got cold feet.

People I won't be killing, that's an important part. Besides, I don't think they have a very positive image of me…

In the conference room, which is really just a big empty hall that could fit a lot of people, Seven stood in front of a large crowd.

Most of them were the fur covered tiger faced male Herara, looking like what space pirates should look with scary eyes and scars here and there, but with not a single smoker in sight they felt more like a censored version for a kids show.