Greatest Fear 4

Time: noon

Location: Space - the kolvax spaceship

All in Kolvax Spaceship including Lord Jurazuss appears to be in a happy mood due to the defeat and capture of the rangers. Plans upon plans, schemes upon strategies, still they couldn't defeat and capture the rangers.

But at the arrival of Mirloc, he made what was impossible, possible. He stood before Jurazuss who was on his throne, with a bow.

"After many years" Jurazuss started "I've sought a way to capture those rangers and now you've made it easy" Jurazuss ended with a grunt. He glanced at his son who was sitting beside him.

"I agree with you father, I can't believe those rangers are finally caught up with" Darkvage added with a chuckle. He faced Mirloc who rose his head up with a broad smile.