Ambush III

As Freya’s golden sword collided with Roman’s gauntlets, the gauntlets protected the vampire, but the bones in his hands cracked by the force of the attack. The force flung him back, sending him flying away from the swordswoman.

Meanwhile, Freya was faced with a barrage of blood weapons, and shadow chains. The numbers of the approaching weapons were so high that it almost overwhelmed her, but she remained calm.

“Judgment Flair! Winds of Hurricane!”

The third circle mage came up with a new spell combination on the spot. Judgment Flair shot a stream of powerful bright flames in a cone like path, however, Winds of Hurricane, not only enhance it but also increased its range, making it cover a huge area.

Now, the blazing yellow flames covered a wide area, and collided with the incoming weapons and chains. The bright, hot flames completely destroyed the incoming blood weapons, and even turned the shadow chains into nothing.