John Vs The Drake II

“Defeat that… thing. I would have to overcome the level restriction first.” The Magic Knight spoke with a serious tone, “No matter how I think, it surpasses me in everything. Strength, agility or magic, there is nothing in which I can be its equal. Let alone beat it.”

“That may be true for now, but not for long.” The Ancient mage spoke with a faint smile, “If it’s that drake, then you can surely kill it in time. You will have to get stronger, but you can do it before upgrading the system.”

“What do you mean if it is 'that drake'?”

“This drake is quite young. It had yet to reach its physical and magical peak.” Artium spoke as the two observed the giant monster. “It is possible for you to kill it with some training. Especially if you're already able to withstand its Transcendent rank.”

Freya remained silent for a moment, before asking, “What if John manages to kill it before that?”