Returning home


— Domi?

— Greetings, human.

— My name is Alexa; it's a pleasure to meet you, Domi. Would you mind informing me how much energy it consumes for the ship to fly and if it is possible to use camouflage?

— The spaceship will only consume according to the speed used, but normally this ship has a system that does not consume much energy. If we reach the sun, we can recharge ourselves more easily. In aquatic mode, it consumes more. As the camouflage of the ship is possible, the ship has an invisible mode.

— Thank you, Domi, as for the sun is almost impossible.

— Not if we set a course towards the area where the sunlight reaches with more intensity.

— Donovan is right; we already have the possible area; we have to go there.

— Okay, Dael, but first, we must pick up the team on the ground.

— We can do that easily, Alexa; we just discovered how the teleported works.

— Possibly, he's talking about the ascension module.