Chapter 9

The days without doing anything is really making me bored. I get up in the morning, breakfast is serve. I will have to stay in the library, then time will pass until those guys prepared for lunch. Have my time the entirely in the afternoon, taking walks. Then it's already dinner. As well, prepared and served by them.

I could barely talk to Sahana, 'coz he suddenly got super busy. And this Dave dude really kept following me around too.

"Am bored as hell." I mumble to myself as I sit on the grassy floor.

Dave put on a blanket for me. "Thanks."

It's really boring. Even though I might be staying like this for quite I don't know how long, I should be working too,but everytime I will start to write my thoughts, I will be disturbed!

And I can't understand this too, they have books, papers and ink, and I can't do well when writing with a quill!

Can't I atleast have a proper pen?


I wanted to go out for shopping. But neither do I have a single penny with me. They are taking care of me as well, being tended with some few maids. They even brought a middle aged woman to take care of me.

As if I needed all those stuff!

"Milady, the wind is becoming strong this way, we must go inside." Her name is Flora.

Obliged to wear those skirts too.

I look at her blankly.

She's really good at tending me. She wakes up earlier before me, to prepare water for me to wash up. Getting my clothes ready for the day. Helping me fix my hair, and wearing dresses. Like a personal assistant, a maid rather.

Shane used to assist me like that too. But there's a limit where she must be out of my sight.

"I wanna stay for a few minutes." I told her.

Flora said something and left. Good. Now I am alone. Dave left as well, maybe they got the hint that I wanted to be alone.

Much better, this way I could think.

If I counted correctly, I have been staying here for a few weeks already. Sahana would show up sometimes to give me some updates about his studies on opening that damn dimensional gate.

I could barely meet that annoying master of them. Now that I think about it, he would suddenly show up when I'm alone to annoy me.

Does he think annoying me as his entertainment? What a rude bastard!

The wind became calmer. This place looks like isolated from the outside world.

Are we in some deserted area?

Well, I could only ask Sahana for that information. It feels safe with him, well he is acting like a big brother infront of me, but a crybaby most of the time!

I remember when he barged in to my room in the middle of the night, crying like a kid when his stuff for that magic whatsoever gets misplaced, throwing tantrum that kept me awake the whole night!

Ah, I somehow miss his presence.

"Some fun memories must have been remembered..."

I was surprised when I heard his voice. Since I am still sitting, I look up into him. Well, he's already looking down on me.


"What are you doing here?" I checked his outfit. I wanted to be amazed, but tried to control my emotions.

This is the very first time I saw him wear something different from that weird cloak!

He's wearing a handsomely formal outfit! Like a knight in shining...well not an armur but instead vest.

"Wow, you could look like a human afterall."

"I was a human!" He argued back.

This shameless bastard! Seated next to me, that almost our elbows are touching!

Really annoying.

"What are you doing here?" I asked him again.

"You really like asking the same question everytime, huh?"

"I usually repeat my question if only I wasn't being understood."

"Are you reffering to me as an idiot who can't understand your words?!" He look shock.

I tilted my head and pout, looking at him with that shock look is new. "Well, depends. Maybe you have a different understanding. So might as well not judge." I shrug my shoulders and get back to staring to nowhere."So, can you answer me now? What are you doing here?"

He chuckled at me. This guy must really thought of me as his entertainment.

"I was just checking the entire area for safety. Since some of the magicians are not here to maintain the barrier they put around the tower." He look up at the skies, so I unentintionally did the same.

"Is there something wrong with that?" I ask curiously, since I am still at the degree of understanding their magic.

"Didn't Sahana tell you where exactly this tower located?"

I heard a footstep somewhere, so I didn't mind it, maybe it was only Flora or Dave.

"Get inside the tower now."

The voice I heard was different from earlier. His voice seems like it's giving me a warning. How could he change that so suddenly....

"Get inside now Lady."

I got alarmed when I heard few more steps near us. What the hell is about to happen again?!

I can't stay here if this is dangerous, I might collapse again! And I don't want that to happen!

I manage to stand up, with his help, feeling his large hand on my skin is weird. And what's more weirder is that he seemed pressured by something.



Dave stand behind me, I didn't even feel his presence. "Take back the lady inside and don't step foot outside until it's becomes calm."

I was still wondering what's about to happen, when Dave started walking me inside the tower. Even Flora who holds my arms panicking.

"What's going on?" I should know what's about to happen. Why suddenly everyone got alerted.

Something dangerous?

"We should stay in your room Lady Prestine." Flora said and hold my hand to walk with her. But I greatly disagree with that action.

"What the hell is happe---" I didn't even finish my sentence when I heard a loud explosions outside the tower.

That was so loud that I felt the tower tremble.

"W-w-what was t-that!" I panicked when Dave carry me, and started running. Flora was having a hard time running to keep up with us, but that didn't stop my curiousity of what's happening outside!

"No! Put me down!" I treid to push Dave but he did't even budge.

"No Milady, your safety must be prioritized!" Flor. Who is panting already.

Why the hell is this tower don't have any elevators!

"B-but what is happening outside?!" I still insist my question.

We reach our room, and Dave finally put me down. Let me stand on my own and lock the door.

Flora, who's trying to calm down look at me. "Are you okay, Milady?"

Is she some kind of stupid? I was carried by Dave the whole running scene, she's the one who's out of breath, but she's still worried about me.

"Here water, calm down." I said and offer her the glass of water.

Dave move to the window and even shut it down.

"Stay here the two of you. I will check Master outside."

He was about to open the doow when I heard another explosion so I grab him by the hand to stop him.

"That explosion sounds dangerous, I don't know what it is, but it is safe for you to stay here." I said with a firm voice.

He smiled at me, and slowly bow. "That would be an honor milady, but my job is to protect this tower and you, but the Master's safety is the top priority."

The confidence, and the responsibility. But, "We can't be so sure of your safety!" I insist.

Flora who stood behind me stop him too. "What the hell is going on?!" I ask Flora who seemes shock when Dave left.

"Milady." She was saying something, but my hearing suddenly became hazy. Ugh! My head became dizzy again, and the pain is unbearable!

Was it because of the magic they are emitting outside the tower?!

God, what is going on?

Even how hard for me to bear the pain, it's still excruciatingly painful. I just can't collapse in the middle of this chaos. What if something happen to us here?

"Milady! Are you okay?" It was Flora's voice I heard.

Something ... I don't have any idea but I felt something is flying towards our direction. Despite the closed door of this room. I can feel it.


"Flora move!" I shouted as loud as I could but it was too late for her to move her feet.

There it was. Something came in and wrecked almost half of the room I am staying.

"Sahana!" I call him by his name. It was Sahana being stabbed by an unknown identity.

Long sword peirced through his shoulder blade.

"Milady, get... out from here...." He said in between his pain.

I wanted to move as what he said. But my feet felt like being glued on the floor. Seeing Flora lying unconscious, Sahana getting stabbed, why worry about me? Why make me run for my life, if you are all wounded and unconscious.

Will you all be safe if I ran away?

Will you be healed if I do so?

"Sahana... What is going on here?" I ask him despite the fear I am feeling in this situation.

I cannot grasp the situation about mana and magic, yet another thing I have seen. Sword.

Sahana cough up blood that made my legs tremble in fear. "Sahana..."

"G-get off of me!" It was Sahana's voice. Struggling to free from that sword and that unknown identity who's stepping down on him.

Oh, Gracious goodness.


Blood splatter on the floor when Sahana removed the sword.

"You have to run Milady!" He still told me run.

I shook my head. I am scared. I am so scared that my legs gave up it's strength.

"W-what will happen to you?" In between my sobs and tears, I was still able to ask him.

He just smiled at me. Stupid! You are all wounded already. Bleeding.



I raise my hand and hold his wounded shoulder. "We-we must stop the bleeding f-first."

He groaned of what I did, But I still put pressure to his wound.

"They're back. We must leave immediately."

"S-something loud.. Sahana. Something loud will be heard." I stop from putting pressure to his wound when I felt another something that I can't explain.

And I don't have any idea what it will be. Something loud will be heard.

"Milady. Let's g-----"

It was another explosion outside. And because of that the whole room became a mess. It made a huge impact that wrecked the whole tower.

I caugh with so much dust. "S-sahana!"

"So this is the woman this tower is protecting." I heard a sinister laugh that made my whole body froze.

I look up to be engulf with those red eyes. As red as blood, as if drowing me in fear. Eyes that full of anger and envy.

"You.." He was saying something.

I want to cry loudly. I want to scream. I am so scared of this man.

He reach for my neck and I struggle to free from him.

"You must die before they see the light they are longing for..."