Chapter 17

After an hour having conversation with the five of them, Sahana decided to take me out to go sight seeing again.

"So, you are telling me that you barely go out to enjoy watching people pass by?" I ask him.

We both seated down near the park where there are a lot of families enjoying.

"Before, when my sister was still around."

Again, mentioning about his sister really is taking a toll for his emotions.

"When- when your sister disappear, when was it? H-how did it all happen?"

He gave me a look for a second and sigh. "Y-you don't have to answer it."

"The thing with that hurricane, was it kept following the way to my sister. I was already with the Master back then. So I ask my sister to stay with me in the tower. When we decided to visit our homeland, it happened at night."

"Following your sister?"

"That's what all I could think. Even how far we teleported from the area, the hurricane kept following us, my sister. As if it was meant to swallow her." His voice became more sad. Guilt. For not being able to save his only family.

"You know what, there was a blur memory that I was crying alone in the rain." I told him about the sudden memory came. "I was all alone, crying for someone that I can't remember. I---" I stop when he look at me surprise.


"Y-yes, alone, it was like in a dark alley somewhere, I was hugging myself because I knew it was cold." I close my eyes. This sudden memory feels like it was from someone, but feeling like it was really me. "I can't remember anything, it was just the younger version of me crying alone."

"Y-you grew up alone? Without anyone?"

"Yeah? I think I got into an orphanage? The memory wasn't clear, maybe it was my trauma that my brain shutdown. But there was a lady who kept feeding me, telling me that I have to grow up strong.." I laughed out of absurdity. "You atleast grew up with a sister, a loving sister that anyone could dream of having, and I am so sorry that she was taken away from you." I reach for his hand and hold it tightly. "So, please stop blaming yourself that you couldn't do anything to save your sister."

He blink numerous times before avoiding my eyes. He didn't remove my hand that's holding him.

Somehow, holding him like this, talking about being lonely, either being left alone, it all feels like that this time really was meant for us to talk about it.

I don't know the reasons about these unclear memories but with Sahana, it felt safe to tell him.

'Brother...' I blink my eyes when I saw that faded memory. A young lady crying for her brother.

Sighing and letting go of bitterness, I took my time and enjoy my time with Sahana. "You barely have time to spend with me Sahana!" I made my voice cheerful.

He laugh at what I said so I pouted. "There were a lot of work, Milady." He just reason out.

As we enjoy our time on the park, eating streetfoods, and joking around. I am happy that his mood became lighter.

'If only, if only he became my brother..'

Looking at him while wondering. 'I have a feeling that he won't neglect me, he'll love me and take good care of me.' I smile but my smile faded in an instant when I saw a familair built infront of me.

I was still holding Sahana's hand when I heard that irritating yet, annoying voice.

"Still as beautiful as ever. What a great miracle to see you here, with..*ehem* Sir Sahana." Not so unique blonded dude.

The Earl!

I secretly roll my eyes before looking at him. "Hello there too My Lord. Neither was I expecting to see you here." I tried myself not to sound sarcastic.

Sahana let go of my hand, when we both stand up, he greeted this dude with respect.

"It's a pleasure to see that your lordship is doing well." Sahana said and slightly bow at him.

"Ah, not really.." He said and look at me. "I have been missing the presenc of Lady Prestine lately."

This jerk!

"The Master wanted to keep her safe so." Sahana reasoned out. "So, letting her stay with us was needed."

Go Sahana! Make this dude disappear.

"It seems like the Tower's master has been paying a lot of attention to beauties, I see."

Aah, just disappear this instant!

"So, how have you been MY lady?" He even touch my hair that made me flinch.

"Oh, forgive me for being rude.." He said but his flirty smile won't fade.

I walk closer to Sahana and hold his arm. This Earl even followed the movement of my hand and raised an eyebrow when he saw how I cling to Sahana.

"Then, please give me the honor to accompany me for a cup of tea, My lady."

The way he addresses me with that makes my spine shiver. The voice of an obsess. This guy is dangerous.

Let us get out from here please! He's honestly making me uncomfortable. Staring at me as if he could see my very soul. That look is way more menacing.

"It would be lovely to have you around, instead with the magicians My lady." He took my hand.

I wanted to take my hand, but he hold it tighter. Without asking for permission he kissed the back of my hand while staring at me.

I wanted to shiver with fear because of how he stares at me.

"Le-let .."

"There you are Sahana, Milady!"

My world brighten when I heard Dave. He's walking to our side and look at the Earl. "Let go of Lady Prestine's hand this instant My Lord."

Dave being Dave, even his voice that reached to my ear makes me scared.


Sahana who's looking like he was about to hit someone, especially this jerk infront of me.

"It was not my intention to make you feel uncomfortable. Please accept my deepest apologies." After saying that, he holds my hand tighter that it hurt me.

"Excuse me.." It was Sahana who grab my hand, but the pain became intolerable for me. "Lady Prestine needs to go back, the Master is looking for her."

"I see.." Even if this Earl said that, he still stare at me and finally let go of my hand. "Please give it a thought My lady." His smiles like a pervert makes me feel more scared. "A cup of tea won't hurt if you accompany me."

I didn't say a word. Looking at me with that eyes makes me only hate you! Stop your staring and just leave! I wanted to say those words, but my tongue felt like being tied up. I just look at him like that. Without retorting back at him.

"Milady..." Dave

"My Lady.?"

I sigh as loud as I can and hold the hand he kissed. It was shaking because of the pain he left for holding me tight. "That was scary.." I mumble but they heard.

"With the beauty the Lady has, it's obvious that Lord Erebus won't easily let go of you." Sahana, wiping my hand and applying some magic on it. Making it feel a bit hot then warm. The shiver didn't stop though.

"That was really scary.." I hold tighter to Sahana's arm, he didn't say a word and walk us out from the park.

"My lady..." Dave.


"I didn't mean to pry about it, nor trying to get involve, but I hope that you stay inside the inn as much as possible." Dave.

Even without him suggesting that, I was really planning to do so!

"Y-yeah, his stares feels like he's undressing me. Thinking about that scares the shit out of me." I said and look at Sahana who's looking at me with worries.

"Please stay at the inn until the day we could start our journey." Sahana.

As soon as we reach home, both of them didn't leave my side until I get inside my room. Flora and the others were asking what happened outside. But no one said a word about that incident with the Earl.

Flora, as I requested help me bath and make sure to scrub my body, especially the hand that Earl kissed and held tight.

"Milady, this is a tea that can help you calm down." With her gentle voice she gave me the tea.

I was still in the tub, soaking my body to this hot water. I wanted it more hotter, but Flora didn't allow me, for it will harm my skin, as she mentioned.

She didn't ask anything, as if aware of what happened to me.

When I got up from the tub, she immediately help me dry my body. Giving me comfortable nightgown, combing my hair and drying it with a magic in her hand.

I look at my reflection in the mirror. Ever since I never considered myself beautiful. But they said that the Earl was obsess with beauty, and as how his reacting around me makes me feel like I really am beautiful.

A fake blonde colour of my hair that I ask the salon to make it look like a real blonde. I maintained the color of my hair that made me forget the natural colour of my own hair.

I flinched when Flora held my hand. "Forgive me for surprising you my lady."

Come to think of it, that Earl emphasized the word 'MY' when he addressed me. It sounded like he was claiming me. A simple word like that came from him makes me shiver.


It scared the shit out of me.

"Calm down Milady.."

No one had ever dared to look at me that way. As if staring at my soul deep within. When our eyes met, the emotion in his eyes became clear for me. It was a dangerous guy.

I breathe out and tried to calm down. With Flora's hand gently massaging me, it help out a lot. "Flora.."

"Yes Milady?" She responded in a second

"What if someone tried to invade this inn like the tower before? What do you think will happen to us?" That question came out weird.

"Milady? No one will dare harm us with the Master. As long as Master is with us, no one will even think of invading." She smiled softly.

"B-but at the tower, didn't it ended up like that? It was even swallowed by the ground." I reason out.

Flora guided me to bed. Like a mother to their scared daughter, she tucked me into the bed and smile. "Please get some rest my lady. I will stay here with you until you sleep." She whisper.

Her voice soothes me and closed my eyes. She was even humming a certain note. Just like a mother. Her humming voice made me long for something I have ever been dreaming to have.

Maybe, growing up all by myself was a challenge for me whether I'd give up life, or kept fighting until today. But it was so obvious how I envied everyone for having someone with them.

'brother!' a soft sob came from the young lady wearing a white dress. The dirt that on the hem of the dress was the result of walking endlessly in the middle of the heavy rain. The young lady shiver in cold when the wind blows making it harder for her to walk and look for her dear brother.

'Brother! Where are you? I'm scared..' A loud thunder and lightning made her legs gave up. She stumble on the ground. Making her drink the dirty water on the ground. The rain didn't stop, rather it became heavier. The young lady tried to get up, but another loud thunder make her scream in fear.


Soaking wet from the rain and the flood, she forced herself to get up and stayed in the smelly and dirty dark alley.


'Scared!' I woke up panting from that dream. No it looks like it was even that my body is shaking.

Gasping for air. I am scared. The wind blew cold and that heavy rain pouring to my skin hurts. The pain to my knees.

I tried to wipe my wet cheeks. I sure cried.

"I'm scared.. no, it was just a dream. Just a dream..." I kept mumbling.

I stop whispering to myself when I heard a foot step, the room is so dark that made me feel more scared.

My tear started to fall when this person didn't say anything, walking his way to me.

My body shiver when I remember the Earl last time. "I'm scared..." I close my eyes when I saw the silhuette of this person move closer.

"You were dreaming.."

My breath stops for a second and when I finally heard that familiar voice of Eiliff my heart started to beat so fast. The dream I had, the pain of being left alone was what I felt seeing that dream.

The light from the lamp suddenly lit up. Eiliff sit on the edge of my bed and look at me with his worried eyes.

"Yes, you were dreaming."

After hearing those words, I check my shaking hands, it was so real to be a dream. "It was..." I choke from my words when I noticed that I am still crying.

".. scary..." covering my crying face with my shaking hands, I continued crying. "So scary to be a dream..."

I felt his hand carresing my back gently while brushing my hair with his fingers.

I know for myself that my body calm down with the comfort his giving me. The feeling of being alone after seeing that dream stops with his warmth.

His body suddenly got stunned, it was an invulontary movemend I did. I raised my hand and with my knees on the bed I got up to embrace him. My sobs didn't stop.

For a second that he got stunned my action, he continued comforting me.

"I'm scared. I don't want to remember those long forgotten memories anymore. I don't... I don't wanna feel.. I don't wanna feel alone again in the middle of nowhere. W-where there-there's nobody around me."

"It was all just a dream..." He whispers. His voice gentle making me feel assured not to be lonely.

Maybe, he knew the feeling. Maybe he knew how it feels painful being alone.

I felt he moved and lay me back to bed. But the hands of hugging his neck didn't budge. "I will stay here until you sleep."

Even after saying that to me, I didn't let him go. This sleeping position, laying on the bed to him is awkward, I know that. Still, I don't wanna stay in this dim light room alone, nor sleeping alone.

My eyelids became heavy, the sleepiness is taking me again. I look at him, staring back at me. "Sleep now Prestine."

It was weird to feel when he said my name without his usual address. It feels like normal to hear from him. As if .. as if it was really meant good to hear him say my name without any formalities.

Morning came. And I am now awake. My eyes hurt a little maybe from crying last night because of that dream.

Feeling the heavy thing on my stomach, I look to my side to see the most handsome face I have ever seen.

Here, beside me, sleeping peacefully the strongest magician Sahana mentionen. A.k.a Eiliff.

I pull the thick blanket to cover my body, without removing his arm around me. The door in the balcony is open, seeing how the heavy rain is falling outside. Make sense about the cold breeze coming inside the room.

Now that I look around, I noticed that I am inside my room. It was a good thing at the same time scary.

That little girl in my dream, was the younger version of me. I didn't remember who was I calling brother back then. Brother. If ever I have one, I hope that he looked for me. But in that forgotten memory, it was me calling out him.


These memories coming in to my mind was the memories my brain shutdown. It was as if meant to be forgotten.

Eiliff suddenly got up.

"Morning..." I tried to greet him but my voice didn't come out well. My throat hurts like hell!

He placed his palm to my forehead. "You still have a fever."

A fever, when was the last time I got a fever back then? Or sinking in about those memories gave me a fever.

"Stay here, I will go call Flora." After saying that he finally stand up from bed and walk slowly to the door. "Stay here and refrain yourself from moving around."

Since I don't like feeling pain, I didn't answer him. Talking hurts my throat, so I just nod at him.

He gave me one last look before closing the door. It was even as if he was too careful not to make a sound when he closed the door.

I slept with him again. But last night was a different reason. I don't know why he was in my room too, thinking about it hurt my head.

I close my heavy eyes. Now I feel my body's temperature. It's so hot covering with a blanket, but too cold if I remove it.

As soon as Flora get in the room, alone, she tend to me. She was worried about me being sick too. Just like a mother.

A mother huh?