In a place so big like that of a warehouse, he sat on his office chair, moving his seats side to side with a cigarette in his hand. His men stood looking at him with so much curiosity cloaked on them, on why he ordered them to his office the moment he stepped in. He placed his legs on the table still moving his chair and inhaling and exhaling his cigarette. His head rested on the chair.
"Who wants to be filthy rich?" He asked after a moment of silence.
Smile slapped on their faces. They knew if their boss speaks in such manner, then something huge was coming.
"We all want to boss and you know that." His right hand man spoke.
He was an average looking man putting on singlet showing his pirate tattoo on his left arm.
Everyone nodded in an agreement as they smiled at each other. He tapped his finger on the arm of the chair, creating light sounds as his eyes walked on each of them present there.
"Do you want to know what our next mission will be?" He asked with a wry smile on his lips.
"Yes boss. Tell us. We're not scared of anything." One of his men standing by the right spoke and the rest agreed.
He smiled nodding his head as if impressed by all of them. "Golds..." He petered out that word and they stared at each other wide eyed.
"We're going to be rich." His right hand man spoke in excitement.
They did their shoulders shake. Excitements was plastered on their faces.
"Tell us boss. Where's the location, let's get down to business." One of them standing in the middle spoke. He even punched his hand, cracking his knuckles and cocking his head side to side. The rest did similar thing, warming themselves as if about going for a war.
He kept his feet back on the ground and sucked in some of his cigarette and blew it up to the ceiling. His eyes walked on each of them. It was clearly written on their faces that they were more than prepared for anything that comes their way. They looked like they were able to take anybody's life at the moment. Fearlessness and courage were the only thing masked on their faces. He nodded his head looking really proud of the men he have with him. He sucked in another amount of his cigarette and blew it into mid-air.
"Are you sure you're ready?" He asked searching their faces.
"Boss, we're not kittens and you know that. Just give us the location and we'll get the job done as always." Another one spoke and the rest also nodded their head.
His lips wried up looking extremely proud of the men he have with him. "The location is....It's a country now known as...." he paused looking at their fearless eyes. "The zombies territory."
In an instant, their fearless and courageous faces were all peeled off and their bodies instantly clad with fear.
"Z.... zombies territory?" His right hand man stuttered.
Lee didn't say anything further, but his eyes were now walking on the kittens in front of him. He stood up and punched them lightly on their chest as he spoke.
"Why are you suddenly scared now uhn? Is this how I raised you. Is it? Is it?" Trying his best to reincarnate their fearlessness.
"Boss, nobody comes out there alive without turning to a zombie." One of his men by the right spoke.
He walked fast to the man that spoke and punched his chest lightly. "That's why we're here remember? Team work. We'll get in there and we'll all come back out without turning into zombies. It's golds guys. Golds.... We all want to be rich. Don't you? Don't you?" Punching his shoulders.
"But boss, this is impossible." His right hand man spoke.
He immediately drew out a gun from his back and shot his right hand man twice on his forehead. He fell lifeless on the ground. The rest of them threw a glance on each other.
"Nothing is impossible." Clenching his teeth against each other and anger residing in his voice. "I didn't raise kittens. I didn't raise men who will turn their backs on me when I'm in dire need especially in times like this." Walking in their fronts as he stared at their faces and continued speaking. "I raised men with armours. Men with the heart of a lion, the mind of a wolf, the eyes of an eagle and the body of a warrior. Those are the men I raised, not worms, not kittens. I raised up men who can beat the storm not running away from it." He paused his steps in the middle and scanned their faces. "Those were the men I raised. Those are the men I have with me. So who's with me?"
They threw a glance at each other. None of them looked like they really want to do this.
"Boss..." The biggest bodied built man called. Lee looked at him with hopes on his face. "You're right boss. You raised fearless men. You know we'll always remain loyal to you no matter what and we respect you a lot. But now...." he scanned his fellow men and back to Lee. "You'll also have to shoot me. I'd rather die in your hands than getting infected by those creatures. I'm sorry boss. I don't want to turn into a zombie." His head lowered.
Anger plastered on Lee's face. He would have pulled that trigger without thinking twice. But judging at the expression on the rest men, it was limpid that they would write there own fate with their own hands, by letting him kill them than getting bitten by those zombies.
"Get out. All of you." He barked in anger.
Two of his men carried the lifeless body on the ground and walked away. He punched the table with anger. He just can't let those golds go like that. He had to think of another possible way. He had to get those golds by all means. But how? His mind swirled around. His own men could not do it. He thought of who could get this work done. He desperately need that money. He needed to get back at a lot of people and it's only being wealthy that could do that. But who was fit for this job? Everyone in the word knows that place and they knew very well that it is a place of no return. Who would give up everything just to get that gold for him?