"I think we should proceed now." The man spoke.
"J., it's time to say goodbye to William." His mom spoke.
J hugged William. "Goodbye William. Wish you all the best."
"Thank you bro." He said patting his back.
"It's time to go son. And J, make sure you stay right here till mummy comes back. Is that clear?"
"Okay uncle Louis. You can do this Will." Trying to cheer him up.
He nodded and Louis rolled him away, while the rest scientist followed behind.
"You're sure you want to do this boy?" Asked William's partner who was together with him in the test lab. The both of them will be the human subject.
Unlike William, his partner's hands were absent. Just like William's story, he was also involved in an accident. His only means of surviving, was to get his hands amputated. Ever since then, he had been walking with a mannequin's hand.
William's lips wried up. "Never been so sure about anything all my life. You?"
"Same here." With an excited smile on his face.
They laughed.
"Okay guys, are you ready for this?" Mr Louis asked over the microphone as they watched them through the glass window.
They nodded with excitement slapped on their faces.
Two young men, dressed in full scientist costumes, including a nose mask, walked inside the room.
"We'll be injecting you with this." Spoke the one at William's side.
They nodded and fully relaxed their body, hoping for a positive result.
"Five..." Mr Louis started counting over the microphone. "Four..." they inhaled deeply," "three.." they swallowed, "two..." fingers crossed, "one..." they breathed out and they injected them.
Everyone's breathing automatically ceased. Their eyes were all fixed on their legs and arms. Heart beating wild in their chest, sweats forming on their foreheads. After few seconds, the two of them started screaming in pain. They screamed at the highest pitch of their voice. Teeth was clenched hard and veins popped out from all over their body. Their bodies arched and the belts tied around their wrists was acting as though it'll get loosed anytime soon from how they struggled. They also struggled for a regular breathing.
Everyone's heartbeats increased because they were not seeing any results yet. Mr Louis touched his head, his both shoulders, and chest, praying in the name of God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit for it to be a success.
After a long shriek, they finally saw William's legs regenerating and his partner arms were doing the same. Their screams increased as it continued coming out, till it came out in full. They breathed out roughly, trying to catch their breath. Everybody's eyes were still fixed keenly on them for a while.
The scientists stretched out their hands to congratulate the both of them after seeing the positive results they've been waiting.
"Congratulations Mr Louis and Ms Susan." The man with the glasses and grey hair spoke.
"Thank you sir." She spoke looking so happy.
"I think we should go in and see how they're doing." A man spoke.
All of them agreed and went in to the room where the human subject were.
"Susan..." Louis called causing her to halt her steps.
"Yes Mr Louis?"
"Can you excuse me for a moment. There's something I want to discuss with you."
"Okay sure." With a smile on her face.
He led her to the door and they walked outside of the room, standing meters away from the room they just stepped out.
"I guess you're very excited for you nephew." She spoke smiling at him.
"Haha. Yes I am. You know all this wouldn't have been possible without you. It's all your idea."
"Hahaha. Don't say that Mr Louis. None of this would have been possible without your assistance. So thank you."
His lips lengthened. "I think your son will be so excited to see the new William."
"Hahaha. I can't imagine the look on his face."
"Susan... I just want to say thank you." His expression now serious. "I mean, if you hadn't come up with this wonderful idea, I don't...."
"Mr Louis..." holding his right shoulder, "it's our job remember. Don't thank me. I did this to put smiles on everyone's faces. So I should be the one thanking you for.... "
"Run....." A man came screaming and running hastily pass them.
Mr Louis and Susan stared at each other wondering what had just happened.
"No... " Holding her hand, stopping her from going further. "I'll go check it out. Go after your son." He spoke in both haste and concern.
She nodded and started running to where her son was. "Junior... Junior.... " She called out searching everywhere for him as she didn't see him where she left him earlier.
"Mummy.... " He called from a distance.
"Oh my.... " Kneeling and hugging him so tight. "Are you okay?" Searching his body as she looked extremely worried.
"Yes mom. I just saw a man screaming that everyone should run. I got scared and hid over there." Pointing at a room.
"It's okay baby. There's.... "
"Run..." Screamed a woman running to her direction.
"Katie.... Katie....." Holding her shoulders and shaking her slightly as worriness started crawling on her face. "What's happening?"
She was panting hard, her eyes not even stable on Susan. "Susan run. Just take J with you and run." She spoke in a haste and sped off.
More and more people kept running from that direction. "Junior..... Junior...." Screaming her child's name as she searched for him in the crowd.
"Mummy..." He ran to her and she grabbed his hand and started running. Getting to the exit of the building downstairs, Junior spotted William from a few distance away from them.
"William.... William...." He screamed out his name as they kept running but he wasn't answering him.
He left his mom's hand and ran to William. "William.... William...." Calling out his name loudly and running to him.
He halted his steps as he saw the closer sight of his bestie. His veins that were shooting out from his body was now black. His eyes all white that not even a pupil or an iris could be seen. His teeth were now dark and his fingers also sharp. His regenerated legs had turned black.
"William...." He called his name out in a whisper because he was too shocked seeing the new William.