Just few meters away, all seven of them got to a canoe boat in the water.
"Take care of yourselves out there." Lee wished them and they started paddling.
Lee had ordered for his boat not to reach the surface. Rather, they'll use a canoe boat to get to the surface. From where Lee's boat stopped, it wasn't that far to where the surface reached.
The moment all seven of them got to the surface, they got down and hurriedly carried all their bags from the boat. Since it was already dark, they decided to rest their heads to continue their journey tomorrow. Besides, they were looking sea sick. And the city they were currently at was really abandoned. Some houses have been really destroyed and the city looked eerie dark.
"It was ones known as one of the most beautiful country." Binna spoke as they walked in search of a house to find a place to lay their heads. "Now just look what it had turned out to be."
Everything was really scattered. The country once held a record as one of the most beautiful countries and was part of the top five most peaceful countries in the world. But now, everything looked like the exact opposite of what it was. The country was also a place tourists from around the world loved visiting.
"There's nothing here." Binna spoke in annoyance. All the houses they had passed so far were all destroyed, or had no roof.
"We still have to check further." Justin spoke.
"Further? The sea and the whole of this place is making me sick and you're saying further? Maybe I'm just gonna puke in your mouth." She was angered and her voice was a bit high.
"You're not the only one here who feels sick, so do you mind?" Kenji spoke, irritated at her.
"Hey, mad Kenji, I wasn't speaking to you, you get it."
Kenji halted his steps and she also did the same.
"What? Does it hurt. It's the truth after all. You're mad. Mad." She yelled.
"I'm not mad." He yelled at the top of his voice. "I'm not mad. I'm not mad."
"Yes you are. You're nothing but a mad coward." The both of them kept barking out at each other.
Justin, Kim, Kate and Mr Choi ran back to them and covered they mouths pushing them to a side.
"Who do you....."
"Shsh...." Justin placed his palm on her mouth.
The zombies have heard some noises coming from the direction Kenji and Binna were yelling at each other. They had to run back to them after seeing that they were coming at their direction.
Their hearts moved faster in their rib cage. They could hear the zombies snarling louder and louder as they kept coming towards their direction. If they don't move from the corner they were hiding, they might get caught.
"Everyone to that place." Justin whispered pointing at a house close to them. It was only half destroyed, but thankfully there was still a roof unlike the rest of the other houses.
Kate held Mr Choi's hand, while Kim led the way. Slowly and steadily, they moved. The moment Kim paused, everyone halted. There was a small open space before getting to the house. Five zombies were occupying that small open space, snarling. Kim peeped, he had to make sure they were not looking at the direction they were supposed to pass through to get to the house.
"Smith go....." Kim whispered ordering Smith to make the first pass since the zombies were now facing the other side.
Smith's body was shaking and sweats spattered over his body. His body was trembling in so much fear that he could barely take a step. Seeing that Smith wasn't making a move, he looked at him angrily. If there was a chance, he would have slapped him so hard on the face.
Binna took the first step. Slowly and steadily, she crossed the small open space. Kim peeped again. When the road was clear, he signalled Kate to go. Along with Mr Choi, she was able to cross the open space. One of the zombies sensed something and immediately whipped his head to the place they just passed. Kim had already seen that one of them was now looking at the direction, so he signalled the three of them who just successfully passed to take shelter. They obeyed.
Kim peeped again, but that creature still kept his gaze fixed on that place they were supposed to pass. Kim has already given Justin an eye signal that the zombie wasn't turning his gaze away from there. Justin signalled for him to stay calm, it will turn his attention to something else sooner.
After what felt like forever, Kim peeked again and alas, the road was now clear. Since their heads was now turned to the other way, Kim signalled for Kenji to take the next move. Slowly and carefully, he also passed. Kim checked again and the road was still clear. He ordered Smith again to go. He just simply shook his head in fear. Justin grabbed him on the collar.
"This is no fight for people who are scared. You shouldn't have come along with us if you're really scared to do this you mutherfucker." Gritting his teeth in both fury and annoyance, and trying not to raise his voice high. "Listen to me carefully," pulling him closer, still grasping his collar tight. "You're going to pass there now." He ordered.
Smith swallowed and adjusted his glasses and Justin shrugged him off from his hold.
"Do it now." He ordered in gritted teeth.
Like a trembling kitten drenched in the rain, he took very slow tiny steps. His heart was beating like crazy in his rib cage and sweats drenched his clothes. He halted before taking further steps to the small entrance.The moment he got to the middle of the open space, his glasses fell, creating some light sound which could still be heard loud and clear. He slowly looked up and the zombies just turned their heads to the direction of the light sounds created. Their gazes met.
"F**k." Justin spitted out angrily and immediately brought out his gun. The moment Justin uttered f**k, Smith screamed.
The zombies came after him, but Kim and Justin were fast enough to start shooting at them. It was useless but that was enough to slow them down.
"Go, go, go, go, go." Justin ordered from the top of his voice for the rest to leave as soon as possible.
They kept shooting endlessly but nothing was working on them. One came leaping up at Justin, but he was fast enough to hit him to a side using his gun. For three seconds, they ran and resumed shooting. More and more were coming, hearing the sounds of their fellow zombies growling and the sound of the guns.
Binna and Kenji joined the fight shooting at them nonstop. They were unable to get inside the house because it was locked. They didn't want to create any sound so they just waited for the rest of them.
Kate held Mr Choi's hand running and also finding a room or any shelter as she tried opening the doors of any building she sees.
"Here." She spoke in a loud voice pointing at a door to a small supermarket. She ordered Mr Choi to get in. Kenji, Binna, Smith all ran in leaving Kim and Justin to continue shooting at them.
"Get in." Justin ordered Kim to get inside and he obeyed. The next second Justin also got in shutting the doors.
So tell me, how do you see Zombies Territory so far. I'd love to see a comment as comments make me happy🤗.
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