The zombies drew their attention to the moving truck blowing out loud horns and immediately, they ran over to the truck. They knew that the truck will not go too far before they'll get to him. As Nathaniel drove the truck pass them and was also blowing the horns, he was yelling at them to run.
Alain broke down immediately. He wanted to go save him, but Kim had clutched him tight around his wrist. More tears streamed down from his eyes, knowing fully well that, that will be the end of Nathaniel. It'll be impossible to survive that.
Nathaniel had been like a brother to him. He was more comfortable when he was around Nathaniel than Eli. Ever since the zombies apocalypse, they have done lots of fun things together. Even if they teased each other most of the times, their love for each as though they were brothers, was out of this earth.
"We need to move." Justin ordered from the top of his voice the moment all the zombies left their area.