When she noticed that the zombies were now on the move, she quickly threw the matchet to her targeted place, where it hit the metal, and hid herself back. As the metal and the matchet collided to create the sound she was looking for, the zombies immediately diverted their attention from Kenji to where the sudden, sharp sound was created. Kenji, on the other hand, did not bother wasting a single second in forcefully pushing the door as soon as she threw away the matchet.
Binna quickly crawled and went to where Kenji was.
"You alright?" Kenji asked as he successfully shut the door.
She leaned her back against the wall, trying to get a breather. That was one hell of a move, but she couldn't say it. She just gave him a thumbs up, indicating that she's alright.
"What next? Those zombies are probably hovering around the exit of the building. So what now? You got any plans?"