"I legalize the illegal, a free slave man ." Their was this man who used to be crank. His homeland was in the forest. He seemed to be someone insane but his words got sense. Most people ignored him except this woman named Norah who was thrown in the forest for being a witchcraft. His name was Wonder, as his name stated, this man was wonderful. Whenever he wondered, he wondered the right thing but no one gave him an ear. This day Wonder was in the compound when he met the king, Benteke and his servant Gideon. Wonder's mouth was always on work and these are the words he said, "I have seen Mike talking to a rastafarian and one man not of our colour for a short period of time." Benteke never entertained his talk and kicked him out of king eyes, and this man went away singing his crazy songs and leaving behind one of his best Swahili say that went as; KIKULACHO KI UNGONI MWAKO. This was not only a say to the king .

Norah the witch , for real she deserved to live in the forest. This was not because of her witch , it's due to the activities she did, they all involve nature. Not normal nature, scary, like bitter herbs, skeletons, scary animals such as snakes, monitor lizards, and she owned a big tortoise and witch was wer her wealth. She was the oldest person in the community. Her age was rated as one hundred and twenty y year old. Rumours state that she was once married and had a family. Thou, currently her family does not exist. It is said she killed her family for her own continuation. So all her family including her husbands soul is with her. And so she won't die till the souls she consumed vanishes. And every time you could find her you could hear her sing this song;

Demons in the family

family family

Demons in the family

happy happy ooh

And this words used to end her song, " I consumed my family because I can not allow them to live a harsh life" and she said amen. Something unusual is that Norah knew everyone including strangers by their original names. She could easily identify enemies and good people and maybe that was her work then before she was sent in the forest. Norah gave people hard time to classify her powers as evil or good, this is because she owned evil and scary properties but mostly she did positive deeds. Norah, apart from her living with Wonder in the forest, she had a visitor. The visitor used to be private in a way that no one could notice the gender. For the few people like Wonder and night guards who saw the visitor they stated it was Noah's demon that came to her whenever she had a problem. And that was their daily conclusion since they were told not to interfere with Norah's life so far she doesn't interfere with theirs. So whatever anyone saw concerning Norah had to keep it for him or herself.

As the trading days were ending, this people were returning one by one in the compound. One could notice they are back during the prayer time early in the morning. Mike used to come with one and back the same day and return with another the following day, it was Mike's team. And now the trading days are over and as usual a party is to be done before anyone could leave the taita compound. This was to thank all traders and the taita inhabitats for participating well in the act. The party was well prepared and it started with speeches from the king, other king communities or representatives, founder of trade and last entertainers. And so it began, first everyone had to respect to community anthem led by Benteke and his army, then a prayer sent to God by the priest and Gideon flutters his flute to welcome the king. King Kyle was always short and clear at speeches, then pass other king communities or representatives and then the founder of trade. Here is where everyone was more than attentive. Who is this person? How did he or she come up with this idea? And why trade done here? Who inspired him or her? Everyone was curious about the founder. And so they had to patient and attentive to get the first hand data about this trade. And the founder was coming, well dressed with a confident walk heading towards the stage. Welcoming songs and claps were heard, and for a very short period of time happiness filled the empire. Everyone really got excited about him and he could start his speech by saying this words, a Swahili say that went as; WACHAWI WAFE WANGA WAZALIWE, then he continued, "I thank the Almighty that am alive today, may he continue having mercy on us. It has never been an easy journey for me to be here. Challenges have been on my way and through God's strength I have been able to overcome them." This how he could go on speaking and his name was the last thing he could say. " For those who do not know my name, am Mr. Mike or you can call me the dark mind. May God bless you all." Then he opened the stage for questions about trade. Traders asked so many questions and among all those questions almost everyone wanted to know the secret behind his name dark mind. " First I recall very well that night I experienced no nightmare and a night-in gale woke me up. And as I was flowing to it's rythm, it's when more ways and the knowledge of bringing this idea of trading into real life criss- crossed mind. And was how trading began with the assistance of some elders and my king, thanks to them. And that's when the elders nicknamed me the dark mind."

( Feet stumbs, somebody matching, Benteke the army commander, this is strong, yeah, muscular, he got robot eyes, his veins his description) the crowd murmured. He gave a short and clear speech. Atleast on such events he smiled. And now the stage was open for entertainment, art brings people together but they had to keep their rules with them. Only on this moment you could mingle for sometime and when depart, depart for good.

Two days after trade, in the middle of the night, an alarm is raised. Whistles were heard everywhere the compound. " The king is gone, he is kidnapped, army you know what to do, every man get yourself armed, we have to get our king back," Benteke angrilly commanded, " All the women and children back into your shelters and be careful."

The army divided itself into different troops of five. Gideon decided to follow Mike, Anthony, Kamaa and Nesta. "Am two week pregnant, please do not hurt me." This was a woman also kidnapped begging for her life safety. Her face was covered and she couldn't recognize where she was.

Benteke and his army had started their operation. One of the army in Bentekes' troop is like he knew something about the king's disappearance. He started to murmur about it. Benteke could not tolerate his talk, either be truth or false. Benteke asked him to shut up but he insisted to be truth. He rates him with lack of respect to his commander and kills him. Shock and fear enters the three army remaining with him. None understand what's going on. They need more soldiers for a fight and an energy is substracted. Temper raises to one of the remaining soldiers and decides to question Benteke. The other two due to fear decide to shut up and be on Benteke's side be it the bad or good side. They got fear for their lives. Benteke argues with the other one for a while and takes advantage of the other two and kills him. Fear increases in the remaining two, they can't stand the act of killing but they have no power to acquire justice.

"Hey next mother, you safe, nothing will happen to you, just cooperate," one of the kidnappers said to the woman. "Is that my wife, please don't hurt her, just tell me what you need, jewelries, my properties, Mh?" As the king was talking, they removed his mask. He could not imagine what he was seeing, Norah, her husband and her two gentlemen. " Is this a movie?" The king asked. It was false, Norah never consumed her family. Maybe they planned this for decades. Norah's husband now turned to be the oldest person in the community. The could not believe it, first, they had strong weapons, second, His father and him accused Norah falsely. "Forgive me Norah," the king apologized. "I personally got no problem with you," Norah said to him and started explaining. "My honoured king kyle, when you were a youth, do you recall that war rose, many were killed, I witch I had the powers to witch the opponents just to protect my family, then no one could have died. You know I had no girl child like your father my late king, he protected you so much and I, I had to be my family's king or shield just to protect their lives. I wasn't ready to be the only one surviving in my family since women never went to war. So this early morning I woke up,prepared a nice breakfast, inserted herbs

and called them for breakfast. The herbs were to make them faint for more than good five hours. And since it could be their last supper with me, they took the breakfast with love and pasion. And when the late army commander Johnstone came for them, he found them lying down on the ground and I had to act real. He asked what had happened to them and I gave out my explanation. It's when the king your father sent me to be thrown in the forest and never be seen in the compound." Norah ended her explanation with a hurting smile.