Birth of the Legend

Some people say that Supreme Guardian was born as a Legend: there were miracles worldwide when he came to this world and other nonsensical stuff. However, these claims were all rejected by Supreme Guardian himself. He could have just said nothing instead of denying them, and rumors would continue to spread. His Highness didn't think of it as necessary. This act further solidified his nonchalant and righteous image in the heart of the citizens of Empiria. Supreme Guardian's every deed is worthy of praise and worship...

Excerpt from "The true story of Supreme Guardian" by historian Davidson Grey.


(Third person POV)

"How is Adeline? Is she eating well?", asked an old man with long white hair from a middle-aged man in a suit.

"Everything is alright, Dad. But something is weird."

"What's it? Tell me."

"She says the baby is too active. He is kicking and moving around too much. I don't know if it's good or bad. Didn't you say every child in our family is inactive before birth and has slow reactions after he's born? Why is this happening?"

"Really? Did she say so?" The old man stood up from excitement and nearly hugged his son.

"If it's really like that, this child can be the one who broke the curse! Hahaha! The renewal of our family is close! My son, giving me this grandchild is the best thing you have ever done for our family!"

Logan: -_- Why do I feel like my own Dad is insulting me ?_? Pah, I must be overthinking things.

"My dear son! Logan, I say, even if you're good-for-nothing, this child of yours is your greatest contribution to our family. Your name shall be remembered because of this child!"

Logan: ...


(MC's POV)

After I planned things out, I started to realize them with never-seen-before vigor and enthusiasm. Bah, who am I lying to? I am just sleeping and concentrating on the moving mana. Then repeat it. After all, there is nothing to do, so there is no need for any vigor and enthusiasm. If I should describe my current situation, it's d*mn boring. I wish I could kill myself by blowing mana. Alas, it's impossible with this meager amount of mana. *Sigh... Even in a fantasy world, you can't do as you like. Life is truly tiring.

In this manner, my days went on. I was waiting for the day that I can come to this world and grab the chest of beauty to satisfy my...*cough, cough* Ahem, I think my baby instincts are acting on.*smiles cheekily mentally*


(Third person POV)

"Honey, how are you? Is little brat still bothering you?"

"Logan, it's alright. Don't scold our child. It's better if he's noisy."

"Okay. As long as you are comfortable with it. You should rest more. In a few days, everything will go back to normal." Soon-to-be-Father's eyes radiated so much love that their still-virgin-wanna-be-son might puke blood while screaming words like 'PDA! Don't torment this single dog with your antics *Spit*'

"Or not. A new person is joining our family after all. Put that aside, why does it seem like you are calming down yourself? Are you nervous?"- chuckled the blond woman who was resting in the recliner chair. It seemed really funny to see her always calm husband worrying. 'I should give him more children if he always gets so emotional, Fufufu...'

"Yeah, you are right. Our life changes for sure. And I am nervous too. Dad said it's okay, but what if it's not? The curse in our family is too strong. I have never heard of anyone who broke it. What if the curse got worse in our child's generation and threatened his life? How can I not be nervous?"

"Now, now. Don't be anxious, my Lord. Here, lie on my lap. I will comb your hair, it will soothe your mind."

Seeing her husband eagerly lying down on her lap and smiling victoriously, Adeline couldn't help but curse him:'You sneaky snake! Wait till the child is born. Then I will... Hmph'.

Unaware of his wife's evil thoughts, the poor father started snoozing after calming down a little. Sigh... The days before the birth of the child are too tiring.


(MC's POV)

The day I should face the new world is getting nearer. I can feel it in ... ahem, my skin. You know, the space I'm in is shrinking. I wonder who are my parents. Are they muggles or wizards? Are they famous or not? Actually, the first question should be 'Which year is it?'. I hope it's after the Second Wizard War. I mean, this period is written more clearly in the books, right?

'System, what is my background in this new world?'

[This data is not provided by the system.]

'What year is this?'


Plops. Am I going to be killed by killing maniac, Volde-fucking-mort, or just one of his lackeys? *trembles* Just the thought of it sends shivers down my spine. Hopefully, my parents are not British, or at least they fled from the country. Hell, they can even be Death Eaters, as long as they let me grow up first. Now, the next question is...

'System, what should I do to be born?'

[Sleep. You will be awakened after being born.]

'Thank you!'

Hmph, as cold as ever. Anyways, now I can sleep at ease(don't worry, I know the threat of the Dark Lord is still looming over my head, however, I can do nothing but cheer myself up). *Zzzz...


(Third person POV)

In the corridor, an old man is sitting gracefully while sipping the firewhiskey from the ornate glass. The only odd thing about him is he is in pajamas.

A middle-aged man, the soon-to-be-father, is pacing up and down, frequently listening to the door like a spy eavesdropping, anxiously snapping his fingers. Though the old man doesn't seem to mind him.

The perpetrator of this tense atmosphere is silently sleeping, unaware of the screams of the woman, and traveling through the Gates of Life. Obstetrician slowly took the boy and cut the umbilical cord. At the same time the helping maid ran outside and reported the situation to Logan:

"It's a boy! Master, it's a boy!" Excitement is evident on her face. After all, the mood of the master has a great impact on their subordinates' mood. The worrisome atmosphere was too much for these poor maids. But now, the tension is gone and only happiness is radiated by those who heard the news.

Especially Logan, the new father is so happy that he threw a purse with 100 galleons to the maid. With excitement blooming on his face, he entered the room and took the baby from the nurse before sitting beside Adeline.

"Are you crying, Logan? How rare! I think I should give you more babies to see you like that." Adeline said, her tiredness evident in her voice. Her eyes are wet too. After all, how many times can a person have the first child?

"Yeah, I am. Look how cute he is!"

The innocent parents didn't know that their cute child was thinking about how many people he should kill to live a peaceful life...