Space Magic

"Thousands of scholars all over Empiria are researching space magic. 'Project SpaceDefense' is started by His Majesty in his teenage years. The biggest breakthrough is Space Warp technology and Space Jump magic. Both of them are now used as means of interplanetary travel. Highly resistant spaceships are currently being mass-produced to build the Space Navy of Elysium. A model of the super-enhanced spaceship is being researched. Imperial Research Laboratory of Empiria announced that 5 years is the deadline to build the practical model."

Excerpt from "Space Magic: current progress and future plans", a research paper by a student, Marx Lloyd.


(MC's POV)

Grandpa walked to the center of the room and put me on the floor. Then he took his wand, an ancient-looking, yellow wand with overlapping patterns, and touched the floor with its tip. After that, he started muttering these words:

"O spiritus mundi! Invocatio mea ad caput tuum, et da nobis benedictiones tuas! Infelix filius Emrys licentiam tuam rogat ut legatum relictum a puero tuo, Merlin! Da quod dignus est, ut uno die tibi decumum solvat! O Universitatis voluntatem, da ei quod meretur, et officium electi tui suscipiet, ut te a periculis defendat..."

(Oh the spirits of the world! Head my call and give us your blessings! Poor son of Emrys asks your permission to receive the legacy left by your child, Merlin! Give what he deserves, so that one day he can pay you tenfold! Oh the Will of the Universe, give him what he deserves, and he shall take the duty of your chosen child to protect you from the dangers...)

I took in every word and put it in my mind palace so that when I learn Latin, I can learn the meaning of these words.

When the long chant is over, I heard the familiar [DING!]

[Acheivement: Receiving your first inheritance at the age of 6 months old]

[Difficulty: Impossible]

[Reward: Space magic affinity +2% (Note: Overall space magic affinity: 12%)]

*Hmmm* This is interesting. Till today, the system always gave me at least 2 options. This time there are no other options. I guess this inheritance is related to space magic then. Let's try to understand it.

*Wow* The runes drawn in the formation are glowing. This is so beautiful and dreamlike! How awesome it would be if I can take a picture with it and upload it to a certain website! *-*

As I dwelled on it, my mind went blank all of a sudden. Memories that were not mine started appearing, and I started to feel pain in my brain. Then I understood the meaning of 'inheritance'. This is probably something like inheriting the memory of predecessors. But in this case, memories seemed to come from one individual. I guess my Ancestor, great Merlin left this magic for his descendants to provide them with something unique, so the family of Emrys stands tall in the centuries to come. Now I understand why he was sorted into Slytherin.

This process took a few centuries on my mind, but I believe it is not true. Because when I opened my eyes after the intense pain in my brain subsided a little, Grandpa appeared in my sight, still standing on one knee.

He gently lifted me up and kissed my forehead:

"Little one, just bear with it. It's all for your own good."

Not hearing much-longed "It's over, now you can continue your same-old days", I realized that my study course is enriched with a new session that can inflict pain on my mega-mind. *Sob, sob, sob*