The long awaited journey

On arrival in town, Odwil chose one of the newest trucks heading to Kampala, it was nearly leaving. They placed their property on top of goods and they both climbed and sat at their positions of convenience.

One of the conductors then came to them and asked, "To which part of Kampala are you going?" "Kireka," replied Odwil. "Then each of you has to pay thirty thousand shillings but, we shall stop at the taxi park. You will then have to find your own transport means to reach there," added the conductor. "Well, but we have only fifty thousand shillings and without any additional money to pay for transport from the taxi park to Kireka," replied Odwil. The conductor sympathized with them and said, "All is well, bring the fifty thousand shillings." He gave the money to the conductor who later gave them two receipts with Kampala clearly indicated as their destination and he informed the driver to start the engine who did it and the journey sparked off.

The truck moved past many towns, bushes, and forests before reaching the city. In the city, Jessica saw very tall buildings that she had never come across before. It was already dark. The street lights were so bright that triggered her to ask her husband interesting questions.

"Can't these buildings collapse and fall on travelers?" she asked.

"No," he replied.

"What of fire in the glasses above our heads? Can't they burn you when you touch them with bare hands?" He smiled and said, "Okay, I shall explain all your observations when we reach home. Continue gathering more." She was becoming more inquisitive so, he had to evade the questions skillfully.

He later diverted her mind and said, "We are about to reach the park. Be conscious of thieves, the so-called professionals who have undergone an extra class of training and can elude the police."

He then called his elder brother and informed him of their arrival at the taxi park in ten minutes' time. His brother assured them he would send a car to pick them up from the Kireka stage.

Finally, the truck arrived at the taxi park, the couple quit the truck and left for the Kireka stage with their property. It was already 8:00 pm in the evening.

On reaching the Kireka stage, Jessica laid a piece of cloth on the ground. She and her husband sat on it as they waited for the car. Odwil called his brother who then informed them that the car would be arriving in five minutes' time. It was cold and clouds filled the sky. Jessica was so scared of a heavy downpour that aroused in her and she trembled. They were the only people at the stage by then.

Finally, at their rescue, a white car arrived. It had a demarcation "Teamal Co. Ltd". Odwil just knew it was the one meant for them. He moved quickly to the driver and greeted him. He later asked him, "Are you the one who has been sent to pick us up?" "Waooh!! You mean you are the one?" replied the driver. "Yes," replied Odwil. "Then you will have to put all your belongings in the boot as fast as possible such that we can leave for home immediately, it is almost late," proposed the driver. They picked up all their property, placed them in the boot and they left for Oluk's place.

On their arrival, Oluk and his wife warmly welcomed them to their home, they were extremely delighted to see one another. They greeted themselves and moved to the sitting room in merriment. They had supper together before they departed for bed rest.

Oluk then allocated them a home at a distance of about half a kilometer that he had rented for a month. He later drove them there, the home was extremely beautiful with a self-contained four-roomed house and tiled floor.

On reaching the place, Jessica was extremely happy, she felt like she had reached heaven on earth. Oluk entered the house with them and showed them the toilets and bathrooms they would be using. Jessica smiled uncontrollably and maintained her look for quite a long time before she could cease to smile. It was an extremely new experience for her, she had never been to such a home. Then they moved back to the car and picked up all their property and took them to the house. Then Oluk told them he would bring the remaining requirements the next day after which he departed for his home. The two also move to the bed and they slept off.