Unexpected reactions

Odwil took into consideration the advice he was given, and he did as he was instructed. He grew beans and a hundred kilograms of these yielded five bags. He and his wife became happier and healthier. The land in which they planted their beans was last cultivated five years back, and its fertility highly improved with time it was left vacant.

By then, the price of beans was still low, so he decided to stock two bags of the beans and plant the remaining three. Odwil dug the whole land and he raised twenty bags of beans on its harvest.

At the second harvest, the price of beans shot high. Odwil had twenty-two bags of beans in total. He then sold all the beans and he was able to raise fifteen million shillings.

After selling the beans, he discussed with his wife what to do next. They decided to buy a small portion of land for one million shillings from a village and use the rest of the money in business.

A week later, Odwil bought two acres of land from Kwoyot village for one million shillings only and used the rest of the money to start up a store. He became a produce dealer, and his business grew extremely fast as he supplemented it with crop farming.

Unlike his elder brother, Odwil utilized some of the profits he raised from the business to construct a house on the land he had bought.

By then, a lot of monkey business was transpiring at Teamal Co. Ltd. Mr. Waiswa James, the main branch manager was swindling a lot of money, and he had defrauded all customers who trusted him and the company was being run on dangerous debts. The performance of the company was deteriorating steadily.

A month later, the company collapsed and it was discontinued by law due to the high accumulation of debts that raised concern among its clients. Oluk had to sell off his car to raise adequate funds to pay off the company's debts. He became so weak that he could easily die of stress, his rent was nearly expiring and he had not built any house.

One evening, when Oluk was walking along the streets, he was nearly knocked down by a truck. He moved by the roadside, but abruptly, he swayed towards a slow-moving truck. The truck stopped immediately and all people in the streets gathered around him wondering how narrowly he survived.

Fortunately, Odwil, his brother also passed by. He was driving a brand-new car, he parked his car by the roadside, rushed into the crowd, and asked what was wrong. He was told of a man who narrowly survived being knocked by a truck. At first, he stayed mindless but later with intensified wonders, his interest in seeing the man who survived the accident arose. He moved closer only to see his elder brother in agitation. He rushed quickly to him, held him by the right hand, and moved him into his car after which he took off living a big crowd behind the scene.

On their way, as Odwil drove towards his place, he told his elder brother of how he and his wife left the house he rented for them and of the kind of life they led before their encounter with Jesse.

Oluk was so sorry for his uncaring tendencies, tears dropped off from his eyes and covered up his face which he wiped from time to time in silence.

After a long period of silence, Oluk cried out, "Forgive me, brother, for I was unconscious of my deeds. I beg, I have learned a lot and now I admit my fault."

He further exaggerated the cause of his company's collapse and how he lost his Mercedes Benz. Thereafter, he expressed his present status, he pointed out the reason why he was nearly knocked clearly stating the timely expiration of his rent.

In a two-minute silence, Odwil too responded with tears dripping out of his eyes while holding tight his brother's right hand.

He said in a calm voice, "You are my brother, my only biological brother. I have forgiven you for all you did to me unconsciously. May God also forgive you and may we always live as one, for unity is strength. Come! Please come and take over my second house, I completed building it just a week ago."

Hearing these words, Oluk became even weaker. His discomposure elevated the more. His expectations were somewhat as he didn't expect his brother to have done all these in a few years.

He blinked constantly for about a minute as if he was in the bright sun and he finally ceased to do it gradually. The words set an awful predicament at his discomfort.

By then, Odwil who was driving had gained more strength. His peace re-formed instantaneously, and he started to become sympathetic to his brother's discomfiture.

"Brother, please! You should not be desperate! No situation is permanent, and because of that, you need not worry. I understand your problem will be solved."

Oluk was still consistent in his attitude, he continued to cry like an infant. He was not yet amply convinced and he pretended not to have understood the message.

He was so troubled that he could not permit such nonsense.

"How dare you do this in my vehicle? Do you seek misfortune? If you do not admit the offer I am ready to solicit to you, then decline it right here and find your way out. I am ready to abide by your needs," he roared.

Oluk calmed down immediately, his appearance fitted that of a child warned against senseless crying by a parent.

"I am sorry brother," responded Oluk in a voice calm enough to signify the need for help.

After a short while, he reiterated, "I am extremely sorry brother, forgive me. I am to blame, I permit. All my actions in the earlier days were pronounced by pride, but I realized all these were useless. Do not withdraw the offer, I need it. It's my life."

"For you have said all these in your own words! If you persist stubbornly, your disdain will meet your needs," Odwil cautioned him.

Both two ceased to talk as Odwil continued driving, heading to his place. Appeasing silence filled the car, Odwil appeared to have a closer relationship with the steering wheel than anything else, not even the brother who was seated adjacent to him.

A few minutes following the silence-accompanied drive, Odwil looked at his brother and posed an adoring smile, a baby smile that reflected the young days he spent with his elder brother. Oluk was so amused and he too smiled. His face gradually filled with clues of happiness, and his repressed rage turned his face fascinating. The younger brother was so talkative that he could not keep to himself anymore.

"Brother, do you see that tall building?" He pointed at a tall building ahead.

"Yes!" Oluk stared at his brother as he replied, he did not even take a look at the building.

"My house is just adjacent to it. A two-minute drive is adequate enough for us to arrive at the place. Feel free and relax, all is well." Odwil made known the location of his home.

"Thank you brother, I understand you." Oluk appreciate, but his facial expressions revealed no interest in him knowing.