if you want to change world start from you.

Khan had changed his school on Haider's request and with great difficulty had found a trainer for him who could teach him the art of fighting and make him an expert in martial arts as per his son's wish. But the problem was that the man was strange. There will not be one day in a month, only he will be able to go home and no one will be allowed to meet Haider. Hearing these terms, Khan's mind was spinning.

At first, he canceled the program and came home, but Haider insisted on accepting the conditions, so he was forced to take Haider back to the man who was known as the Master. He had assured that Haider's studies would continue and his remuneration was also very good, which a common middle class employee might not have been able to pay.

Leaving Haider with the master, Khan went back dejectedly. His mother was also very worried, but for the sake of Haider's happiness, she had kept a stone on her heart.

It was Haider's first day and he was standing in front of the master with his head bowed.

"It is very difficult to pass through the fiery furnace to become a Kundan. You have to go through a lot of pain. Do you know this?" said the Master while addressing Haider for the first time.

"Yes, Master, I know, but I am ready for it," replied Haider in a firm tone.

"Let's see," said the master, getting up from the chair.

Passing in front of Haider, the master's kick slowly turned and hit a vein just below Haider's shin. I don't know which vein, but a wave of intense pain ran through Haider's leg. .

Hyder bit his lip and tried to control the pain.

Haider was surprised that the master had hit him very lightly but why the pain was so intense. Before he could think of anything else, the master's kick swung around and hit the same spot again. This time Haider could not stop the scream that came out of his mouth and fell on the ground, the pain was so intense that his whole body was convulsing.

Meanwhile, the phone rang in the other room and the master went to the other room.

Hyder's eyes became moist due to the intensity of the pain.

After a few moments, the master came into the room and said as he came.

On the way from here, your father has met with a serious accident and he is admitted in the hospital in a very serious condition.

Haider got up with a longing and a wave of pain arose, but he did not care, he had forgotten all the pain and suffering, only his heart wanted to fly and go to his father.

"Please take me to them quickly," Haider muttered.

Saying "Let's go", the master went outside, Haider started running after him, waves of pain were rising, but Haider's mind was confused towards his father.

On reaching the car in the parking lot, the master suddenly turned and looked at Haider and said, "Let's go back to the room."

But my father" Haider said harassingly.

"Nothing happened to your father, I lied because I had to teach you the first lesson."

Master said contentedly and walked back to the room.

What kind of lesson is this? Worried and surprised Haider also followed them towards the room.

On reaching the room, Master sat on a chair while Haider stood in front of him.

"Tell me one thing, honestly, if I hadn't told you this accidental lie about your father, would you be running out of the house thinking about it?" Master was smiling.

Haider started thinking that the pain was severe at that time, but after hearing about his father, he had forgotten everything. At first, he was in a state that he might not be able to stand, but after listening to his father, he did not know where he got such willpower and endurance. He started running away ignoring the pain. Yes, if he had not heard such a thing, he could not have shown such strength.

No, if he hadn't listened, he probably wouldn't have reacted like that," Haider replied softly.

"Why can't you do the same pain, why can't you do that?" Master asked, Haider could not give any answer.

Ok let me tell you "I have often noticed that sometimes we have a pain in the head, leg or any other part of the body, then it continues to feel pain, but if at that time something comes up in the unconsciousness which If there is too much interest, we get lost in it, for example, an interesting movie or some cute actions of a child or some other interesting scene comes up, then as long as that scene or thing is in front, we forget the pain live.

But as soon as that scene or object is removed or gone, the pain starts again." The Master fell silent.

Hyder admitted in his heart that Master was right

"Does the pain go away when we are lost in our interesting object? No, the pain does not exist, but we distract our mind so much that it does not perceive the sensation of pain. This is what we can do in normal routine. You can control the pain by controlling your thoughts and mind. Usually the pain is not as much as we feel it is the fear and feeling of the pain which increases the intensity of the pain by about ten percent. "Can reduce the pain by ten percent from the original intensity," explained the master.

This is where your training to overcome pain will begin," said the master, standing up.

Hyder suddenly had a great respect for the Master and looked up to him with reverence.



Umar had completed a week of following Baba's instructions, he was fully protecting his sight and perhaps it was his reward that suddenly his eyes opened while he was sleeping and he saw the time and it was just before the call to prayer. There was an hour left, he was surprised how his eyes suddenly opened today. After opening his eyes, he tried to sleep, but sleep was far away from his eyes, and finally, tired, he stopped trying to sleep and started to stare at the sky.

But when there is idleness, it becomes difficult to pass the time. Being bored, he got up and began to walk, then suddenly a thought came to his mind, why not read Tahjud, anyway, I am walking in vain. He went to the roof and laid the prayer and made the intention. A strange calmness started to descend in his veins. It was a moonlit night. Every hundred was quiet and slow. He had never felt such a calmness before. He felt like there was no trouble in the world. No, peace is peace everywhere, as soon as he made up his mind, he remembered the hard work he had done in protecting the sight.


But still something was missing, what is missing, Omar was not able to find out after finishing Tahjud, Baba's voice echoed in his mind to protect the eyes even from inanimate objects, but he did not understand this yet. He had found that even after thinking about what kind of inanimate things he could not solve this knot.
