addmiting mistake is better than fight

Khola's car was constantly behind the two cars in which Qasim and his guards were riding. A little before the house where Zarar was, the car with Qasim in front slowed down and stopped on the side of the road. Qasim's hand came out of it and He signaled the car with the guards to come forward. As soon as the car of the guards came to Qasim's car, Qasim started giving them instructions without knowing what to do. Only a glimpse of the person sitting on the seat was seen and he got up and asked the guards to chase the car and stop it. Pursued

The three cars were speeding on the road leading out of the city.

And Khula, who was sitting behind in her car, had a triumphant smile on her face as if she was enjoying the situation. She moved towards the room and entered the room and saw Zarrar sitting by the window and two laptops were placed on the table, the screen of which was showing the transfer of data.

Chuch-chuch, the child was afraid," Khola addressed Zarrar with a warm smile on her lips while teasing.

"I'm afraid and I'm afraid of them, my shoe, even if they come in, they'll go to the ambulance from here," as expected, Zarrar said.

"Where is this euphoria and burning smell coming from?" Khula said, looking up and pinching her nose. Her face looked like she was really smelling something in the air.

Zarar's heart wanted to go ahead and punch Khula's nose, but with great difficulty he controlled himself and immediately changed the direction of the conversation, "What is happening now, who is that car owner, that poor thing is going to be killed in fuzul." "Zarrar's tone was really surprised.


I will not tell, such things are not told, it is seen," Khola said while copying in a manly tone and at the same time laughed out loud.

Zarar's heart wanted to get up and tear Khula's head off, but before he could do or say anything, a call started on Khula's cell phone. Khola attended the call and opened the speaker.

"Hello! Khola, where are you? Is Zarar also with you?" Api's loud voice was heard from the other side.

"Why are you well?" Khula asked, looking at Zarar.

"Baba Jani has been asking you since when he came and saying that Zarrar is also missing from Lahore" Api said while dropping a bombshell.

"We are coming now" Khola said nervously, the wind started blowing on her face, on the other hand, Zarar was also sitting on the chair.

Hearing this, he jumped up and stood up, he also looked worried.

Khula immediately cut the call and said to Zarar, "Hurry up, O Allah, where did Baba Jani come from and at this time we are not well today" Khula said worriedly.

"Not ours, not yours, I will tell you that you called me as an emergency," Zarrar protested while wrapping things up.

"Hum Tu Dobe Sanam will take you and you will be drowned" Even in these circumstances Khula did not stop from mischief even though she herself was in a thin state, she was walking from here to there. After the transfer was completed, Zarrar placed Qasim's laptop and mobile on the floor and started smashing it with a hammer and vandalized it in such a way that nothing could be recovered from anything. Set fire.

During this time Khula was not knowing what excuses she was going to make to Baba Jani if ​​she found out that Khula did not follow her words, what would happen if Allah she didn't even want to think like that.

Both of them got out quickly, Khola took the driving seat of the car and Zarar took his bike, both of them left for home at high speed.

On reaching home, when they proceeded towards the TV lounge, on the way, Api glared at Khola with angry eyes.

When they entered, Baba Jani was swinging on a chair in front of him.

"It's night, where were you two and what are you doing?" Baba asked in a serious and angry tone.

Khula was about to speak to try to make an excuse by clearing her throat, when Baba Jani continued his speech and said,

#And there is no end to lies

Baba Jani, who was a human being, had read Khula's mind as soon as he saw her face.

O Allah, how quick my father is, I was just thinking now and you and Baba, on such occasions, I don't know from where, they find such phrases that put the next person to shame and the person is not even able to answer it.

Finally, Khula decided to tell everything truthfully and repeated all the events from Sadaf's story till now in front of Baba and stood with her head bowed.

After listening to the whole story, Baba remained silent for a while and then said in a low voice, "It means that Khula, you did not control your language. Dragging your leg is an old habit of yours, that's why you were migrated here from the old university and you gave an assurance that no such complaint will come."

Khula's face turned red with embarrassment when Baba suggested it in a sweet and sweet tone because she had already given Baba a lot of trouble due to her same habits. She kept her eyes fixed on the ground and said nothing.

After a short silence, Baba looked at Zarrar and said, "And sir, you need a chance to be a hero. Did you learn how to use two or four hands in the harvest? You have started to think of a hero, if you remember, two colleges from one university, Mr. The same hero." Somewhere for the sake of friendship, somewhere for the sake of the girl's sympathy, there was another chance to become a hero, so Mr. flew to Islamabad from Lahore.

Zarrar looked at the direction of the guns and was startled and opened his mouth to say something, but then immediately closed his mouth and kept his eyes on the ground.

Rules and regulations are made so that a person can live his life with honor and peace, but when peace and honor meet by breaking the rules and regulations, then all the rules and regulations lose their value in such a place and it becomes a duty to save honor. Yes, you both understand these nuances, if you had not taken this step, I would have been ashamed of my training," said Baba, speaking continuously in a low voice.

Khola and Zarar felt as if a heavy load had been lifted from their heads and both took a deep breath.

But it doesn't mean that both of you can do whatever you want and no one says anything. You will have to answer for everything and also suffer punishment if you take a wrong step." Baba's tone became harsh again.

Ah baba bhi na does not let you be happy even for a minute, Khula thought helplessly looking at baba Jani.

"Sit down," said Baba gently

When both of them sat down, Baba Jani was lost in unknown thoughts while staring into space. After a long silence, Baba Jani started saying.

"After your elder sister, you two were born as twins. Your mother passed away while giving birth to you both."