Victory is the destiny of those who strive for it

"Go to your room," Baba Jani said while sitting next to the stranger.

"But baba abhi kuch files rahi hai the codes are karni hai" Zarrar protested he wanted to be part of this short meeting to satisfy his curiosity as to what this chakra is.

"You are not needed now. Mansoor will see for himself, he is more expert than you in this work, now go," Baba said with satisfaction. Meanwhile, Mansoor's fingers, sitting next to him, started moving quickly on the laptop, which was what this Baba said. Was confirming.

Baba's speech was so commanding that Zarar could not say anything further and turned back disappointed and when he reached the door, he heard Mansoor's voice.

"The method is good but it is very old and takes time. There are more modern techniques to decode that take much less time to learn."

When Zarrar looked back, Mr. was busy on the laptop, carelessly admonishing Zarrar.

Zarrar did not know why he started bleeding. It understands what is itself. he think in his Hart.

When he reached the room, Khula was walking in the room, he saw Zarrar Jo with surprise and said.

"Why did you come?"

I have not been fired," said Zarrar angrily. "Oh now how do we know what cycle it is" Khula said worriedly. "What can I say" Zarar's mood was off. "I have to do something, I have to eavesdrop and there is no other option," Khula said hesitantly. "Look, if Baba finds out, then it is not good for us. He has already given a lot of discount," Zarar said worriedly. "I will not know, I will listen outside the door as soon as someone starts coming out, I will go to the next room, I can't bear the curiosity, maybe the activities of Baba will be known under the same excuse," Khula said. Started to draw.

.I'm going outside to the window I can hear from there" said Zarar excitedly and walked outside. Khola reached outside the door of the drawing room and stood right next to the door. He started hearing muffled voices. He put his ear to the door to hear more clearly. On the other hand, Zarrar was standing with his ears close to the window. There was a curtain on the window, so he was not afraid that someone would see from inside. However, he cautiously did not go in front of the window but stood against the wall next to the window. He heard the voice of Mansoor who was saying "Sir! These are very important secrets regarding the Black Hunt. It is the grace of Allah that Allah has put it directly in our cradle.

.Khola and Mansoor pressed their ears and listened loudly to listen carefully. "Sir! Your son and your daughter are trying to listen to us. One is behind the door and the other is behind the window." When they heard Mansoor's voice, both of them lost their minds. "Khola, zarar" Baba Jani shouted. Hearing their roar, Zarar and Khula's hands and feet swelled and they ran back to the room in panic. Khola had reached the room when Zarar also came running. "How does he know that I am behind the door and you are outside by the window by the wall" Khola asked in a surprised breath.

"Perhaps he has the ability to see through walls and now get ready this is going to be a great class" Zarrar replied sarcastically.   ****************.   Hyder was busy running with the master and sweat soaked all of Hyder's clothes and he was panting badly. The master's house was outside the city and a canal was flowing five kilometers away from there. They had walked five kilometers fast and sometimes ran to reach here. On reaching the bank of the canal, Hyder fell on the grass and lay down, but in the next moment, the master The stumbling block landed on his leg and the master said, "Get up and start jumping."

Hyder looked at the master with protesting eyes, then had to stand awkwardly and started jumping with the master.

"Remember whenever you do any strenuous work, don't give the body a sudden rest, otherwise it affects the nerves, always bring your body to a state of rest gradually" the master started the lecture.

"Yes Master" and Haider were dying thinking that they will have to go back in the same way.

An hour later he was home but his condition had deteriorated.

After half an hour to rest Mulla Haider, he was again in front of the master.

"Today's next lesson is fearlessness," said the master, sitting on the chair with satisfaction.

"You must have heard about the Battle of Badr, Uhud and other battles fought by the Companions," inquired the Master.

Hyder nodded in agreement.

"What do you know about them" came the next question

"It is that they defeated the enemy even though they were few in number, they were very brave, they fought not to live but to die and martyrdom" replied Haider.

"You're twelve?" The master looked at him carefully.

"Yes," Haider replied curtly.

The Master leaned back in his chair and fell silent and remained silent for so long that Hyder began to feel uneasy. I don't know what thoughts Master was lost in. Then finally they closed their eyes but their lips started to move and they said in a low voice.

"There was a village about four or five miles from Madinah Tayyaba, where some of the camels of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) used to graze. The infidels looted them and killed those who grazed them and took the camels away. The marauders were mounted on horses, and armed,

Coincidentally, Hazrat Salama bin Akwa (RA) came on foot with a bow and arrow in the morning.

They were going towards the garden when suddenly

These robbers were noticed, there were children running a lot, it is said that their race was proverbial and famous, they used to catch the horse in their race and the horse could not catch them, along with this, they were also famous in archery. Hadhrat Salama bin Akwa turned towards Madinah Munawarah and climbed a hill and announced the loot, and he himself ran after those looters with his bow and arrow until he reached them and started shooting arrows. Let him shoot the moving arrows so that those people think that a big crowd has come and that Hazrat Salama bin Akua was alone and was on foot.

Therefore, when a horse returned and chased, he would hide under the cover of a tree and shoot arrows from his horse through the cover, which would injure him, and he would go back thinking that if the horse fell, I would be caught. Hazrat Salama bin Akua (RA) says that he kept running and I kept chasing him, even as many camels as he had stolen from the Holy Prophet (PBUH) he followed me and besides that he left behind thirty sheets and thirty sheets.


Meanwhile, a group of ``Aniyyah bin Hisn came to him as help, and the robbers gained strength. climbed the mountain, they also climbed when they got close to me, so I said loudly, "Just wait, listen to me first, you know who I am?" He said, "Tell me who it is." I said, "I am Ibn Aku, by the One who honored Muhammad Mustafa, may God's prayers and peace be upon him. If any of you wanted to capture me, you could capture him and you." Whomever I want to catch can never escape me,

As it was generally known about Hazrat Salama bin Akwa that he ran so fast that even an Arabian horse could not compete with him, so this claim was not strange, even the robbers had heard about Salama bin Akwa. Radiyallahu Anhu says that I continued to talk in the same way and my intention was that help has reached these people and help should come to me from the Muslims that I had also announced in Madinah, so I I kept talking to them and looked carefully towards Madinah from among the trees. I saw a group of horsemen coming running. The foremost among them was Akhram Asadi (RA).

And cut off the feet of that horse which fell and Abd al-Rahman attacked them while falling and he was martyred, and Abd al-Rahman immediately mounted his horse, followed by Abu Qatadah Radiyallahu Anhu, and immediately they began to attack. , Abd al-Rahman attacked the leg of Abu Qatadah's horse, which caused him to fall, and as he fell, he attacked Abd al-Rahman, killing him, and Abu Qatada immediately attacked the horse that Akhram Asadi r. It belonged to Allah Anhu, and now Abd al-Rahman was riding. (Abu Dawood)