Humanity is the instinct to help others

Hyder was looking at the master carefully.

"It was a custom in Arabia that when a child was born, it was handed over to a da'i and sent away from the city to villages, etc., where he returned to spend his early childhood years. This was done because a child stay in a healthy place and secondly so that the child gets used to hardships and hardships from childhood and thirdly so that they can learn pure speech and language.Furthermore, fights and quarrels were common there due to which. Since childhood, there was usually interest and attraction towards the tactics of battles, archery, swordplay etc. and special attention was paid to it. These are the reasons due to which a personality emerged which was brave, warrior and tough. By bringing faith, the power of all these qualities became much greater, and faith itself was something that made his personality stronger and stronger, on the basis of which the Companions achieved such achievements that the world was surprised." The master became silent after reaching here and then spoke.

"Today, we look for ease. We want our children not to feel hot air, although children should be accustomed to hardships. Running, exercising, learning the art of fighting, these things are dreams and thoughts. Not even now, but I know soon. That time will come when all this will become necessary."

"Master, how are you saying, will the era of swords come back?" Haider asked in surprise.

"I don't know this, but it is confirmed that a new era is coming in which many things will change," said the Master with great confidence.

"Master, tell me something about this," Haider asked curiously.


Seth Aleem was restlessly pacing the room while Qasim was sitting on a chair with his head bowed.

"Years of hard earned money are at stake, now I don't know if he was really a thief or just bent on exposing our faces," Aleem muttered.

Qasim's bowed head bowed further as he considered himself guilty in this matter.

"What's the matter? I have been seeing you both very upset since yesterday," Qasim's mother Neelam said as she entered the room.

"There are some business issues that are beyond your understanding," Aleem lied.

"What are the problems that both of you have lost sleep" Neelam said while interrogating.

"Say nothing, we will handle it," said Aleem, feeling sad.

At the same time, the intercom rang and the guard reported the arrival of their security chief Nauman.

Qasim and Aleem rushed towards Numan's control room.

When they entered the room, Numan was sitting on a chair in front of him and was busy drinking water from a water bottle. His condition was worse, his eyes were red as if he hadn't slept all night.

"What did you find out?" asked Aleem eagerly.

Noman said, shaking his head in the negative.

"I have examined the incident and researched it, but there is no CCTV camera nearby. A little ahead of it, a black-clad man was seen walking in two cameras."

"The model of the bike is not known. The number of the bike is not known," Aleem said, gritting his teeth.

"I have already worked on all these points but there is no clue. He was very clever. The bike used a very common model and the number was covered with mud and mud etc which made the number unreadable. It was done deliberately, but the bike was clean," Nauman replied.

Both Qasim and Aleem's mouths hung up.


The planner is very intelligent, he has not left any aspect where he can get a clue," Nauman said with a cold breath.

"I also went to the shop from whose mobile phone Ammar was called, but I could not find out who made the call, but there was a camera installed outside the shop in front of it, which was recorded in the CCTV footage. I've brought it," Nauman said, taking out a USB stick from his pocket and connected it to his laptop and played a video in it.

The kiosk was really busy. Nauman forwarded the video and posted the video of the hour during which Amar was called.

Noman was saving the picture of whoever was coming for the call.

His plan was that now he will look at these men one by one and investigate, maybe one of them is the man he wants. .

A veiled woman wearing an abaya came to the booth, the booth owner, after hearing her talk, grabbed her mobile phone.

Call. After doing that, she returned the phone and paid the money. As soon as she turned to go back, her face was towards the camera. Noman stopped the video to save the picture, so Qasim jumped from his place.

"One minute one minute" he yelled and came closer to the screen to examine it then zoomed in a bit and suddenly stood up.

"This is my cousin my classmate"

"What" came out of both Nauman and Aleem's mouths.

"Yes, this is the same girl Khula studies in my class," Qasim said excitedly.

"Either this is the thief or he has some link with the thief," Nauman said after watching the video.

"Because that's about the time Ammar was called," Nauman said confidently.


Today was Sunday, so Khula was at home. After breakfast, Umm Hani came running to Khula and said, "Api, tell me something that I should ask my brother to do, but he can't do it, but I'll do it, brother. It's strange to me." asks the question".

Khula thought for a while and then smilingly said something in Umm Hani's ear. On hearing it, Umm Hani started laughing and ran into the drawing room. Khula also followed behind her because everyone was sitting there. He had gone somewhere.

Umm Hani sat down with a copy and a hair-point and after a while she said to Obaid, her brother who is two years older than her, there is one thing that you can't do, I can do it.

Obaid started laughing and said there is no work that I cannot do and you do it.

Umm Hani said if it is like that then hold this ball point. When Obaid took it then she started asking, tell me in what color it is written.

Umm Hani said, "Now write it in red and show it."

"The ball point is blue, so how can it be written as red?" Ubayd was a little surprised. Api Khola and Zarar were looking at them both smiling.

Do some magic, do anything, but show it by writing it red

Obaid kept drawing lines with a pencil for a long time, but they remained blue.

It cannot be written, Obed said giving up

Umm Hani started laughing and took the pencil from his hand and said "Chuchchuch can't do that much".

Then Umm Hani took the copy and started writing on it R then E then D it became red see I wrote red with this blue pencil you lost.

"Obeid Khasiyani started laughing, this is also something that happened.

"You are getting bored without your brother," Khula said mischievously to you.

"They are just about to arrive" Api had just said with a smile when the bell started ringing.

"Lo aa bhi gaye" Api went out and after a while came inside with her husband.

Umm Hani and Obaid hugged their father's legs.

"Where did you go yesterday after the university you are saying you have a meeting" asked Khola

"Yes, there was a meeting. The Uni people sent me as their spokesperson. A friend was found there. He forcibly stopped it," Rashid replied.

Rashid was not only the brother-in-law of Khula, but also the head.

Meanwhile, you went to make breakfast.

"Brother, please, I had a task for you," Khula said anxiously.

"Yes, say yes," Rasad said encouragingly.

"Brother, that was about to ask. Maybe you know what black hunt means," Khola said hesitantly.

As soon as Rashid heard the name Black Hunt, he was startled and looked at Khula.