The outer world

Chapter 6: The Outer World

Arriving at the gate a young guard greeted Le and Tyron, he was about 20 years old and wore a silver armor, he also carried a sword with him, this sword however was no relic.

The guard then looked at the two young middle aged man in front of him who were Le and Tyron as he asked:

"Good Morning, Welcome to Fire Pheonix City. Gentlemen, I need your name and affiliation please."

Le and Tyron then looked at each other with clear confusion as Tyron quickly replied:

"Ahem. Tai Zun and Si Xiang, we are from the everlasting divine sect." The guard nodded took out 2 identity token and then engraved the information about Le and Tyron in these 2 tokens, he then gave the two their tokens and let them entry. Le sighed and thanked Tyron for his quick reaction and fast thinking.

"Man, thanks.

"Everlasting Divine Sect?" Le said as he grinned at Tyron, this friend of him always criticized him for his bad naming sense yet he came up with this kind of name ?

"Yeah, lets forget about that." Tyron said, shaking his head while the gate opened for them to entry.

As the two entered the city their eyes widened, it was not majestic and spectacular like their primordial origin sect, but it was more impressive what they've seen before. The city was crowded with countless of people, from one side of the city one could smell awesome street food while the other side had restaurants, it was big and filled with many things such as shops, restaurants and of course houses.

One could see many merchants escorting a carriage, or cultivators on their immortal like swords flying in the sky.

Le and Tyron then walked through the city while looking through and they were positive about it, the atmosphere was phenomenal, as they walked through Le then said:

"You know… We don't have any money… Or even a clue what the currency of this world is…" Tyron then stopped as he realized, they were too fascinated from the people and the city that they completely forgot that something like money existed.

Luckily there was also appraisal shop in the city, thus they asked around a bit and qín the blink of an eye they found themselves at the shop, it was not big however the insides were truly formidable. The shop had a soothing smell to it while also the decorations looked good.

The shop owner, or rather the appraiser then came out and asked:

"What do we have?" He asked as he took out his glasses, Tyron then took out a sword, it was a mortal weapon of the earth grade thus he didnt want to make it too complicated since he knew if he would take out something of spiritual grade people would go crazy over them.

Tyron then handed the appraiser his weapon over, however just as he did the appraiser stood there in shook…

"I… Immortal grade relic!" He shouted as he fell on the ground, he couldn't help but kneel in front of Tyron.

"O'master immortal please spare me my rudeness…" He said in a low voice while Tyron was perplexed…

"Ah… This…" Tyron couldn't find any words, 'could this dude please stand up!' He thought while he looked at Le for help, was this really an appraiser ?

"Stand up." Le said as he lifted the appraiser with his dharmic energy, he appraiser was astounded and then Le added:

"Give us a map, and inform us about the currency. Its been a long time since we have been in this mortal realm."

'Huh?' Tyron thought as he stood there like a plant, he still couldn't help but just play along.

"Yes, Yes!" The appraiser said as he went back to his room taking out a map and a bag, when he came back he handed over the map and the bag as he said:

"This is the map of our Azure Dragon Continent, although, immortals there are still 3 more continents. The saint continent, the Black Tortoise Continent and the Bestial Continent.

This bag contains 100 gold coins, the currency is simple.

It goes from copper to silver to gold. 100 is equivalent to 1. Like 100 copper coins in equivalent to 1 silver coin…"

The appraiser explained nervous and quick, he just wanted to get out of this life threatening situation as quickly as possible.

"I understand." Le said as he turned around and left, Tyron still a bit dumb founded then followed him, he then asked:

"What was that ?"

"Well, first of all. Why was the earth relic called a immortal weapon, and second of all it would have made no sense if we didn't just play along, thus we were able to obtain this and this" Le said as he pointed at the map and the gold coins.

"Ah, I guess there still much we dont know about in this world, however back to the "playing along" though yeah it was good reaction of yours, this appraiser now knows about us wont that be a bit too risky ?." Tyron asked while looking back at the appraiser shop.

Le shook his head as he replied:

"Well not really, he knows or at least he assumes we are immortals, thus he won't say anything since he's too afraid." Tyron nodded in agreement, then the two of them went into a restaurant with the name:

"Blossoming Flower Restaurant." When the two of them entered the restaurant many people looked at them with weird gazes, then a man quickly stopped them shouted:

"This is no homeless shelter! Please leave." The man was about 1.90 meter tall and was in his 30s, wore a armor he was obviously a guard at this restaurant, his expression was serious and he seemed quite angered.

"This is no animal shelter either, now go back to your master little dog." Tyron said as he looked the man in his eyes, the mans expression changed as the people around them started gossiping.

"They just called master Shan a dog?"

"Truly they are courting death!"


Master Shan who stood there in anger suddenly grabbed his sword…

But before being able to make a move Tyron flicked his hand as master Shan froze, suddenly he began to sweat nervously…

Tyron then snapped as his legs suddenly collapsed, one could clearly hear his bones breaking!

"Master" Shan was on his knees right now, nervously sweating like a dog. Tyron again flicked his hand causing master Shan to looked directly in Tyrons eyes, and what he saw he surely wouldn't forget.

As he looked into Tyron's eyes that have transformed back to their original form, he saw thousands of beast running towards him, but no matter what he tried he couldn't move. He even wanted to scream for help but simply couldn't now every one could see how "master" Shan was on the verge of insanity. The beasts then tore his body apart while he could see a man sitting on a throne looking down on him. It was too terrifying.

Tyron now squatted down and shook his head. Le then patted Tyrons shoulder, only then he snapped again and released "master" Shan.

Master Shan was currently on the ground while salvia was running out of his mouth. Though yes his physical body was still there, it was only a empty shell.

The people around Le and Tyron now held their breaths while not daring to even think about what just happened, these two were some kind of big shots! Daring to say something now like master Shan would be nothing more than a death wish.

The atmosphere was stiff and the whole restaurant was silent.

To be continued…

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