Shao Family

Chapter 11: Shao Family

In the Shao family's manor…

"Patriarch! We need the protection from the empire, or we need to bow to one of the holy lands. Otherwise we will not only loose face, no we will lose our status as one of the royal clans, right now we have only one Void Shattering expert, that being you.

Although, we tried to put on a fight, we need to know when we need to bow. If we bow towards the empire its indeed no shame, we are one of the royal families, its our right to receive the protection of the empire.

In the past 1000 years many things have changed, we cant rely on status anymore. The upper realm descending will soon start, without proper backing we, no our entire bloodline won't be able to survive this.

Additionally to that we have the top geniuses is the entire province, we simple can't afford them being killed in the event." A older man explained, he wore a white robe and was about 2 meters tall, although being old he had a muscular body that was well hidden through his clothes.

His eyes were deep grey, and his appearance although being old was quite fit. He didn't seem like an old man who needed any assistance. His expression was serious as he spoke while looking the man who was sitting above him; the man above him was about 1,95 meter tall and was maybe between 40-50 he had short dark brown hair and his eyes were blue like an ocean.

The aura that he was giving out was outstanding, it was domineering and cold. Suppressing everything beneath him, he truly was an someone who stood at the peak of the world.

He wore a white robe with some golden stripes on it, while wearing an golden armor with a big green jade in the middle. His appearance, even though his age, was that of an handsome man, he had a jawline and a clear and symmetric face.

"I know this situation as of right now, but I have already called for support for the Shao family branch in the saint continent. However, since we are only a second grade family branch they can't afford to send out any Dao Integration or Tribulation transcendence experts to support us.

They have their own problems with the flood dragon bloodline slowly fading since the flood dragon beasts loose their influence, caused by an unknown influence in the past thousand years.

Shao Wu I understand all of your concern for this family, however it's impossible for us right now. The empire will definitely protect us but as of right now even the empire has its own problems…" The patriarch of the Shao family explained to the elderly man who's name was Shao Wu, the Grandd elder of the Shao family also the oldest elder, reaching the 400 year mark.

"Shao Wen, I please go personally to the main branch, you was once the genius of the main branch. Beg your old master for help… otherwise this family will go down." Shao Wu said in desperation as he looked out of the window, looking upon the hundreds of disciples and children that were either: playing, fighting or practicing.

"I will…" Shao Wen the patriarch replied to Shao Wu, naturally he couldnt resist when this old man would ask him since the elderly man Shao Wu was like a father to him.

One must know that Shao Wen was once only a outer disciple of the family, however as he awakened a almost 100% purity flood dragon bloodline he was treasured and send to the main branch. He then blossomed, but unfortunately he wasn't able to live up to his expectations since the flood dragon bloodline got slowly but surely weaker after 100 years he was stuck at the Void Shattering realm. Nonetheless he is still considered one of the biggest talents in the recent years, though since he had no innate talent, but only the bloodline it was hard for him to be a true unicorn amongst the disciples.

The youngest and most fierce genius of the main branch family is probably Shao Ken being int he top 3 of the heaven genius ranking, reaching the Void Shattering realm with only 24 years old. This was not a century level talent, no… this was a era level talent, one must fathom the fact that a 24 year old would reach the Void Shattering realm. Where other average geniuses would need at least 40 to 60 years he merely needed 20 years.


At Tyron and Le…

As of right now they were floating in the air looking upon the mountains while having a intense discussion…

"No, No, No! We not building the sect in the underground, that makes no sense, we not some moles!" Tyron shouted while he rolled his eyes.

"Why though! I mean its safe and underground is a place no one would really look, and even if they did they would need to reach that place first!" Le replied as fast as he could, why not putting the secondary sect in the underground?

"First of all, we need the sect to look majestic, thus bounding the new disciples in a spell. It would be perfect if it was in the mountains, that would look simply too amazing! Not just that every elder could have his own mountain and then accepting disciples to cultivate with them on the mountain.

It would be relatively save, and it would be hidden, depending on how high we are building." Tyron added, the whole time he wanted to build the sect in the mountains adding a special vibe.

"No, everyone even these "Golden Core" cultivators can sense these mountains, even if there would be none, here are a few Qi Condensing beasts. Equivalent to the nascent soul experts in this world, they get scared by our aura but whats with that of the disciples?

We can set arrays but not through the whole valley that would make people suspicious about us, causing disturbance. Or some divine god to interfere. Also the mountains are way to easy to attack…" Le explained to Tyron…

What would you guys take:



Or in the sky

Let me know!

To be continued.