A holy land? [RE-UPLOAD]

"Everlasting Divine Sect ?" Shao Wen asked in a confused state, as he asked himself:

'Everlasting Divine sect ? Have I heard this sect before…' Trying his best to recall such a sect but without any success. Right now there was this elder who was just one cultivation under him, and was only about 30 years old a true beast among geniuses.

With this Shao Wen came to the conclusion…

'This Everlasting Divine sect either had to be a sect in the upper realms, or a hidden sect that act low-key. Such a genius that reaches the soul formation realm at such a age… this is truly only found in the saint continent, and even there it is rare to find such geniuses.' With this conclusion in mind he did not dare so be arrogant, he tried to ask politely while also treating this young man like an equal.

The young man was, of course, none other than Shao Kang a family member of the Shao family, to be precise. Shao Kang was one of the disciples of this branch.

"The Everlasting Divine sect, is a sect that is equal if not higher than the 3. Holy lands. The sect has chooses the Shao family, for this matter I have also brought this one…" Shao Kang explained as he reached out with his arms and a small ethereal dragon appeared, rushing out from his sleeve. This dragon was obviously Hao Cao.

Hao Cao then looked at the Shao Wen in front of him and spoke:

"Kneel." As soon as he said that the entire mansion was wrapped in a ethereal aura, this aura then forced Shao Wen to kneel.

Shao Wen then began to sweat nervously as he looked around, shouldn't the elders have noticed this ? However, he had not much time to think about it as Hao Cao spoke again.

"I who was born by the abyssal power of the overlord of all divine beast is now talking to you. Those who are not equal to me dare not to speak to me, especially if those are like you, having nothing but a inferior bloodline.

A mere flood dragon bloodline, nonetheless the overlord has blessed you, he is requesting the gathering of all the geniuses of your family. I specifically do not care if they are on missions or have other problems just call them, your deadline is in two days." Hao Cao's voice was domineering and absolutely frightening it was deep and sounded from all sides, even causing the weather outside to change.

Shao Wen who was even more frightened couldn't help but nod at this request, immediately after he nodded Hao Cao disappeared leaving nothing but his fearsome aura behind.

After Hao Cao's domineering appearance even Shao Kang was surprised, towards him this dragon was always polite and like a friend, although he didn't knew Hao Cao long, nonetheless he still was thankful that Hao Cao assisted him.

"Yes. I will also be in the capital for some time. You can find me in the fiery dragon hotel." Shao Kang said, cursing Hao Cao in his mind.

'You idiot! Now I have to act like one of these monsters who reside outside… This was my family for 34 years yet I still have to sleep in some hotel… What a shame.

Master Shao Wen, I apologize.' Shao Kang really was heartbroken, he served this family for so long while also being a loyal disciple, yet he has to be have like that…

"Y-Yes" Shao Wen replied as he bowed, then Shao Kang simply left with a wry smile as he began to shook his head.

"E-Everlasting Divine sect…" Shao Wen murmured as he took out a token and began to use some inscriptions.


At this time in The Valley of Gods, alias valley of everlasting.

Le and Tyron were facing each other now with another problem…

"The outer disciples should have earth techniques, don't forget that our techniques, relics etc. even if they are only on the earth grade, they are comparable with a immortal grade of this world." Tyron recalled as he remembered the scene back then with the appraiser…

'I should have asked this dude about more info… Smh'

"Thats right, but this will encourage the disciples more to cultivate, also its simply too much of an effort to write new techniques ourselves. Although I have another idea though it might be a bit risky…" Le replied as he stroked his non existent beard, with a curious gaze Tyron looked at Le and said:

"I wanna listen to the plan first before I say anything else, I mean its not like I have a better one."

"Well, well. The first plan of mine is to eventually invite other aristocratic or royal families to the sect, therefore we could also use their techniques or at least their knowledge to boost our world knowledge. Another thing is that we could use them to, is boost our sect in talent as we could create a tournament where the top 10 will get a spot in our sect as inner disciples.

That would help us tremendously in perspective but also could hurt us.

For example: The moment we will get famous for our talent and prowess there will be many geniuses to join our sect, causing an over population in our sect. Not just that, when every genius decides to join us every other sect could be jealous and think about invading us or at least form some kind of alliance." Le explained his plan as Tyron instantly replied:

"There is no problem for us to fend off so many, the problem is are willing to?

The "motto" of our sect is to be low-key once we fend off so many enemies we are not low-key, we would simply be hypocritical. Even if we wanted to build this sect to have some influence, we should start small first and slowly devouring this world.

But for that I have some other plan…" Tyron's red fiendish eyes then began to glow as he began to explain his plan to Le…

To be continued.

Arc 1 is coming to end soon…

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