Mystic Realm

Chapter 15: Mystic Realm

"Everlasting Divine Sect ?" One of the 12 elders asked, he wore a mask and was in complete disguise, his name was Illusionary Shao Fen. Just like patriarch Shao Wen, he was also from one of the main branches, however due to his limited potential he was sent over to Shao Wen as an underling.

However, Shao Fen wasn't too emotional with it since his ultimate pursue was not cultivation but rather creating the most perfect illusion. In the family he was wide known as the crazy elder who is constantly disguised by his illusions, making him extremly mysterious, even among the elders…

"Yes, I knew that you would ask therefore, I will explain to you.

I think everyone here knows the 3 realms, the lower realm, the middle realm and the upper realm.

Those are the 3 realms of heaven, we are in the middle realm although heaven did forbid interaction between middle and upper realm, experts of the deity realm are able to interact with us who are in a lower realm.

As all of you know the upper realm is the origin of most organizations that are currently in the lower realms. We are one of them, however even among the organizations in the upper realm, there are hidden fishes.

The Everlasting Divine sect is most likely one." Shao Wen explained as he recalled Hao Cao's performance, it was too frightening.

"Most likely ? Only that, patriarch although I have utmost respect for you, but you can't "betray" the main branch and even offend the origin branch in the upper realm for something that you are not certain of." Old Lan then said with a stern face, she was being dead serious. She did live for hundreds of years already, therefore she had experience, and this decision by her young patriarch was simply foolish.

"Shao Lan I understand your concern, however…

All of you know that I was nurtured by the main branch. Therefore I also got to experience the might of the origin branch in the upper realm, and what I can tell you is that… the Everlasting Divine sect was mightier.

I am afraid that if we don't "betray" the main branch, we will miss out on a opportunity. In the end the main branch does not care for us, we are only a second branch we are not worth mentioning in their eyes." Shao Wen said as he clenched his fists, he grew up as a nobody and then climbed up the ranks due to his bloodline, however as it was slowly clear that he had no cultivation talent he was abandoned by the sect.

"I-" Shao Wen wanted to add something as a servant interrupted their meeting…

"PATRIARCH, THE SKY!" The servant screamed, not caring about death. Shao Wen and the others then stormed out of the manor as they were greeted by hundreds of disciples who also stormed out.


At the same time at the Wu family the 2nd strongest force in the entire middle realm. They are located in the family and are also considered one of the 10 royal families…

"Something big happened!" A old man shouted as he stormed out of his house, his name… Wu Fu a grand elder of the Wu family.


At the imperial court…

"Your MAJESTY! Please go out and look at the sky…!" A servant who wore a blue robe stormed in the gigantic palace that was filled with people right now. All of them wore beautiful clothes as they looked at the servant with a curious gaze.

Therefore, in a blink of an eye everyone who was in the palace walked out, while the emperor was leading the way…


At the Wong family the strongest force in the middle realm, just a bit above the Dragon Azure Sect., The association and the Wu family, obviously they were also one of the royal families.

All disciples at the moment were looking at the sky in disbelief, in the meanwhile all the elders rushed out and the patriarch was even called during his closed door cultivation.


In other Kingdoms of the empire…

The sky was turning black and red, while a dragon and a phoenix clashed, in the end both perished as a gate was opened from their Qi.

The same scene happened in every kingdom, just like in the royal city.

Everyone watched this scene in disbelief.

Everyone was watching, commoners, rogue cultivators, sects, etc.


In the empire…

A gigantic divine tiger appeared from the sky, causing thunder to struck everywhere.

The divine tiger then opened its mouth as its domineering voice spoke.

"This is a realm, not something you mortals have experienced before.

Its a divine mystic realm, with countless opportunities. Everyone may enter this realm as long as they are under 20 old, those who dare shall be either doomed or blessed, glory and death are both possible.

There are 5 rules.

1. Killing and plundering is allowed, however once one dies the soul is trapped in this realm, therefore no one can reincarnate.

2. It is not allowed to stop one to enter this realm as long one has the qualifications, that being under 20 years old. Anyone who dares to gate keep this realm shall be punished by divine lightning.

3. Every organization can only send 3 people.

4. A cultivation level above the Dao Integration realm is not allowed.

5. One can enter only once and can leave only once, there is no second chance in entering this realm. Once someone decides to enter the realm one can leave by going back at the gate.

I shall be waiting here for you mortals for 5 days, you get 5 days of preparation. Send this message to everyone in this continent, I shall await you.

HAHA!" The tiger spoke in a devilish manner as it laughed at these mere mortals, of course it could act so invincible.

'The strongest expert in this world is merely a Soul Sea Core cultivator… ridiculous.'


The first arc has come to an end. I thank you guys for the comments etc. I will be uploading more frequently now as I have almost finished the maps…

Here are some leaks…

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