It almost sundown when they arrived at the river, the first place that sounds very much alive for Lev, especially with the water's sound that flows along side of each banks which probably about three and half meters in width. The water looked as clear as crystal, it moves swiftly over the rocks that scattered in the river base before it strikes down the river. The tour guide lifted his hand as a command to stop.

"We'll take a break a while. Don't forget to fill the water supplies, there are no places else to fill after these..."

Sam prepared the firewoods that will be used to cook meal and brew some coffee while the other crew members were rest. Lev decided to go to the river banks and sat there, the sound of water flow was really fun to hear, gave the relax moment that he really needed despite of the tense of anxiouty he's been carried since. The amusement not only came from the sounds of nature but also the clearnes of the water which refreshed the sight, he take a close looked to the inside to found out if there are fishes in there but so far there's no animal had seen besides small frogs.

He sat on an outcrop rock and pulled one of the cigarette out, there's nothing wonderful than enjoying this magnificent atmosphere with a smoke. The mixture of the rushing water, the composite of humming bird and chirping crickets, and a whistle of wind blows made him like he's been sitting on theater and listening to the harmonious play of some orchestra. He scooped the water by his hand then tasted it. It's cold and fresh. Sanded taste in his throat vanished instantly. He scooped for second times before took the bottle out of his pack and filled it. The coldness still exudes, even when the water had lies in the bottle.

He looked around, this place was so much different indeed from the big city where he lives. Around him were fulled with greens and trees...nothing but trees...forget the buildings, forget the tower, or any other else men's made. Here's the perfect example of God's work of hand. Everything seemed normal. He felt like his on another planet that doesn't have the pollution for its word. Vianka would love this place if she's here with him and looking at this scenery…but one way or another, according to her condition, in a way of thinking, she actually was here though not like he had thought literally.

But if the girl was here with him now, physically, they would seated here, stared in amazement at the beauty of this river, and maybe she...she will asked him to swim, considering she's born with the fish-like instinct for she couldn't resisted to get inside the water, just like she did every time they're on vacation at grandpa's village.

Lev laughed as remembered that. An hour ago he'd asking why people wanted to come to the mountain just to take a short view atop of it, but now he's sitting here and enjoying the scenery himself. For some reason he agreed, natural sight was much more extraordinary than the one that only seen on TV's.

"Aren't you hungry?" suddenly a voice woke him up.

"Not really…"

"Here…you have to eat some to keep the strength…"

Lev looked aside and saw Jaka Hardiman thrusting him foam bowl filled with meals. The white mist which flew from the rice indicates the food had just cooked. Jaka sat next to him after he received the bowl. He said in sighed, "I've already climbed this mountain three times but never get bored by the sights."

"Are you a climber?"

"Was…in college..."

"This is the first time for me," Lev says. "And yes, I agree…it's cool…"

"Hold that word until you see Kawah Ratu."

"Why's that?"

"That place, will never see anything like's different from here but it obviously something you won't forget...." the man started to explain how beautiful the place was, especially with the rare plant like Rafflesia rochussennii that grows many in there, the subject that made him very exciting until he realized the uneasy looks on Lev's face.

"Do we have to passes the place on the way to the crash site?" Lev asked then.

Jaka hesitate to answer for hearing unfriendly tones from Lev, "Sorry, I don't mean to..."

"It's okay. I just want to know."

"Yes, we have to pass the spot."

That's all he answered, after that Jaka stopped talking and continues with his meal while Lev ate less. He lost his appetite for the past three weeks, especially on the first three days after the tragedy happened, and it almost made him sick if he didn't pushed himself to eat. The returned of Vianka's corpse...or maybe what's left on her...after that caused him many things to do, such as making sure that she's on the victim's list, monitoring the evacuation process from the distance, and accepting the returned of her by family, was something more important to keep up so he need all the strength from food.

"By the way, I always wonder, why choose the names Listvyanka?" Jaka asked. "That's not a common name for Indonesian."

"That's a name of a city in Russia."


"Long time ago, my daddy was a part-time worker at one of hotels there, it was when he studied Architects. He said the place was so lovely and he had dream that his kids, Vianka and I, that someday can live as permanent residence, so we could see the beauty of the city of Listvyanka every day."

"That place must be worth."

"Well, he gets his wishes when her daughter taken away by that damn Russian aircraft for eternity."

"Never knew what would happen. None of us did. The first flight was fine."

"Yup! Totally unexpected..."

"And what about your name? Lev-Yashin? It sounds like Russian too…"

Lev nodded, "It's a soccer legend of Russia, Lev Yashin. Daddy is the big fans of him. Lucky me, he didn't choose the name of Rasputin for me."

Jaka laughed, "Anyhow your dad made a cool choice. The unusual names makes her popularity rise very quick."

"Actually, none of us ever guess she will be a TV's anchor. What she wanted to do after wins the Abang-None Contest was just taking course in London to finish her studies."

"Destiny had another part to say. If she didn't take the opportunity there wouldn't be famous anchor names Vianka who depress her senior."

"And maybe she didn't need to suffer the fateful accident like this."

Jaka stared uncomfortably, once more, "Sorry, I know this must be hard for you. If I knew there would be an accident, I would not send her to cover the story."

"It's all right! No need to blame yourself!" said Lev.

Both of them were silent. The situation stilted as the sun started to go down on the horizon, leaving the earth with a still darkness, and the sound of river flows becomes accompany when Lev finally ate all of his meal out. Surprise…surprise…but just like he did several days before, he pushed himself to eat in order to get the strength to keep the journey on. Getting sick was the last thing he ever wanted, especially in the middle of the forest on the mountain belly at present.

The disappearance of the sun made the air temperature dropped dramatically, certainly it's time for them to wear the jacket or getting themselves thicker clothes if they didn't want to die of shivering…the hot meal that turned to cold in just few minutes showed how crazy was the air can be.

"Do you still hear…" Jaka asked with caution."…her calls?"

The tense expression got in Lev face as he turned aside to see Jaka Hardiman.

"Not anymore…I think I lost her…" Lev shook his head. His mind suddenly went back to the time when he started to hear the call that meant by Jaka …the call of Vianka's voice…


It's been third day since the plane tragedy but BASARNAS, Indonesian National Seach & Rescue, still haven't found the precise location of the crash. Information from the air traffic control informed some changes from the forest at the feet of Mount. Salak to the cliff on the east side but still no one to be found...the remains of the victims had not returned as promised yet.

Lev had also contacted CHANNEL 7, the TV station of Vianka's workplace, to give him, and his family, any necessary information though he knew that the TV also had some of its source from the BASARNAS, which can't gave any new information more than he already knew. But it's worth to shot...

It wasn't hard for him to find a man in charge, the company that he works for was an associated program for the TV. They welcome him as their own relatives, from them he knows that she's been assigned with cameraman named Ucok. to cover Sukhoi's demo-flight. The man who made her assignment greets him, "My names Jaka Hardiman, I'm the supervisor here."

"I'm Lev, the brother of Listvyanka."

"So, I've heard. We're truly sorry for your sister, right now we still do the best we could for her"

"Is there any possibility for survivor?"

"We don't know yet but we always hope for the best until the evacuations over."

"Can I call you to get any information about the evac?"

"Have you contact CMC?" Jaka asked. "I believe they can give you more than us."

"Yes, I had!" Lev replied. "I just thought it will be better for us if we had many source."

"I supposed so. Just left your number then, I'll see what I can do," said Jaka as he gave his contact number to Lev.

Just like he said to Jaka, Lev already went to CMC, Crisis Management Centre, on day one when they set up their post at Halim-Perdanakusuma airport so every member of family of the victims could get information from evacuation progress. One of the volunteers, and probably the prettiest one, name Melly, serviced him well. She's very helpful though she looks tired as anyone else, "What your sister name again?"


The girl's eyebrow lifted, "Could you spell it for me?"


"Ah, here she is…Listvyanka Anggodo…yes, looks like your sister was on the plane. I'll put her name on the list and give you any information if I got news from crash site."

"Thank you. Can I give you my phone number so you can call me for it?"

"Sure…" Melly notes Lev's phone number and smiled. "…and I will give you mine. Just in case, because…you know…there are so many people here, I may not remember each one of them."

"Understood," Lev nodded his head.

His parent depended on him to find information about her. Actually, it would be a lot easier if they wanted to turn on the TV, but they're totally shocked ever since they heard about the tragedy, and bad news was something they won't expect. Mom couldn't stop crying, almost every day, and daddy became senile in sudden. The situation hurts them badly, especially dad because he's the one who encourage her to go with the plane, though he knew Vianka was scared to death to fly. He should give an advice differently, instead urged her to fly with that Russian's plane, which apparently one of his dream, not her. Their last conversation happened on the night before the tragic day. The girl came home in sullen and grumbles throughout dinner, made everyone wondering.

"Are you Ok at the office?" asked dad.

"Everything's perfect," she replied.

"Are ye sure?"

She sighed, "I have an ordered to flight tomorrow, a demo flight of Sukhoi which I've to cover the news."

"Sukhoi?" the old man face turned brightly. "Do you mean The Sukhoi?"

"Yup,dad! Seemed that they want to expanded their business in Indonesia, so there would be special event to conduct for the plane offering. One was the flight trial session."

"Really? And what plane will that be they've offered?"

"Dunno, some Super-Jet, if I'm not mistaken."

"Wow, that sound great!" Dad responded. "Do you know that plane is one of the fastest plane on earth? And the luxurious one as well."

"I've got the description, dad! I know…" she laughed."…don't treat me like I'm 7 years old who don't know a thing."

Daddy laughed, "I'm sorry my dear. But you're very lucky, you know that?"

"Why's that?" she asked without passion. "Because it's the fastest plane on earth?"

"Just imagine, many people in Indonesia want to fly in that aircraft but you've got the chance to ride it for free…"

"But,dad! You know how I feel to fly, don't you?" Vianka protested. "I hate it!"

"Why don't you give it a shot for once. I'm sure you will love it."

"Why? Because it some airlines from the country that you adore most?"

Dad shook his head, "No, because you have to realize if you don't fight it, it'll become the highest barrier. You, yourself told us that you want to made live report outside the country. Therefore, you've should take the chance right now. Ride that plane…"

"Err… I'm not sure daddy. Remember the last time I've taken a flight?"

"Yeah…you end up cries."

"Exactly," Vianka shook his head.

"But it was when you're six years old."

Vianka frowned, "Thanks dad for rememberinr me that!"

"If I could, I'd love to trade places to be on that plane. But that's impossible, isn't it?"

"Way not possible, dad!"

But now Lev wanted her to be stubborn, like she used to be. She could remain in her state not to flight with Sukhoi, for if she did she would stay alive still which certainly didn't make their parents miserable. If she did, she certainly would stay alive and remain on this table, early in the morning, to eat this damn stupid cereal – the dish that been stared by Lev for the last couple of minutes without passion – with him.

The morning newspaper just came, it lies on table now after he took it from the porch before prepared the breakfast. CMC Officers, Melly, had sent message to tell about the list of victims and their newly status has been release in this morning news. He still tried to texting Vianka or contact her number occasionally but there are no answered still. He knew the situation but somehow somehow he hopes there are miracles left for them, or maybe he just didn't know what else to dod besides waiting.

Waiting for almost two weeks without any clear information about her was very frustrating indeed. But finally, today, evacuation team came up with new progress from the crash site and he was curious to know. He opened the sheet of the newspaper with limp, seemed like he already knew what he's going to found out even before he read it, and the headline says..


Ignoring the explanation of the evacuation and the story about the evacuation team he skipped it to the second page that contained the list of victims who had been confirmed to be dead...his eyes searched from top to bottom...didn't hope to find her name...or at least she's there but only in the injured list. But some hope had to face the painful reality…there's no injured list, all victims confirmed to be dead or missing...and her name was on the number of thirty eight... written perfectly, Listvyanka Anggodo (25)...they also found her ID in the location to confirmed that's really her. She positively dead!

The uncertainty was no more eventually...his confusion about her condition for the past two weeks seemed to be over…his frustration of her was gone…but deep down in his heart Lev wondering why the hell everything looks so wrong?

He squeezed the newspaper into a chunk and throws it to the dining room's door. He clasped his face on a palm and cries out loud. His shoulder began to shake. He never cried throughout his life...almost, if the baby's period wasn't count, but this time…this time he's not able to stem his tears knowing what happened to his twin. They're inseparable, supposed to be, but death had snatched the sweet reality. That's cruel! Never comes to his mind that he had to live without her, maybe when they're old…about forty-fifty years from now…but it was surely not today…

Lev still remembered everything about her. Her face, her smile, her laughed, her silly jokes...and everything of her seemed so close. He couldn't stand the tears when he opened her wardrobe and sensed the smell of her fragrance on each clothes. He couldn't understand why everything still attached on it, just like the blue dress in the last row, which was the clothest she wore a week before, when she was on a blind date with a bureaucrat's fellow names Rio Iskandar. The date ended up horrible and usually she would look for him to talk, so she knocked his door in the middle of the night and calling his name, "Lev…"

Yeah…just like that…


He choked, wondered, the was Vianka's can that be?

The sounds was familiar, as well as he knew her voice by the time when he answered her phone call. But right now, it came from a near place.

"Lev ..." the voice calls once more.

That's certainly not coming from his head. He didn't seem merely misheard that because that appeared three times. The sounds were somewhere in these dining room, seemed like Vianka was really here, calling him from behind. He turned around but there's no one there. Lev wiped his eyes. Tried to listen to it carefully this time…but the voice was heard no more...