Every place in that abyss had searched. Anything that looks like some sort of cave or wide hole that could be used as a hiding place had noticed. Even if he had to reverse huge stone to see what lies beneath of it, he also done it. Unfortunately, Vianka still can't be found. Jaka Hardiman and Ridwan who helped him searching for almost two hours finally get tired. They sit on the ground and Lev continues his search alone.

While waiting for Lev to ends his quest, Jaka ordered Ridwan to make some few records as stock shot. It's something useful if programming section asked him to increased duration suddenly, so he should have more material to get along with the story line. They're doing it for almost an hours later when Lev finally give up and agreed to get back to the top of the cliff.

Jaka Hardiman feels sorry to see disappointment in Lev's face, "Reality is hurts. But it's the best knowing it."

Lev didn't answer, just nod, but he had no doubt for the calls. He really heard Vianka's voice. Her voice was so clear. He convinced she's still live. In unpleasant moment like this he missed her disturbing voice. She should've speak louder and told him where she was like she did at Halim when told him it's not her that lay in those coffin. Right now he's on the crash site…probably near her location to help her…Vianka should've give any signal or clues where she be.

Time to climb up is faster than it takes from way down, perhaps climb pegs that planted by Samsudin in the initial ascent stated a clear path, and they don't have to wait long like they do when the pegs were being placed. Time shows at 15.00 p.m when they stood on the top of the abyss.

Samsudin suggested to stays for one night when he sees everyone is exhausted from the whole day journey. Climbing up and down the gorge was too tiring for Jaka and the others, who almost got no experience in rock climbing…besides time's too tight…shortly, sundown will came up and he won't do the same mistake like they did the day before, reaching just halfway of the trip when night comes.

Finally, they spend the rest of the day in a tent. Jaka is busy with his laptop, typing some text on Microsoft Word and send it to net. His connection was not a problem because company gave him device that can reach remote areas such as this, so it wouldn't be problem for him to send news anytime and anyplace.

Ridwan spend his time with sleeping in a tent, wearing headphone and listening to his favorite music. Sometimes, snore was heard from the fat guy, showing that whole day activity he'd done was the toughest thing in his whole life. While Samsudin was unseen nowhere since they reach the top, but Lev is not bother to think about him and that's why he has no problem with his absence.

Lev approached the cliff, sitting cross-legged there, and smokes. He observing greens scenery that over lay on the base of the cliff. It's so quiet…occasionally interspersed by merrily snored of the starlings that moved its wings to perch from one branch to another. The rest of it…definitely peace and quiet…something he likes from this place. This kind of serenity usually popping various ideas unto his brain…ideas that drives him to write.

He's thinking for the chance of making movie about Sukhoi's crash. Some idea came to his mind…simple idea that could be develops into some good story. He'll write the screenplay as soon as he goes home and offered it to his office. His boss might be interested, and he'll dedicate his work for Vianka and all Sukhoi's victims.

"The view is something you can't see at Jakarta, am I right?"

Lev turned his head and saw Samsudin at behind, coming out from nowhere like a devil, before he even realize Samsudin was standing there, "But if you realized the truth about beautiful scenery…here or Jakarta…are the same. It hides its sore!"

"How's that be?" Samsudin asked, look interested, and sit when Lev offered him a cigarette. He took ones from the box and lit it up.

Lev smiled and sighed, "That green ravine reminds me of carpets in my house. It's very pretty because it is made with high-quality materials by the best craftsmanship. But when I was child, it was place to hide debris after swept the floor. It's effective and I'm sure mom wouldn't notice if some dirt is hidden below it."

"No one would have thought something bad was put under good thing, right? Similar as green ravine in here, the stretches of glamorous Jakarta and its light in the middle of the night was hiding prostitution, crime, and social violence, so anyone couldn't tell about painful stories that hide inside."

"Everything has its parts."

"Sure do. The problem is who's remembering this grief five years from now?"

"Families, of course…"

"Actually we want to forget it. It's too painful."

"If you want to forget, why you come here? It seems you can't accept her death."

"I'm here to prove I'm wrong. I've got to see with my own eyes there's no chance for her to survive."

"And what do you think after you seeing down there?"

"Angry, confuse, satisfies, you name it but it's all worth. If I don't do this, this feeling will haunt me for the rest of my life."

Samsudin keep his mouth shut, his brain digesting the words of Lev, puffing a smoke to the air, "I heard sarcastic jokes about Russian pilot who lowers the plane because he's surprised to see some fruit as big as mountain and therefore flying to close before hits the cliff…"

"Salak Mountain…" Lev nods. "Yeah…it comes from social network. That joke's cruel."

"For me, it's some misguided of our people," Samsudin said. "Did you know…the name of Salak ain't come from some fruit's name but from Sanskrit, our old language, Sallaca?"

"No, I didn't! Does that mean anything?"

"Silver! Ancient people call this place Silver Mountain, it always shrouded with fog that can't be predict when it comes and how long it will last. And the same fog I'd seen in you. Forgive me if I profound it so strictly but you're not being honest with me in firs time we've met."

Lev answers with a bland smile, "What can I say? People would think I'm crazy. I can tell you'll think like that if I told you about my hunch."

"I can see that you and your twin sister get connected with some telepathy. I don't say I thrust it or not but…no offence…we shouldn't be here at this time…it's too short from the accident period. The blood's still fresh."

"Is this has to do with something creepy that you've said last night?"

"This area was not supposed to be entered. It's territory of that dangerous creature."

"Dangerous creature? Are you saying there's snake or wolves here?"

"They were nothing compares to this creature…"

"What creature do you mean?"


"Cindaku?" asked Lev with confuse expression. "What the hell is that?"

"The tigers of King Siliwangi."

"King Siliwangi?"

Samsudin chuckles to see Lev's face that looked more confused, "No wonder! Youngster probably never heard about Cindaku. It's an ancient story which hide beneath this land..." he pointed around. "Before demolished by Banten in 1620, this land belongs to Padjajaran region which led by King Siliwangi. It's a common secret for West Java's people that Salak Mountain was central authority for the king. Although his empire destroyed, the opponent can't catch him. The enemy declare he's dead but his multitude knew he's disappeared, along with dozen of his royal members and family, some rumors said they swallowed by earth."

"I know the King is very powerful in magic and he's using it to perpetuating his reign. With his power he can control tigers that lived in this forest to become his personal guardian."

"You do hear the legend. The beast has no mercy and they're great in combats. One of the most feared named Khisima."

"Khisima?" Lev raised his eyebrows.

"You never heard about him?" he continues to explain when he saw Lev shook his head. His name's become famous throughout West Java when the King unites Padjajaran as one. They can't win the war without him. His spirit lies among the King's soldier and he help winning most of their battle."

"Tiger can do that?"

"He's just not a tiger. In fact, he's neither tiger nor human. He's Cindaku."

"Cindaku?" ask Lev.

"A phantom tiger, he's darker than a panther, two times faster than cheetah, two times stronger than lion and twice bigger than common tiger. He's bloodthirsty and often asked for sacrifice..."

"So what's that got to do with Sukhoi crashed?"

"Khisima was behind all of this. And if you notice, many planes fall in here."

"Yes, I've heard that. I also discussed it with Mr. Hardiman last night, but how can a tiger brought down a plane in the air?" Lev laughed sourly. "We're not saying the phantom tiger has a wing, right? Or he does? Like Griffin, myth creature from Greek?"

"I don't know what Griffin is, but I do know you shouldn't be laughing, anything could be done by supernatural creature…" Samsudin continues his talk. "…but it's unusual to believe in magic nowadays. Blaming on mechanical failure or pilot mistake became better option."

"If Khisima really exist, don't you thinks we better get out of here?" asked Lev. "The longer we're here the more unsafe we are. He's probably spying on us right now."

Samsudin gets off, waving the grass and dirt off his butt, and looked towards the sun that will touch west horizon in about next few minutes, "Can't do that! It's very risky to walk in the middle of darkness night. We could get lost. Staying here for a night is a better option."

"Are you sure?"

"Like I said, the blood's still fresh so let us hope everything all right."

"So I've heard. But I thought it's dangerous like you said and we should move away."

"Not that quite, I assume he won't attack so soon because he's full."

"Now you make him equal to a snake, as you know him well."

"I don't !" Lev responds quickly. "I just hope that monster will not hunt other rabbits that have been stand closed to him when he already find a lot before. Therefore, we could hold on for tonight."

"You're not very convincing," Lev commenting, his heart just like being stabbed when he hears Samsudin analogy, Vianka and other victim's as a glut of food while the rest of them as a rabbit who can go freely in this area because the phantom tiger loss its appetite for he's full. If he wasn't need to take them home, he would've strangles and threw him into the abyss but he chose to calm down and not to say anything, "But anyway, you're the one who knows better."

"I am!" he nods. "So, perhaps I have to prepare the dinner. It's time…"