In charge of murder

The feeling of helplessness and depression had made Noah notice the things that he didn't notice before and the things he was trying to not notice.

{when it comes down to it, in the end you can only depend on yourself not anyone else}

Noah would never forget this as long as he lived.

And the other thing that he wasn't trying to notice was about his relatives.

Thinking about them, Noah clenched his fist tightly, remembering how they treated him when he needed their help the most made his resolve to leave the house he was staying in became stronger.

There were still a lot of months for him to complete his highschool so he started writing his novel after a lot of thinking.

6 months passed by before he even noticed, the whole time he only thought about his novel without rest.

As it is his first novel, the first two month were used to write his novel in a way that the audience could understand easily.

After 6 month of hard work, he had at last achieved a little success in his novel.

The feeling of his work becoming successful had blown away all his depression and worries.

He was a loser in reality but becoming even a little successful in the thing that he liked had made him immensely happy.

'haha, let's keep writing like this shall we?'

Thinking to himself, Noah thought how he would be able to become independent after finishing his highschool.

Thinking that everything would go well in the future, he started writing his novel with a new found energy.

After two months.

In this time Noah had already started making enough money for his daily needs and more but he never used even a penny and stored it all in his bank account.

'when I am moving away from my aunts house I will be needing another house to stay'

Having these thoughts, he entered his classroom as usual.

The class went as usual without any problem. When the teacher left, he picked up his bag and started heading back to his home.

While walking down the stairs, Noah heard someone calling him.

"Noah! wait!"

Turning his head back, he saw the bully who kept picking on him, walking towards him with an expression full of worry.

"Come and meet Lawrence behind the school immediately, he is waiting for you."

Saying this, He started to move away in the opposite direction hurriedly. 

Lawrence was the leader of the bully group, with a high background. 

Noah could just clench his teeths and head towards where the bully told him to go. Resisting them now would not get him anywhere, Instead it would just worsen his situation.

But looking at the worried expression of the bully and feeling the tense air around him Noah kept getting an ominous feeling.

'I am still not at the level of those bully yet.....'

Noah wanted to resist but his strength wasn't up to the task.

These few years Noah had started exercising frequently to become a little more powerful but in front of the bullies bulky body, he couldn't do anything.

Walking through the silent corridor, Noah felt the ominous feeling just increase. 

Reaching at the destination, He could see something fallen on the groun in the long alley. 


The ground was bloodied fresh which Noah could tell just by seeing. While looking at the blood with a blank face, he followed the stains on the ground only to see a boy with black hair bleeding from his stomach. It was one of the bullies who kept drawing on his desk.

Noah's attention was so captured by the dead body that he didn't notice two people walking behind him. 

Sensing someone's presence behind him, he tilted his head a little to see backwards but suddenly something hit Noah's head from the side.

Feeling his view turning upside-down and the immense pain in the side of his head which made him want to hold his head and roll around But he couldn't move his body at all.

'what is happening....?'

The last thing he saw was two of the bullies looking at him with a face filled with restlessness. After that he lost consciousness.


Waking up, Noah looked around with a sombre face, he still felt numb all over his body.

Remembering what had happened at the end of his memory, his expression became focused again.

'those bastard!'

Swearing at them in his head, he tried moving his body.


When he tried to move his hand, he heard a clanging sound coming from the bed. Looking towards his hand, he saw a handcuff was connected to his wrist and the bed.

"w-what is the meaning of this?"

His voice started shaking because of confusion and being panic-stricken. He knew that those handcuffs belonged to the police so he got more and more confused about his situation.

Getting up and sitting in the bed, Noah looked around the room he was currently in. Seeing the white room and the medicine in the mirror case he found out that he was in a hospital right now. before he could even sigh in relieved.


The sound of the door opening rang out in the room.

A nurse had entered the room and stooped in her tracks after seeing Noah sitting in his bed.

heading out the door again, she walked in a hurry somewhere.


Noah tried to call out to her but the nurse had already run off somewhere.

'What the hell is really happening right now!?'

For some reason he felt that he must stop that nurse at all cost from her expression.

Waiting for a few minutes felt like eternity with how worried he was. Two people entered the room with the nurse again.

Looking at the figure in front of him, Noah's expression froze and he looked blankly at them.


Snapping out of my stupor, Noah glared at the police angrily.

"Why have you put a handcuff on me? I didn't commit any crime!"

"Well we will know that, for now you have been suspected of murdering your classmate. So you will have to come with us." The policeman started speaking in a cold voice. 

The police treating him in such a manner made Noah bewildered. 


"We have found a strong lead which is against you, so we have no other choice. Lets not waste our breath here. This has already reached the court with the assaultant family complaining. So you can save everything for then."

Saying this, he directly ignored Noah and started speaking with the doctor behind him.

"when can he be discharged?"

"You can take him right now, there isn't any problem with his body anymore"


Saying this the policeman called more police officers and ordered them to bring Noah to the police station to lock him up.