The witch


The carriage shook a little while it moved at full speed. 

The carriage interior was classy and refined, made with fine materials. Sitting upon the soft seat, with his back resting upon the cushions, Zick trained to increase his mana. 

'As I thought.....I won't be able to become a master swordsman within the first year of the academy.' With closed eyes, Zick thought to himself.

Two month ago, suddenly the dragon Lord's heart within his body stopped strengthening his mana and body. Instead it went into a strange state of hibernation. 


The beating sound of Dragon Lord's heart came from within Zick's body. It was slowly getting strengthened and was gaining more and more vitality. 

'It's circulating my blood all over the body like normal but it isn't strengthening it any more.....'

Zick could feel that this state of hibernation would last for a long time, but once it's over without a doubt its ability would be enhanced tremendously. 

'But it really is a let down.....' Opening his eyes, Zick looked out of the window. 

Zick was curious at what might happen to his body after he became a master swordsman but now he could only put this matter aside temporarily.

Zick could feel that without the dragon lord's heart support it would take him 2 to 3 years to reach the master level.

'Well it isn't anything urgent right at the moment....I already have battle strength reaching the peak of the master rank'

Thinking this, Zick gazed at the two dragon eggs opposite to him. He could even feel that the two dragon eggs would still take a while to hatch.

Only a few hours had passed since the carriage left the Melvix family's estate. The carriage did not take any detour even if a village appeared in front of it. It would go right through it proudly with the knights surrounding it.

There were around 25 knights guarding the carriage, There was one master swordsman and three peak rank knights, if Butler Von was taken into account then there are four people with peak rank strength guarding it.

The others were all high rank knights without exception, Butler Von sat besides the coachman in front of the carriage.

Taking out the diary in which he had written about the novel, Zick started going through it.

The academic city would be in a festive state right at the moment. This festival was to welcome the new students and at the same time it is for giving farewells to the students who finished their 3rd year so it would go on till the academy's admission ended.

The protagonist of the novel had already reached there, scouted by an officer one month before the admission ended. Which means he should be already present in the Academic city before Zick reaches there.

The protagonist of the novel 'the hero of velveric fights the demon lord's name was Aeiron, he didn't have a last name as he was an orphan.

According to the novel, Aeiron should be living in the dorms of the Academy. He would leave the dorms to see the festival going on randomly just like any city bumpkin, gawking at every new thing he saw.

Every student is given a badge as a proof of them joining the academy. With this badge it was possible to pass through most of the check points in the academic city.

It was even possible to use the train services for free using this badge so Aeiron was able to roam the city without any problem even while being dirt poor.

While roaming around the Academic city, Aeiron would meet two of his future harem members coincidentally. Their meeting wasn't anything special either, they just greeted each other as fellow students.

'This should probably not have changed.....'

Zick didn't know if he had already caused a butterfly effect which could have changed this.

'It doesn't matter to me but.....I should check how much the plot has changed after reaching there.'

Placing the book back in the space ring, Zick continued his training to increase mana. It would take around a week for him to reach the academic city so he didn't have anything else to do.

After a few hours, the carriage entered another small village.

While passing through the village square, Zick could hear the villager's voices out of the carriage easily.

"sleep soon or the witch would come to hunt you~"

Before collecting his senses back, Zick was able to hear the voice of a mother speaking in a loving and playful voice to its child.

'The witch.....'

Zick knew about it, the witch was one of the five disasters and she might also be the oldest among them. There are many story books about her, depicting her as an immortal being.

This was taken as a joke by the citizens of the first continent, but it can't be said to be the same for the people of the second continent.

The witch was presently in the second continent. She has been staying in that continent for centuries which led to the people of the first continent forgetting about her.

'She was also very weird...'

Zick knew a little about the witch as the protagonist of the novel, Aeiron had entered her territory mistakenly once while exploring the second continent in search for the other students of the academy.

The witch had the appearance of a young girl at the age of 12, she had blonde hair and red eyes. 

At that time the protagonist was already a master swordsman, in other words he had the strength of a peak master level because of the sun god blessing. 

There were two harem members along with him at that time. The witch was the first to start attacking using magic with a blank face. But for some reason Aeiron felt that she was holding back as he could see many openings in her attacks.

Even while Aeiron moved towards the witch at full speed she didn't move even an inch. Reaching in front of her, Aeiron performed a diagonal swing directly aiming for the witch's neck. 

After cutting the witch's head, Aeiron had a dazed expression on his face, he was able to see expectations in the witch's eyes before her head was cut off.

That's when an unbelievable sight entered Aeiron's vision. He could see the witch's head flying back to its body and rejoined perfectly like he had never cut her head off in the first place. It only took two seconds for all this to happen. 

The witch still had a blank look on her face but what it said next was filled with disappointment.

{''So even the person who has a god's blessing can't kill me...."}

Before anyone could say anything, the witch waved her hand slightly. With just that, Aeiron and the two harem members were thrown out of her territory at a speed which was impossible to react. 

They had at least flown a few kilometres before starting to slow down, Aeiron had many of his bones broken. The two harem members were in an even worse state than him, their limbs were twisted in a direction they should never have been, but still they were somewhat alive. 

Both of them would have died if not for the defensive items on them, They were both healed by Aeiron afterwards.

'It would have been nice if they just died.....'

Zick couldn't help but think this as Searre was among them. Throwing this out of his head, Zick gazed out of the carriage while still training to increase his mana.