Dagger and scythe

Circulating aura in his long sword, Vertel performed a horizontal swing. His sword was moving slowly, albeit with a significant amount of strength in it. 

The aura had turned into a spear the moment Vertel finished his swing.

It was a spear that seemed to never end.

The green aura coming out of Vertel's fingertip was extremely long, The piercing mana slice performed by Zick at high rank was laughable in front of this aura spear.


The aura spear sprung forward swiftly, before anyone could have noticed. It had already reached the cyclop running in the front.

Without being able to react, the cyclop was pierced in half easily. The aura spear dimmed a little but it did not lose its momentum. 

The cyclops behind the one that was cut in half were also not able to react and were cut in half immediately. Only the fifth cyclop was able to react a little.

The fifth cyclop moved to the right trying to dodge the aura spear, but it was still a little late. The aura spear cut its left hand and continued heading towards the forest but it slowly lost its rigorousness and vanished in thin air.


The cyclop screamed at the top of its lungs feeling immense pain. The aura had invaded its body, violently destroying its innards. Its fate was already sealed the moment the aura entered its body, it was death.

The aura spear had pierced five Cyclops which had high physical resistance easily before vanishing. This just goes to show the abysmal difference between a master swordsman and a peak rank knight.

And Vertel could also compress the aura spear he just made and use it with his sword, This would just increase its potency.

The shadows of the dead Cyclops extended and formed black human silhouettes.

Slowly the shadows became assassins clad in black. their whole body was hidden by their black dress excluding their eyes. Without hesitating they sprung towards the knight's group.

'They are targeting the knights....' While Vertel thought this.

The four master assassins started moving in earnest. Two of them headed towards Zick and Vertel from the forest.

While the other two master assassins headed towards the carriage where Anelete and Anastasia were currently in. They directly ignored the demihuman and priest group.

If one was not able to follow them with their eyes, they could only see two shadows moving at an incredible speed.

''Uncle Jerg! please go help lady Analete, I will take care of things here nya~!" Serlece spoke with an urgent expression to Jerg.

''Guh! make sure you don't do anything reckless and get hurt." Jerg had a grimacing expression as he said this.

"Yes!" Serlece responded vigorously.

Getting off his horse, Jerg started running back to the carriage at full speed. All the demihumans and priests were not surprised by this as they were used to it.

A dust cloud rose as Jerg ran in his four limbs, he had headed towards the Melvix family's knight to help them ordered by Analete. But He knew his priorities so he chose Analete above someone he didn't know.

The Mendert merchant group had decided to move from the Pheorous kingdom so all of its mercenary group was present right at the moment.

They had five people in peak rank with them. There was only one peak rank knight as they were rare in the Pheorous knight which excel in magic.

Leaving the knight there was a peak rank mage and three demihumans having peak rank strength. Other than that there were 12 sun god priests, 15 high rank mages and 20 demihumans with high rank strength.

From this, two peak rank demihumans, ten high rank demihumans, two priests, five high rank mages were protecting Analete, but it was not enough to stop two master assassins.

With Jerg heading to intercept the two master assassins, Serlece took command and moved forward.

'This!' Vertel frowned, feeling Jerg moving away.

''Young master Zick-" Turning towards Zick, Vertel tried saying something but was cut off by Zick.

"I can take care of a master assassin myself." Zick spoke with a deadpan expression not revealing any of his emotions.

''No, it's dangerous here, retreat while I keep the two master assassins occupied." Vertel spoke this firmly but after a second his eyes widened.

'He was able sense they were master assassins? that should be impossible for him.' Vertel stared at Zick with disbelief written all over his face.

To Vertel, Zick was just a peak rank knight as there were still mana nerves in Zick's body.

'He must have probably made an assumption seeing me acting like this.' Vertel calmed himself down thinking otherwise.

"That wouldn't change a thing, their target is me so without a doubt they will kill me after finishing you." Zick answered back calmly.

'I can reveal some of my strength, it doesn't really matter. The more people know about my strength, the less problems that will arise in the future...' 

[thought acceleration] was still active so his thinking process was still fast.

'I know that I have reached the peak of the master rank but I never got to check it out properly till now. I should see where my strength stands properly by fighting this master assassin.'

Seeing Vertel going to speak again, Zick concentrated upon him.

"that-" Vertel's words were cut off as he had to dodge the small spike flying towards him. his eyes widened when he looked at the spike coated in green liquid.

"Don't let the spike pierce your skin!" Vertel urgently ordered the knights.

But the next moment a dagger flew towards Vertel's at an incomparable speed than the spike. 

Even Vertel couldn't react to it immediately, strengthening himself with aura, he was able to bend his body to the side and dodge it at hair's breadth.

"I shall be your opponent." An emotionless voice reached Zick and Vertel.

The two master assassins had already arrived in front of them. They were both dressed in black just like the other assassin. One held daggers in each of his hands and the other one held a scythe. Both the scythe and dagger were enhanced with magic.

"Urgh!'' ''urgh!"

Some of the spikes thrown by the peak rank assassin were able to hit high rank knights. But Vertel kept his attention upon the master rank assassin not getting distracted.

''Food!'' ''meat!''

The Cyclops had also reached the group within this time. 

Spinning the dagger in his right hand, the master assassin dashed towards Vertel. His figure vanished momentarily and reappeared in front of Vertel, he swung his dagger vertically from down aiming at Vertel's neck.


Vertel parried it easily using his sword. but the assassin didn't stop and kept swinging his dagger at him but Vertel kept parrying the dagger easily.

"What a waste of time, you are just trying to buy time." saying this, Vertel started using his aura.

But suddenly two black balls were thrown towards him. 

Seeing those balls heading towards him, Vertel hurriedly made distance between himself and the assassins with a solemn look.

Zick also moved aside quickly from the area.


A huge explosion occurred.

There were only a few knights who got hit by this explosion as they had already moved away when Vertel and the master assassin started fighting. But the Cyclops had already arrived and they were rampaging there right at the moment. There were already many casualties, most of it was done by a peak rank assassin.

''Heh! did you think I did not come prepared? I am going to keep you occupied as long as it takes.'' The master assassin fighting against Vertel kept sneering at him mockingly.

"....." The assassin supporting the scythe in his shoulders moved towards Zick without saying a thing.