Shivial family's mansion

Standing in front of the gate, Seveleen looked at the person who had helped her sister. She couldn't feel his presence at all, it was almost like he didn't exist. This could only mean one thing.

He was stronger than her.

A mage's way of sensing other's strength was different. The mana filled with their 'will' were like an extension of their senses which helps them to sense other people.

To a high rank mage, their 'will' filled mana extended up to 50 metres. But Seveleen wasn't able to sense Zick's presence in her perception no matter how much she tried.

Seveleen didn't even have to think for long to deduce who he was. She figured it out almost immediately.

'Zick Melvix'

Just from his noble clothes and appearance, She was able to tell who he was.