The Felharo desert

Zick changed his clothes to a comfortable shirt and pants, then continued training in his aura.

Zick only went down once to eat his dinner, it was stew with many side dishes. After that he trained till midnight before starting to sleep, laying upon his new king size bed. 

In just a few hours, Zick woke up from his slumber. Feeling that it was still in the middle of the night, he could only try to fall asleep again.

'I want to sleep more...' To Zick sleep was a means to pass his time but his body wouldn't allow him to sleep for long. 

Seeing that he couldn't fall asleep, Zick sat crossed leg on the bed and started training. There was still a lot of time before the administrative centre of the academy opened.

They usually start working from early hours in the morning as there are just too many people who try to get admitted at this time of the year.

Zick started thinking about the academy while still training in his aura.