Experiment result

One day before the academy classes began.

Two days passed by quickly with Zick focused on his experiment.

The evening's orange sunlight dimly entered Zick's room through the windows.

Feeling disappointed at the result of today's experiment, Zick sat on one of the couches of his room. 

'[Thought acceleration]' Casting this magic upon himself, Zick started thinking about the experiment he performed upon the two slaves in his basement.

'In the end, It was a total failure.....'

Unfortunately Zick's experiment on trying to alter a person's memory had hit a wall from the beginning.

This experiment was not carried out blindly. Zick had already thought of many situations that might occur while carrying out these experiments, but the result was still a failure.

By aiming at the Hippocampus of the brains of the slave which held all the memory, Zick tried to alter their memories a little.

The whole process was very hard, just a little carelessness could lead to the slave's death.