Everlor headquarter

Zick couldn't help but keep considering the made-up story he told Ovelon. He couldn't find any flaw right now, but there was still a chance of others finding out. 

No plan or scheme was perfect, there was always a chance of failure. It could be a coincidence, carelessness, or a mistake, many factors together lead to a surprising outcome.

Like the current situation.

Originally, Zick planned on using the information of a secret hidden by the alchemy tower to make a deal with Uthyen. He had thought of many ways to convince and proves it's validity to Uthyen but it had all gone to waste. 

Ovelon a high-rank member of the Everlor organization, coincidentally had a meeting with Uthyen today. It can't be said as a total coincidence because many factors pointed out that there was a chance of this happening.