Acquiring what he wanted

After waking up Varine was interrogated by a member of the Everlor organization immediately, not even having the chance to understand the situation. 

The higher up of the organization didn't have much expectation from the beginning. Varine was just 12 years old so the information they could get was limited. 

They didn't have to resort to using torture as a simple truth-telling potion was more than enough. 

Varine was still a normal human being, her body couldn't resist the truth potion in the slightest. 

As the organization had expected, there was nothing beneficial in the information they gathered. 

Just when they were thinking of reselling Varine to any of the alchemy towers, Ovelon, a red-ranked member came and took her away saying he got interested in her. 

Even the interrogator who tortured others for information was filled with pity towards Varine. He knew about Ovelon's personality, which was akin to a drug addict.