Let the world be covered in death

Six days later.

In the training room.

Zick looked at the huge humanoid golem before him. It was made of silver-colored metal and even had four thick hands. Its height was three meters.

It absolutely looked intimidating with its height and master-rank aura. 

Zick slowly warmed his body while circulating the aura around his body in a certain rhythm. Dark black matter danced around him. He was currently not wearing the eye patch, exposing his demonized eye. 

Zick's body had become the vessel that held his aura, this showed that he had broken through to master swordsman rank. And with the density of his aura, it was apparent that he had walked further into it, reaching mid-master rank. 

With a metallic grunting sound, the four-arm golem before him activated. It readied its four arms to attack Zick at any moment. 

Looking at this, Zick was unfazed, he didn't even bother unsheathing his sword.