Collecting apex-grade mana crystals

The next day.

After playing with Arianell for a while, he put her to sleep. More than play, he was teaching her how to read and talk most of the time. For now, he just read some old storybooks to her. 

Zick fed her some good food prepared by the golems in the lab along the way. He was surprised to learn of the existence of such a golem, but it was understandable. 

It was created by the alchemist for convenience purposes. 

And as he had thought, Arianell was timid for some reason. 

'Are all dragons timid at an early age?' This was the only explanation Zick could think of. 

But Zick was sure of one thing, Arianell was quite prideful. Even when Yuriel talked to her, Arianell outright ignored her. 

Arianell only responded to Zick and stuck closely to him. 

Putting her to sleep, Zick started to head toward the teleportation circle. And of course, he was wearing an eye patch made by Yuriel.