Dungeon cleared

Heading back to the dream world, Zick suddenly received notification of Varine and the others entering a dream realm, also known as a dungeon, for the people with the system. 

Being the administrator, Zick decided to look at their action, through the system.

Instantly a screen appeared before him, showing the live-action of Varine, even though he was traveling in the middle of nowhere in space. 


[Dungeon beginning] 

[The time of purification required to vanquish the dream realm: 20]

[Quest needed to be completed to purify the dungeon: Wolf's tear.]

[ 1. Kill the rose sword.

2. Save the noble women of baron rellen.

3. Save yourself.]

'Huh? Save yourself?' Varine grew confused looking at the completion requirement. 

Just as she recovered consciousness, A searing pain suddenly traveled through her waist. 

"Argh!!!" Not being ready, Varine screamed in a man's voice.