For The Sake Of Informtaion

(Note: Perseptive of Kuro)

The student managed to get back up, though he staggered a bit.

"You guys really saved me…"

Actually, I didn't do much. All credit goes to Amy. If she didn't get involved, I would have still been relaxing underneath the tree.

"It's fortunate you're still conscious." I said.

The student held his side, still in a bit of pain. His injuries had been healed, but the pain would linger for a while.

"I know. They beat me pretty badly. Knowing how they operate; they'll be back for me some other time." He looked at the ground, regret in his eyes, "I'm sorry that you guys had to come help me. Now they'll be after you too. If they don't find a way to sabotage you, they'll resort to violence."

Yup. It was a bad situation. I was trying to avoid something like this. However, there was no reason to fret about it now. Everything had already been said and done.

"What did you do to make them mad?" Amy asked the student.

"Nothing really. You see, I have connections to lots of information regarding tests and stuff. They're always using me so they can cheat. But they are always mean and picking on me. So I finally stood up to them."

Clearly, it didn't go well. Still props to him for being brave.

He has information connections, huh.

This was one thing that really stuck out to me. It could be beneficial if I could get some information regarding tomorrow's exam.

I could use this current set of events to my advantage. This student had a problem, and so did I.

I needed info, and he needed a way to deal with his bullies. There was a way we could both benefit.

This student's name was 'Yuji' if I remember correctly. At least, that's what the lead bully had called him.

I addressed Yuji by name, then spoke to gain his trust.

"Well, Yuji. Maybe I can help you."

"You can? No please don't. I fear they'll actually hurt you."

I ignored his concern and handed my phone to him.

"No need to worry. Here, give me your number. I'd like to talk to you later on. If that's okay."

Hopefully, I didn't come off as too demanding.

Yuji nodded, entering his contact information. Once done, he returned my phone.


"I'll give you a call later."

"For sure. Again. Thanks." Yuji thanked the both of us, then stated that he had somewhere to be. He left, headed for the direction of the library.

Most likely, he was probably going to study. 1st-years weren't the only ones who had to take exams at the beginning of the year. The same thing applied to 2nd and 3-rd years, though their exams were less harsh.

Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Amy, still holding the side of her face where she had been hit.

As I made eye contact she looked away. I understood what she was thinking. She was feeling let down due to the fact I didn't step in until she was hurt.

I admit, it was a fault on my part. Amy did well. Because of this encounter, I was now in possession of Yuji's phone number. He could be a valuable asset to me, in terms of info.

I gently placed my hand on Amy's face.

"Stay still." I said.

My hand lit up with a green haze, the mark on her cheek completely vanished. Now, she wouldn't have to worry about the bruising later on.

"Oh…Thanks…" she said.

"You know. That was a brave thing you did. Standing up to those bullies."

"I suppose." Her line of sight drifted toward the grass, as if she was remembering something from her past, "It's just, I hate seeing people in hopeless situations. If I was him, I also would've wanted someone to help me."

So, that was the kind of person she was. Not that I couldn't tell before. She would jump in at any given time to help someone in need. Very brave. I don't think I could ever reach that level of mindless courage. That way of acting could make things worse in some cases. Jumping in without fully understanding the situation was something I would never do. Too many risks and too many possible outcomes.

"I aspire to be like you." I complimented. Though it wasn't true.

"Y-you do?" the look on her face brightened. She cleared her throat, "Koff. W-well. I do wish to be an outstanding mage some day."

Good for her. I believe she could make it.

I patted her on the back, "I'm going to head to my dorm. I'm a bit tired."

Truth be told, I just wanted some time to ponder a course of action, regarding my motives at the academy.

"But, it's barely after-noon." said Amy.

" I guess I'm just a lazy person."

"Alrighy, then. See you later? Or tomorrow."


That next Morning.

I was on my way to the gymnasium, where Alicia, the headmaster's secretary, would explain today's exam. Along the way there, I bumped into Yuji.

He looked to have some great news.

"Hey. Everything worked out great. What exactly did you do? Fudo and his underlings came to my dorm a while ago to apologize."

"I didn't do much. I happen to be skilled in speech. All I did was make them realize their faults."

I lied. As for what I really did, I didn't feel like going into detail.

"..Ah. You must be extraordinary at talking. I can't believe Fudo actually listened to someone." Yuji appeared to believe it. The mood grew a bit serious as his lips unfolded another sentence. "Listen. I know why you really decided to help me."

"I don't know what you mean." I replied.

"You helped me for your benefit. You did it for the sake of information, right?"

I wasn't exactly sure how he could tell, but he definitely had sharp instincts. Right on the money.

"Ah. Looks like you got me." I admitted.

Of course, I already knew he suspected me from the beginning. I also knew he wouldn't mind, since it would benefit him as well. In the end, we both got what we wanted. No complaints on either side.

"Was the information useful?" Yuji asked.

"It was." I nodded.

I had stayed up all night, studying the details of the exam, provided by none other than Yuji. He really proved himself to be the king of info.

"Well anyways. I gotta go. Catch you later." said Yuji, waving goodbye.

He left for 1st period.

Next up, the explanation of the exam.

I walked through the gymnasium doors. Alica was already up on the platform, speaking on all the details.

Looks like I arrived a little late.

Though, it didn't matter much. I already knew everything now.