My Campus Life Begins

The end of the week finally came. Everyone got their exam results.

Some students passed, and some were unfortunately kicked from campus. Out of the 840 first-year students, only 320 passed. This was a good example of how harsh the requirements were to be here. Only the best of mages would prevail. Luckily, I was one of the few who passed.

Here I was, looking up on the scoreboard, containing the names of all the students who passed. My name wasn't at the top, nor was it at the bottom. It sat perfectly in the middle at #160.

[160# Kuro Kuragari]

Not too far below me was Amy, sitting at #142

[142# Amy Lynnox]

Officially, I could call myself a student of this academy. I expected to feel a lot more accomplished, but nothing really changed.

Zander's whit-haired presence stood right next to me, his eyes scanning the board.

"Ah. Looks like I was wrong. I'm not first-place Afterall."

I didn't doubt his skill, but from the beginning, it was already clear that he wasn't going to be at the very top. In a place like this, there's bound to be some pretty skilled people. Still, Zander was pretty close to number 1.

[#4 Zander Lennai]

Our places on this scoreboard meant a lot. These were our student rankings. For now, I was content with where I stood. However, if the time came where I needed to rank up, it would be a challenge. There was a lot of competition between me and the higher numbers. It wouldn't be an easy task.

I turned to Zander.

"Are you disappointed you didn't get the spot you wanted?" I asked.

"Not at all. This just means I'll have to work harder. And man, that'll be fun." he focused on the name that held first place, "I'm excited at the thought of great rivals."

[1# Kura Izanagi]

Whoever they were, they'd be the pose the greatest challenge in terms of ranking. Definitely the kind of person the rest of the students would all despise and praise alike.


The bell rang as the clock hit 7 A.M

It was time for class.

( Room #30 )

I arrived at my assigned homeroom, which was located on the third-floor of the first-year building. Upon walking in the classroom, I recognized a few of familiar faces. Some of which were on my team during the entrance exam.

Sitting in the back was Airi, a slim brown-haired girl. Next to her was a student with spiky black hair. His name was 'Hunter' if memory serves right. He was also the guy I owe a months' worth of lunch to.

Last but not least, there was Amy, sitting on the right side of the room. As soon as she saw me, her expression lit up with a smile. The desk next to her was unoccupied, so I chose that as my seat. The moment I sat down, she began speaking to me with an exited tone.

"Oh my gosh. I'm so happy. We're actually in the same class. What are the chances? We'll be able to hang out and talk now."

"I know, right."

Before long, a man walked in, who I assume was the teacher.

Styled tan hair and green eyes. He was dressed in a suit, his face showed a slothful expression, like he had just woken up.

"I apologize If I'm looking a little half-dead today. I haven't had my morning coffee yet."

He sighed, before standing in front of the class.

"In case you haven't guessed already, I am your guys' Professor. Luis Canmore."

In his hand was a paper that he began silently reading over, silently.

"Hm." His sight shifted over to the students, "I admit. This year's class look very promising. I'm impressed already. Most of you passed with a grade of ninety or higher. And the scores for your mana reserves are all fairly average. However, there's one of you in particular that worries me." His green eyes shined as he looked directly at me, "Kuro Kuragari."

I became surrounded by many silent stares from each of my classmates. Without much context, it was hard to understand what the Professor meant. But, judging the look on his face, I'd say he was disappointed by me being here.

What's this about?

"Did I do something wrong?" I asked.

"No. Not at all." The Professor squinted to see me in the back of the class, "There's just one thing. Out of the history of this academy, you are the first with a mana capacity of 45 to be accepted. Usually, the students here are at least fifty-five and above."

To summarize this, he meant my mana capacity was below average.

On a scale, 100 equals a phenomenal level of mana.

50 equal's average. If you're mana capacity I below, that's when you're considered a failed mage.

I understood the Professor's point of view. In theory, someone who has a mana capacity of 45, like me, would only be able to cast a few spells before they become exhausted.

Professor Luis carried on with expressing his thoughts.

"To be frank, I already don't care much for you. Nor do I expect any impressive results for you." By this point, he walked his way over to my desk then placed his hands on it. Leaning forward, he finished, "The way I see it, it's just not possible for you to be successful in magic. Yet, I can't just expel you for no reason. So, here's what's going to happen. If you show even the slightest sign of being defective, I will label you unfit to be at this academy. Now, will you prove me wrong? Or will you turn out to be just as I predicted?" He was nearly glaring into my soul.

Well, this was a compelling way to begin my first day in class. I didn't do anything wrong and my instructor already hated me.

After this, Professor Luis returned to the front of the classroom. He went on to begin the first lesson of the semester. He dragged a piece of chalk across the blackboard, writing out a long and complex magic equation. It was an equation that only an expert of spells could solve. It was an advanced magic sequence for long range spells.

"Now. Which one of you would like to come up here and solve this?"

Naturally, a few of the students pouted. This was already going to be a difficult class.

Student after student gave their answered, but all of them answered incorrectly.

Was the equation really that difficult? I already had the answer to this equation in mind. Being the center of attention was sone thing I hated, so, I remained silent and seated.

Soon, I became the only one who hadn't attempted to solve it. As everyone's eyes gazed on me, I felt practically forced to.

"Show me what you got." said the professor.

"...Alright." My footstep brought me to the front of the class. My hand grabbed the chalk and I scribbled on the board. I had completely crossed out the entire equation.

You see, this equation was written in a way that made It much more complicated than it really was. Of course, the professor intended to do this. It was to test our understanding of magic.

"The way this equation was written, it's not meant to be solvable. That's if you're looking at it at face value," I re-wrote the equation across the blackboard, this time in a simplified way, "Here. It makes more sense this way."

All of my classmates showed the whites of their eyes, surpassed by what I did. Their eyes were no longer fixated on a complicated equation. Now, everyone in class understood the right answer.

"Um. Can I go back to my seat now?" I asked.

When I was put on the spot for too long, my body usually grew anxious, just as it did now. Moments like this always felt awkward, especially when nobody was saying anything.

Professor Luis kept a view on me as he spoke.

"I admit. You really surprised me. That question was supposed to fool the entire class." The way he looked at me, it was like he was re-evaluating my appearance. Like he realized something about me. Well, that's what it felt like, "At the very least, I'll give you credit for realizing what I was doing. However, it's going to take a lot more than that to change my opinion on you."

When he was done with his remark, I returned to my seat.

Class continued. The professor went on to hand us thick booklets, which contained information about the academy. Everything from rules to principles were mentioned. There was even a map of the campus, with each area labeled. This would be handy for learning how to navigate this place.

"Make sure you study these thoroughgoingly. The information mention in this booklet is vital to improving your place in the rankings." said Professor Luis, "You are all dismissed. I will see you all again on Monday."

Class was fully short. This was the way it worked at this academy. The first day was half day, meant for introductions and such. Yet, the Professors name was the only one I learned. As far as my fellow classmates went, I only knew 3 of them.

I rose up, leaving the room after everyone else.


Later that day, I met up with Amy by the front of the library.

She had summoned me here via text message. Thought, she didn't specify what she wanted to speak to me about. As I approached her figure sitting under a tree, she jumped up, seemingly happy to see me.

"Oh, Kuro. You're here."

She was the one who called me here, but she sounded as if she was surprised to see me.

"Yeah. You sent a text for me to meet you here." I replied.

"Right. I know." her gaze was downcast with her hands behind her back. She was avoiding eye contact; and her face was a little red-Ish.

"So, what did you need?" I asked.

"I don't want this to sound weird, but would you like to come with somewhere?"

"It's only weird if you don't specify were."

"It's this restaurant downtown. I was hoping we could grab a bite or something."

The sky was darkened as the sun began to set. It wasn't exactly the ideal time to head to the city. It would be nightfall by the time we made it there. There also weren't any busses running at this time, so this would leave us walking. I, for one, didn't really feel like going on an adventure.

"It's getting pretty late. Can't we go some other time?" I asked.

"But, you're already here." Amy pouted.

"Think about it. No busses are running right now. Do you really feel like walking all that way?"

"I mean... Not really." She saw my point, "You're right, I guess."

Judging from the body language a while ago, I could tell that there was something she really wanted to talk about.

I suggested a different place we could go and talk. The library. It was probably the best place we could go. The relaxing atmosphere would make it an easier place to converse. Amy agreed to this idea. And so, we headed there.

Once there, we found a quiet place at the back of the library. As soon as we were seated, Amy got straight to the point, her eyes stared into mine.

"Kuro. Form pact with me."

A pact. That was serious request. Usually, only people who know each other from pacts, but me and Amy were still basically strangers. There still weren't many things I knew about her. This went both ways. I knew for a fact she didn't know anything about me either.

So, what made her want to form this pact?

"You do know what you're asking, right?" I questioned.

"I do And I understand how serious it is. I'm ready for that."

A pact was something similar to a magical contract. Upon making an agreement through the pact, both parties would receive mark on their bodies. If either one of them were to go against the terms of the agreement, they will have to endure major consequences.

To go to such a length, I assume she read the rules of this academy well. And she likely understood them. There were all kinds of ways to increase your ranking. For one, you could duel against someone. If you are victorious, you will rise by a good amount. If someone challenges you, it's your right to decline them. If you're an obstacle to your enemies, they will find other ways of getting you out of the way. And there were lots of routes this could be accomplished.

"When Monday comes, that's when the real problems start. It will basically be a free for all." said Amy, "Everyone will be out to sabotage each other."

And only the smart ones will join groups and crush their enemies together. To truly grow, you needed valuable people by your side. Friends. People you could pour all of your trust in. I could see what Amy was getting at.

"So, you want to form an alliance." I replied, "I guess that makes sense."

Amy stared at me, holding her breath, waiting for an answer.

Here was my response.

"I'm all for it. It wouldn't hurt to start gathering valuable people early on."

"S-so, you'll do it then? You'll form a pact with me?"

We made our agreement and put out hands together. After chanting the incantations, our bodies lit up in a purple haze. As the light faded, a mark became clear on Amy's palm. This was spoof of our pact.

There was only a single rule to this agreement: Do what benefits us.


I came back to my room in the dormitory. I walked in and flipped the light switch on. Instead of the room being lit up, it remained dark. My guess was that the lightbulb gave out. Who know how long it was being used prior to me arriving at this academy.

"First thing in the morning, I'll let the office know." I muttered.

I got comfortable, taking off my shoes. When approaching my nightstand, something caught my attention. There was closed envelope, with the letter K written in red ink. My hand pulled out the letter than was inside. It was hardly a letter, it looked like a bunch of random letters, numbers and symbols. That was just at first glance, but I knew better. There was a secret message.

In seconds, I was able to decipher it.

The message came out to something along the lines of this:

[Remember: Follow orders. I didn't agree to get you into the academy for nothing. In exchange for providing, you with knowledge, I expect you to do as I say in return. For now, I don't need anything. However, that may change very soon.

P.S You should know something. This academy has many dark secrets. Many many dark secrets. Be careful, you never know what might happen]